Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Tsuyoi P.O.V.

I swear everything around me was going around in slow motion...I couldn't hear anything because something else was beating inside of me...from looking at the audience, they seemed to like the surprise that Byakuya gave. I looked up to him, about to ask why in the world would he do that...the words somewhat got stuck in my throat and all that came out was a small squeak. For a couple seconds I went deaf...then the crowd I heard was overwhelmed and I knew what they were trying to say. Assuming I would feel anger coarse through my veins was masked with happiness. In return for the kiss, both my hands reached up to hold his forehead to mine. I saw for a second his face expression shocked at my outcome. His hands went to his face to hold mine even closer to his. We both smiled as we touched noses. Remembering that everyone was looking, I quickly let go. The speaker closed the contest with a good night and led us out to the back.
He opened the curtain, beckoning me to go in. As I walked, ducking under the curtain so I won't hit it, I was smacked on the head with something hard. Rubbing my head, I turned to see who had the nerve to hit me. No surprise. It was Lina. She was still in her little outfit, on her left hand she held a notepad that was used to write the customer's orders. On the right of her hands held my clothes that I first came in here with, but it wasn't the maid uniform. She reached for my ear and was soon dragging me away into the dressing room. She slammed the door closed behind her, and tossed to me my clothes.
"I said you could go on a break!" She said shaking her hands through her hair, "NOT to ditch us!" She finished, I pulled on my pants and half-hopped trying to get it on,
"Hey, be lucky that Byakuya and I were free enough to help your room out," I finished tugging on my white t-shirt, and faced her, "How is Miyori taking the news that Byakuya and I are soul reapers?" She sighed.
"Well...all that she's feeling is shock is all...this somewhat knew that you guys weren't normal anyway,"she leaned, her back to the door, crossing her foot over the other, her hair hung low, covering her forehead and eyes, as she stared at the floor.
"Well," I made it to where she was standing and patted her small little head, "She'll get over it soon," I unlocked the door behind her. She moved swiftly out of the way following me out the door. She nodded her head to the comment that I made earlier about her friend. "Who's picking you up?" We both started down the staircase, Byakuya waiting for us down below.
"My mother," She said with a smiley face, quickly forgetting about the topic that we had discussed earlier in the dressing room. My lips were raised giving her a soft smile, and a nod of my head. Byakuya and I both waited with Lina outside the school entrance. I was a bit afraid leaving the little girl alone because she couldn't protect herself.
"Are you going to the school field trip?" She smiled, rustling through her bag that she had brought along, the paper was talking about how the school was going to provide the upperclassmen a trip to the beach. Cabins, food, and activities were going to be present. Plus the place was going to be warm since it was going north. But I can't just ditch this town and go swimming because it's my job to protect this place...after all I was assigned here because of the increasing of hollows.
"I'll think about it," I promised, looking at the date, since today was Wednesday, the trip will start this Friday in two days. She gave a happy smile and threw her arms around me. I stood stunned unsure of what to do. Then she let go and started to tell Byakuya about the camp. He listened intently then looked to the side in annoyance.
"I have no time to be wasting on petty things such as THIS," Lina's mouth drooped, her eyes burning with anger, scolded him for speaking to her rudely like that. As she was still lecturing him I saw a car stop in front of us. Lina ran towards it and opened the door.
"Kay, I'll see you guys tomorrow!" She waved to us from her car, "Make sure you persuade Byakuya to come! I know you'll have tons more fun with him! I know it!" She gave me a wink, and disappeared down the empty road. Staring at the place the car turned, I sighed pushing a strand of loose hair behind my ear. I paused trying to rewind what she said, but then shook my head ignoring it because I now remembered what it was. Byakuya walked side by side with me on the way home...he didn't seem so serious for some reason. Ignoring that thought, what ran through my mind was...the camp...that won't seem so bad...but I have a job to do also. I looked towards the empty road beside me and sighed softly.
"Is something troubling you?" He asked me, I paused for a second thinking about it, then shook my head.
" wrong..." He shifted his gaze from the road ahead to my eyes. "But," I started, "Why did you kiss me at the contest?" I asked wanting to know the truth. For a second, he didn't leave my eyes, straight-forwardly he spoke,
"It felt like the right moment for me...and...I have something to tell you as well..." He said to me. I stopped in my tracks knowing where this was going. I saw him stop also and turned to me in wonder.
"Don't say it," I looked to the ground, "...Don't feel it either..." I felt something break inside of me. "I know what your next words are going to be, but don't FALL for me!" I felt myself start to break into a desperate scream, I felt the tears well up. He was taken back at my outburst.
"'s too late for that Tsuyoi...I fell for you at first sight...honestly..." He came closer and wiped a tear away that was on my cheek. I smacked his hand away and tried to glare at him as hard as I could.
"Don't touch me! Don't fall in love with me! Leave me alone!" I ran ahead without looking back, I felt an arm jerk me back to him. He was facing me with a serious look in his eyes.
"No!" I screamed. I released my hands that were in his, "I hate you!" I cried wiping away my eyes, "I hate you! I hate you! Just disappear!" I turned around once again running home. 

Sprouting Flower (Byakuya Kuchiki Love Story!)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon