Chapter 14

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Tsuyoi P.O.V.

        I quickly released him only to fall onto my onto my back. Ow! I said to myself as I sat, my back to the ground. I saw the bike break into a stop, he turned around to stare at me on the ground. He turned around again, hearing him sigh, he put a break down on the bike so that it could hold itself. Then he walked towards me, I thought he was going to lend me a hand, but he just stood looking down at me. 

        "Such a troublesome girl," I heard him say from his lips. I glared up at him, and was about to get up, when I felt a hand grip mine firmly, giving me a better balance of my legs standing. I couldn't see his face because he turned around too quickly for me to see what expression that he wore. I followed him as he again sat on the bike. Releasing the little brake from the side of the bike, he waited for me to sit on the back, I did again with my position that I sat with the first time. I didn't hold him this time but...the bike wasn't moving...I saw him turn his head sideways to me.

        "Hold on to me," He said meeting my eyes, instead I looked to the ground and hesitated because...I sorta didn't want to hold him. I heard him make a *Tsk* noise. Out of shock he brought both of my hands around his waist so I could clasp my hand over his stomach. Then he rode on without caring if I was going to complain or I held on to him...he didn't seem so bothered. We stopped at a store that sold fresh produce, we parked the bike and locked it on the bike rack that stood outside the store. I grabbed a cart and rolled down the aisles looking at the produce that was on sale. 

        I saw that the steak aisle looked good so I grabbed a couple packs, for the rest of the others when they come back. Byakuya stayed beside me as we strolled through the aisle with spices. I picked off from the shelf black pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, soy sauce, and oyster sauce. 

       "Get this," I saw a jar of peppers hanging over my shoulders as I reached up on the taller aisles for another sauce. I turned around and grasped the jar of peppers and raised my eyebrows at him. He shrugged, leaving me alone with the jar. I too shrugged and added it to cart that was beside me. We both met up again to pay for the food. The man at the counter told me the price, and I was digging in the pocket of my sundress for money that I took from Kisuke. I'll pay him later, I thought to myself. I saw a card slide across the little machine that scanned the credit card. I looked to see that Byakuya was paying for the things. 

      "It's ok, I got it," I said, holding his hand from sliding again, but the man already handed to me the receipt, I sighed, and held onto the the produce that the man earlier had bagged. I felt the bag from my fingers start to loosen as Byakuya's hand took the bags away from me and walked on ahead. I walked behind him with my hands held behind my back. He set the bags on top of the wicker basket that came with the bike, and waited for me to sit in the seat that was behind him. I sat down and held his waist as we rode on through the streets. We passed by on an empty roadway meant for walking and bikes. The trees swayed slowly and softly, as the wind breezed by. I felt myself getting a little bit tired, because my head was bobbing up and down. Then finally I just rested my head on his back. At that moment I didn't really care because I was so tired. 

       Before I knew it we already reached the house. He unlocked the door and stepped in with the bags. He left the bike outside though. I closed the door behind me, and saw Byakeuya set the bags down on top of the table, and stood there taking out the food. I stood next to him too, doing the same thing. 

      "Do you know how to cook?" I asked him while taking the steak from the bag. I saw his eyes flicker to a stop, then moved back to unbagging the things.

      "No," He whispered, I stopped to say something, but closed my mouth because it sounded like he didn't want to be bothered anymore by my questions. After everything was unpacked, Byakuya helped me carry everything outside, where the grill was. From the cupboards that I found a cutting board, and a couple of knives that seemed sharp enough. 

     "Here," I said handing to him one of the knives I carried with me. He looked at me, then to the knife that was held in my hand. He took it and turned around to see the cutting board. 

     "Cut out the meat from the bag that it's in," I said to him as I shuffled through the cupboards that were placed outside for a match for grill. I saw him pause, then obeyed. I turned around and saw that the meat was on the cutting board ready to be sliced.

      "Cut it like this," I showed him on a separate cutting board, slicing the meat thinly but not too much, but just enough so that it was edible. I gave to him the rest of the meat and started on a new piece. He cut it perfectly, then started on another. After we both were done cutting, I placed a couple pieces of the meat in a plastic bag, that was see-through, he too did the same with his. I added the soy sauce, oyster, black pepper, salt, peppers and much more for the flavor. 

      "Make a close on the top," I said while tying the top of the bag into a knot. He too, followed my instructions. "Now massage the meat and the sauce together," I mushed everything together and inside, making sure that the meat was soaking all of the spices that were being put into it. After I was done I set in on the counter, that too was built outside. He sat his bag next to mine. I washed my hands in the sinks and started washing the cutting board and knives, Byakuya joined me as well helping me with the dishes. We left the meat in the refrigerator so that it will have enough time to soak. Since I had a lot of time on my hands I decided to just waste my time watching the television, flipping through the channels for my favorite show called Pokemon. Byakuya though went back to his room,

      As I was watching, the door came with a knock. I rose up from where I sat and slid open the door and met my small captain, and his busty lieutenant Rangiku. 

     "Are you feeling better?" He asked me as he stepped into the house, I nodded my head and Rangiku gave me a suffocating squeeze in her breast.

      "Tsuyoi! I was so worried for you!" I heard her say as she was still squeezing the breath out of me. I finally broke away from her embrace, and started dinner outside. The steak sizzled on the grills outside as I laid them out. With a tongs in my hand I waited silently, watching the meat change color, as the flame engulfed them up. The wind was bringing in a calming breeze, blowing away leaves from the trees. reminding me that autumn had finally arrived. Almost time for the...cherry blossom be over...I thought to myself. I heard the door open behind me.  I saw that Kisuke had finally arrived back home.

     "Steak tonight?" He asked nodding his head to the steak. I gave a nod. He came closer to the grill and gave a sniff. He smiled and faced me tipping his hat.

     "Who made this?" 

     "Byakuya and I did," I said flipping over the steak so that they won't burn. I saw his eyebrows flick up in surprise, and he gave a chuckle, turning back to enter the house he said over his shoulder,

      "That's a surprise...and a first too," And with that he left me by myself on the patio. I put the tongs down and leaned against the cupboard. The sky was a pinkish color...the color of cherry blossoms...I shook myself away from the sky to see Byakuya walk through the door. I lurched back in shock, because speak of the devil! He was right here! I held my gaze on him and slowly turned away to look at the grill. I felt his presence beside me. What does he want now? I thought to myself.

       "How did you do that?" He said pointing to the steak in the fire. I gave him a look, and explained to him on how to get the fire started, and just flipping the steaks for the right temperature to cook them. He gave a nod letting everything sink in. I turned to the cupboard and held the tongs out for him.

       "Wanna flip them?" I asked. He turned away from looking at the sky as I did earlier and stared at the tongs. He took it and flipped the steaks over. I nodded to him, that he was doing good. Sheesh, I sighed, I guess not all nobles know how to cook. I lowered the fire and pulled out a plate which Byakuya filled out with steak. I opened the door for him as we both walked into the kitchen, in my hands were american utensils that we could use to eat with. Everybody crowded the table reaching for the steak. I noticed that it smelled bluntly of...sake? Ugh, Rangiku! She was drunk and all over the table...and no surprise, so was Kisuke. They were all cheering each other to drink on. I saw my captain with his arms crossed over his chest, yelling at Rangiku about her drinking problem.

     Tessai, held a cup that sat in his hands. Ururu was munching on the steak and so was Jinta. Everybody was so crowded in the living room, it was bugging me so I thought why not eat outside? It was cool and a small breeze, plus the view must be great by now. I took my bowl outside to eat outside thinking to myself.

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