Chapter 44

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Chapter 44
Tsuyoi P.O.V.

I sighed in relief as one of the girls untied my kimono that was made for scene two. So far all that is happening was "Cinderella" now having her fairy godmother changing a pumpkin into a carriage and the mice into horses. I saw the curtain's draw to a close as I was suited again in a different kimono that was orange with light decorations on the hem of the dress, collar and sleeves. Small flowers spiraled down one side of my shoulder down the opposite of my waist. Very intricate thanks to iron-ons. The curtains were closed so that Kashina could go change into her kimono for the ball. She left the stage and wanted everyone out of the dressing room. We did as we were told, in this next scene of the play it is focusing on the prince and the step-sisters asking for a dance. I walked onto stage and waited for the curtains to open. The other step-sister stood beside me, and many other people on stage as well. Because it was supposed to be a lively ball. For now, I picked up my kimono higher to prevent it from tripping me, there were many people nervous because they were going to be dancing. The kimono wasn't heavy, but very light, comfortable to dance in. Just then I felt a tug on my sleeve, when Keitara asked me, with question in her eyes.

"Have you seen Kashina?" She tried to look around the stage, "Because she was not in the dressing room," I furrowed my eyebrow in question because I remembered seeing her enter the dressing room...but never came out. Then the music started, Keitara pushed me forward since it was time to go dancing. Only Byakuya was supposed to refuse to dance with me. Since she shoved me forward, I found myself in Byakuya's arms as he danced with me. Not caring what he was doing, I told him before I switched partners,

"Kashina is missing," My hand slid from his to join another male dancer, I saw Lina beckoning me from the door that lead back stage on the side. As the male dancer spun me out I quickly made way to meet Lina who had worry in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I picked up my orange kimono. She looked at me and grabbed my hand leading me to the dressing room. She opened it and inside was Hikana holding up the Cinderella kimono.

"She never got the chance to change into her costume." Hikana's words echoed through my ears. "So I need you to take Kashina's place as Cinderella." She un-sashed my orange kimono.
"Why me?" I asked as the kimono fell to my legs as she and Lina quickly fastened the blue elegant kimono onto me, "Can't you find someone else?" I asked. Lina trying to fix onto me the wig of long hair.

"No, because no one is available and knows her lines," Lina said unfolded the veil that came with the dress, and tossed it over my head, making sure it covered over my eyes.

"You think I know them?" I said lifting up the veil. They both nodded their heads.

"Don't worry, just THINK about what she would say is all that matters at the moment," Keitara said giving me one last look of the kimono then shoved me out the door and close to the stage. From the stage, I saw that Byakuya was probably waiting for Cinderella...only he didn't know that I was the one who was going to be playing the part. I walked onto stage as the dancers parted into two sides making way for me to walk to Byakuya. I lifted up the veil revealing my face. His eyes widened in surprised, then remembered his part and bowed down asking me for a dance. He held out his hand and I took it. He pulled me in closer to him as we danced away. Everyone else joined in after we started.

"What a pleasant surprise," He whispered into my ear. I flinched for a second then felt myself relax. Ignoring his comment I told him about Kashina's missing appearance and how I came to be here.

"I see..." He said as he stared over my shoulder then back to me again. I shifted to the side as he spun me out so that the next partner would catch me. As my back faced Byakuya, I reached for my other partner's hand but felt a strong arm loop around my stomach, and with my right hand I was spun and back into Byakuya's arms. 

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