Chapter 18

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Tsuyoi P.O.V.

          We walked through the front of the school gates, both alert for any strange reiatsu that might might belong to an adjucha, or even worse a vasto lorde. The school we attended was three stories high. In the middle of what I assumed to be the front office, was sitting a beautiful fountain, trees were planted inside of the school, maybe for the view. All I know is, this was the most beautiful school I ever went to. The principal welcomed all of the students that were passing through the gates. Once he saw us, he beckoned us into his office for our schedule. We were both put int the same class. It was upstairs. He handed us a pair of slippers, so we could change into them. I set my shoes in the locker. I met him outside as we walked to class. He opened the door for me, the room at first was loud, but as we both entered, what greeted us was silence. The teacher got up from his seat and pointed us to stand against the chalkboard. We did as we were told.
           "Your names please," The teacher pointed us to announce ourselves to the students. I looked at the room for the first time. I gave everyone a blank stare before I could say my name.
"Tsuyoi Shinzo," I gave a respectful bow, there was a lot of whistling that I heard coming from the boys in the class. A lot of the girls as I observed whispered to one another, giving me glances from time to time. The teacher too beckoned Byuakuya for his name.
          "Byakuya Kuchiki," He stated blandly as I did earlier. He mimicked my bow that I did earlier. There was a lot of loud chattering coming from the girls.
         "Now, Shinzo, and Kuchiki," The teacher said as he went back to his desk and brought back a clipboard, he motioned to the seat that was in the second room of the room. That was my seat. Byakuya on the other hand sat in the second to the last row of the room, and the teacher continued class. I sat in my seat for an hour ignoring the teacher teaching, because I learned everything in shinigami school. When break time arrived, I went to go use the restroom, not really caring where Byakuya was going. As I washed my hands with soap, rinsed and dried them on paper towels. I disposed of them in the nearby trash that stood near the door way. I pulled the door open, and saw that someone else at the same time came out from the opposite restroom. It was Byakuya! We met each other's eyes, and walked down towards the next class together in silence.
What we had next was physical education. I went to the girl's locker room to get my lock and locker. After changing I waited outside for the teacher to come. I saw that a lot of the girls were crowding around Byakuya, asking him questions that had nothing to do with me. I looked away to the side and felt an odd pressure enter the blacktop on where we stood. It was increasing! stopped abruptly. I quickly turned to Byakuya to see if he took any sign of notice. I saw him part with the girls. He stood level beside me. So I stood facing the girls.
            "Did you feel that?" I whispered to him, as he looked to me. He gave me a nod with his head.
"What ever it is," He paused for a moment, "It's gone now...keep a close eye," He said leaving me behind so he could go talk to the teacher. "Don't let your guard down," I heard him say under his breath. I nodded in understandment. The teacher assigned me a number to stand on. It was number 22, because of my last name. Although Byakuya stood near the front of the numbers because of his last name. We started off with some stretches and a game of soccer. Images flashed through my mind of dribbling the ball through my legs, shooting it, playing tricks so others don't have the opportunity to steal the ball...and a girl with long black hair...I narrowed my eyes, blood pulsing angrily through me. Setting the flashback aside I thought about Byakuya...he'll be fine faring without me but will he? What if he doesn't know of the hollow appeared? It's even worse now because the teacher separated the males and females.
              But he should be fine. The teacher blew the whistle signaling us to start the game. One of my teammates that I was put in a group with chasing after the ball kicking it out, well...since they were girls. The other team soon had the ball and shot a score. My team...didn't seem all that interested in playing. After having enough time staring around. I ran, to my opponent who stole the ball, and dribbled past her onto their side of the field. I was reaching towards the goalie, the team I was playing against were hot on my heels. With a strong kick, with speed and agility, I watched the ball shoot past the goalie's face, at least a feet away from where her face was. She was dumbstruck as she watched the ball bounce off of net and to the ground.
               I walked away with my hands in my sweatpants' pocket. I saw glares focus on me. I glared back because, my team wasn't doing anything but primping themselves. They don't know that it is important to try your best in everything that you do. I looked to the field that Byakuya was playing on, he was standing with his arms crossed, observing how the game was working before he tried anything. I saw that one of his teammate's had the ball and shot it in the net, making a score. He unfolded his arms and broke into a run for the ball with super speed, I thought was impossible. But then I remembered that he was a captain, and that effort is what any of the captains in the Soul Society had expected. The ball I could see rolling black and white, was soon tangled in the net, with everyone staring at Byakuya as he walked away.
               I saw his shoulders flinch, as he stopped. Then I felt it too...this back. I turned to where it was strongest, and spotted an adjuchas? It was a male with the body of a man. I picked from my pants pocket my soul candy and popped it into my mouth. I burst from my gigai my zanpakuto at the ready. I ran towards him unsheathing Honoo.
             "Disperse, Honoo" I called to my zanpakuto as I slid my hand across her blade, flames trailing where my fingers slid. After all that practicing with her, I soon learned how to make her grow in length as well as skill. She grew into a size that was perfect for me. I charged my zanpakuto with his arm. Sparks flew as we connected. I pushed into him harder making him stagger away. To escape from me, he jumped back tossing aside my zanpakuto, but Honoo still stayed in my hand. I charged without giving him a second chance to block. Honoo struck his skin mark. I jumped away, only to come back connecting my zanpakuto again. He gave loud laugh then mocked.
             "Little shinigami," He said, "You can't kill me just yet," He charged towards me, "I won't die that easily!" I felt so much pressure onto my arms I thought that I was going to fall back as he drove Honoo further to me. But taking a quick glance at the students who were staring at where we were (Even though they couldn't see me, all they probably see right now is a lot of dust in the air) I found the strength and pushed further, an urge to protect them,
               "Oh yea? Then I guess I'll have to fight," I slashed him away from me, "Harder!" I finished as I followed him into the air. "Honoo, Supako (Spark)," I watched as Honoo shot out a whip engulfed by fire changing the blade, the chain off the end of the handle dangling as I jumped forward. I twisted her in my hand and shot her out as she grasped a hold of his arm. It looped around his arm before he could escape. I pulled onto the whip and yanked pulling on his arm. It broke free from his arm socket. Seeing him exclaim shock from his lost arm. I grabbed his cut arm with my hand. It burned to dust, unable to come back. I returned my gaze a little too late, too see him collide his arm with the end of my chain that was on Honoo's hilt. Thanking myself for the quick reflexes, I saw him smile at me.
I looked to his arm that was cut off. It was growing back! I narrowed my eyes driving strength into the chain that blocked his attack. He slashed away, sending me flying from him. I flipped backwards using my hand for support in the middle of my flip, landing on my legs. I jumped flash stepping beside him, telling myself that I better clean this up as quick as possible, I muttered "Honoo Furea (Flare)" My whip, entangled him in an embrace, and burst into flames. The fire soon died down revealing a burnt and tired adjuchas gasping for breath. He spat at the ground and teleported away. I ran after him following his reiatsu...but it disappeared.
               I swiped my whip down angrily, because my whip explosion didn't have much effect on him. I walked back down and re-entered my gigai, who seemed to have changed into her clothes without me. Byakuya met me outside the locker room.
              "Did you catch him?" He asked looking at me,
              "No," I said looking away, and stomped to class without speaking to him because of how embarrassing that a third seat like me couldn't even be able to trace an adjuchas reiastu! *Snap* I looked down to see that the anger had brought so much to my head, it went to my hands as as well snapping my pencil in half. I sighed, trying to relax myself. And reached for another pencil in my bag, and started on my worksheet.

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