Chapter 53

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Chapter 53
Honoo P.O.V.

I perked up my head to look at the stars that appeared in my realm. The water below me started to sway gently with the wind, glancing down at the water I could feel my mistress's unease...I flickered my eyes to look at the trees that surrounded my seems she is hair flashed across my mind with a feminine body. Finally...I breathed out a sigh. We shall be reunited again...Kakomu...

Tsuyoi P.O.V.
Flash back continues
I walked home in my black boxing uniform with the ancient box balanced onto my hands as I lifted up the lid to examine the beautiful weapons again. They glittered whenever the lamp post struck it. I smiled as I picked one of them up. I lifted my eyebrow because...on the daggers hilt' was made of clear glass shaped like a bottle...and looked as if they could hold water in them...funny...I thought to myself. What is the glass for? Decoration maybe? Leaving that thought aside I couldn't wait to tell my parents, Kai and Hiresuna! Now that I was reaching my house I had a bad feeling...wondering what was bothering me so much, I jogged to my front was left ajar.

What? I thought as I approached closer. There were no lights that lit up my house...where is everyone? I pushed the front door open even wider and flicked open the lights that were to the right of me. Watching the lights slowly turn on one-by-one, I let out a scream. On the floor my parents lay in a heap...of blood. Glass was shattered everywhere and on the floor. I ran to them and try to wake them up, only to see the white of their eyes. With shaking hands I checked for a pulse...none. Judging from their warmth...they didn't die too long ago...and where the blood flowed most...their chest.

"" My tears fell upon their face as I closed their eyes. I hugged their bodies close to me crying out my tears...who would have done this? Kai! Hiresuna! Where are they! What if the same thing happened to them as well! 

"Kai! Hiresuna!" I called as I ran through the kitchen and living room. No answer. Oh no! 

"Hiresuna! Kai! Answer me! Please!" I screamed throughout the house. I ran up the wooden stairs avoiding the glass that was spread everywhere. Was it robbers? Finally reaching the last of the stairs, from beneath my room, I saw that there was light there. I burst open through the door. I saw that Hiresuna was bending over Kai...who was on the floor.

"Oh my god! What happened!? Kai!" I ran towards him blood had trickled down his lips and from his chest...a wound. "Kai! What happened!?" He opened his eyes and said all but one word.

"Hiresuna," I gave him a confused expression and even more tears started to fill in my eyes and were falling no matter how many times I was telling them not to.

"What?" I said to him.

"Move!" He croaked out and tossed me to the side and...looking up from where I was his chest...Hiresuna struck him. Kai finally closed his eyes as he fell to the ground.

"NNNOOOO!" I screamed as I rushed to his side and tried to wake him up, as I cried over and over. From behind me I heard a chuckle. Looking up Hiresuna I seen for the first time since I been here...she had daggers in her hands and she was drenched in blood.

"Why would you do this!" I screamed and stood up letting go of Kai, and grabbed the scruff of her shirt. She gave a grin and threw me across the room near my door. My back hit the wall as I landed on my stomach. There was a flash of light that ran through my mind...Move...I told fingers twitched as I stood up...Hiresuna walked closer to me, still with that grin spread across her face.

"Why?" She raised an eyebrow and picked me up by my collar. "Well I guess you were blind all of this time weren't you?" She smirked and threw me out of my room as I tumbled down the stairs. Before I could reach the bottom I quickly held onto one of the steps trying to brake my fall. "I really envied you, you know?" I heard say, her voice coming closer and closer. I glared at her and felt something drip over my eye...blood? Sweat? "You had everything," I felt another kick towards me as I fell down to the bottom of the staircase...everything? What does she mean? I tried to get up on my knees, and from my right hand a glass was stuck there.

"A perfect family...a great boyfriend," She reached the bottom of the stairs, "Teachers who adore you," She bent down to me, "Looks beyond compare," She slapped me. A great burning started on my left cheek. Hiresuna...her name echoed through my mind...her laugh...her smile...the times we spent together...I looked up at friend...

"While I was an orphan! And there was no one to love me!" She yelled at me, defiance filled in her eyes, like burning emeralds that night...I thought about Kai...about when he shoved me aside so I wouldn't have to suffer the dagger...tears filled my parents...I glanced at their bodies...Hiresuna...

"Thinking about your boyfriend?" She laughed, "To entertain you do you want to hear what he said after I tried to get him to come along with me?" I held my breath and my gaze, still dumbstruck hoping that all of this was just a bad dream..."I'll take that as a yes," She wiped away the blade of her green dagger with the hem of her shirt, "He said "No! Never! I'll never go with you!"" She threw back her head and laughed even harder. "The fool! I would have spared his life! But he chose YOU instead of ME!" I sat on the floor still in a daze...then slowly I rose up onto my legs...and gritted my teeth bearing the pain of taking the glass out from my palm. 

"Oh? What's this?" I heard her giggle. I glanced down on the floor beside me and saw the box my teacher had given me. I kicked it up to me thank goodness all that swimming had strengthened my legs, the lid, the bottom and the daggers flew in midair as I caught both the daggers and heard the box clatter to the floor.

"Don't pretend to not know," I raised my head and stared at her straight on. I arched my left dagger over my head, while the other was pointed straight to her, "Bring it on bitch," Fire burned in my eyes.

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