Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Tsuyoi P.O.V.

After the introduction, my phone started beeping, I flicked it open and saw that there were THREE big beeping dots on the screen of the phone. I looked to my captain, he gave me permission with a nod of his head. I ran out of the room, sticking my soul candy in my mouth, I was free out of my gigai. I ran towards where the beeping was and came across a empty park. From the skies I could see...three menos grande, it shouldn't be too bad. I unsheathed my sword.

"Disperse Honoo." I spread my hand over my zanpakuto sliding my hand across from the hilt to the tip of the blade. My sword burst into flames, as I tossed the flames to the menos grande. It gave a scream as the flame cut it open. It disappeared into dust. I used my zanpakuto to block a cero that could've obliterated me to pieces. I tossed the cero roughly away from me targeting another menos that too burst. I sliced the menos that shot the cero, into two.

"Not bad for a soul reaper." I heard a voice whisper from behind me. I felt the rush of air from behind behind me and without moving my body I put my zanpakuto behind me blocking whatever was going to hit me. I struck away from the hand that I felt hit me, jumping aside I faced who my new opponent was. Adjuchas! No way! How did it get here! There were two. I gripped my zanpakuto tighter. Remembering what my captain said, was that they were a higher class of the menos grande. One of them had the body of a fast animal-like cat, while the other a scorpion.

The scorpion-like adjucha ran towards me with such speed I'm glad I flash-stepped fast enough to the side. It ran towards me as it's pincers reached for my face. I blocked with my zanpakuto so all it had in it's pincers was my zanpakuto. My eyes widened as it's tail whipped around and tried to strike me. I jumped in the air, it barely missing me. I took away my zanpakuto from it's pincers and jumped back. I felt something hard hit against my back. I turned around to see what had hit me. I knew it wasn't the scorpion because he was right in in front of me. It was the other adjuchas who had slammed its tail against my back, I fell forward but as I did I turned around and chanted "Blue fire, Crash down!" Even though i wasn't good at spells, this one I excelled especially in. A burst of blue light sprang forth from my hand that wasn't holding my zanpakuto. It hit the adjuchas squarely in the chest. It burst into dust, then noticing that I didn't have anything breaking my fall, I tried to turn around towards the ground but the scorpion adjuchas clashed it's tail with my zanpakuto as it jumped after my spell was shot from my hand incinerating the other adjuchas.

The force that the scorpion hit me with was too much sending me down even faster. Damn! I thought. I put too much energy into that last blast! There was one option, using an incantation that would work but it would take too much time! I was flying closer to the ground so it's too risky if I put more pressure onto his tail. Only one option. Cut it. I was reaching for the slice when something appeared beside me. No way! Another adjucha! Damn! The distraction was too much, I could feel myself reaching the sidewalk that was below me. The adjuchas that was beside me raised it's paw-like hand to strike me down. I pulled my zanpakuto away from the tail of the scorpion, and sliced off the arm of the adjuchas that was beside me.

As I did I felt something sharp pierce my stomach. I gritted my teeth to clench away the pain, and saw that the scorpion's tail had drove itself into my stomach. I coughed as the scorpion released away it's tail, blood sprang forward. I jumped away ignoring the pain that was burning in my stomach and clutched my zanpakuto breathing heavily. The adjuchas that I sliced off gave a scream, holding out it's cut hand.

"Master, you are not well to fight." Honoo my zanpakuto said to me. "I know," I replied back to her, "I'm almost done." I didn't see the scorpion disappear and appear right beside me, it's sharp pincers placed at my throat.

"Scatter Senbonzakura," I saw a wave of pink and the smell of flowers float around me. I noticed that the scorpion was trembling so much that the last thing it gave me before the pink wave swallowed it was a sharp cut close to my neck. It wasn't fatal, but it could be if I don't get help soon. I saw the last adjucha with the lost arm charge at me. I tossed to it my small zanpakuto, it was stabbed close to where I anticipated the heart would be, and it too burst. After a while, I turned around and saw Byakuya standing behind me a couple feet away holding the hilt of his zanpakuto.

The flood of pink I saw earlier slowly began to form the blade on his zanapkuto, then the pink disappeared leaving the blade silver. I tried to control my heavy breathing, so he wouldn't see how weak I was. He walked closer to me. At his presence, I stood up taller so that I would match his level of strength. I turned away from facing him.

"Why did you come?" I asked refusing to look at him. I felt his eyes burn through my body as he replied,

"Your squad was sent for back up as soon as I heard, not only were there were menos grandes here but adjuchas as well." I heard another beeping coming from my phone. Flipping it open I saw even more dots appear! But relaxed as they slowly disappeared...what were the adjuchas doing here? I slowing down? I asked myself, because Byakuya was right next to me now.

"I didn't need your help." I said stopping in my tracks. He looked at me squarely in the face, he was in front of me right now but everything was...woozy. I tried to blink awake. I put my hand to my neck, and examined my hand, there was fresh blood flowing from the wound that the scorpion made earlier. But why do I not feel so good? I flash backed to how I got in the condition of feeling this way...the battle between me and the scorpion, it stabbed me in stomach with it's mind went hazy...poison...I felt Byakuya's arms around me as I noticed I was falling forward. His face was expressionless as he stared at me. Then I went unconscious.

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