Chapter 32

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Tsuyoi P.O.V.

I was running out of breath, hard from breathing as I made it towards my house, the house was silent as I approached it, The windows showed no sign of light that was giving me any ray of hope of what was going to be inside. I jerked open the door, and flipped open the lights. Horror struck through me as I saw what I hoped to never see. I gave a blood-curdling scream and crumpled down to the floor, my back against the open doorway. I screamed out in fear and anger. My mother and father's body lay bloodied onto the floor, the whites of their eyes showing sending me through a state of shock that this was all just an illusion. I gave one last cry of defiance and woke up sweating on my bed. My breath was ragged, my throat was dried. I wiped my sweaty forehead with the sleeve of my shirt.
Figuring out now that I won't be getting anymore sleep than I did earlier, I clicked open the lamp that near my bedside. My hands shook, still paranoid at what I was going to see if I opened the light. But what's the harm? There should be no one in the room right now. I felt myself give out a silent scream of fear as I saw a sleeping figure right below my bedside. Noticing that it was Byakuya...I exhaled, barely realizing that I was holding my breath. My heart rate slowed down going back to it's regular breathing. But wait...I narrowed my eyes in disbelief...what was he doing here? I thought he was trying to get healed back at the Soul Society? I landed softly beside him, lifting myself off of my bed. My eyes focused onto his face...remembering when I kissed him back in the Soul Society...
Baka...I thought to weren't going to why act like you were? I closed the door behind me and left for the living room. It was dark and it seemed that no one was up yet. I opened the lights and sat on the couch flipping through the channels. My captain...was badly was Rangiku....I really can't do anything to help at this moment but...the only thing I can do is my mission. I felt myself dozing off again only to wake up, afraid of what I was going to dream about again. But what could I do against the hands of sleep? My vision went black as my eyelids folded over my eyes.
A hand was placed on my shoulder trying to wake me up from the nap that I had tried, but helplessly couldn't escape. I woke in alarm to face Urahara. I hurriedly got up from the couch.
"What time is it?" I tried to look for a clock that would be hung in the living room but found none.
"It's about time for you to start school," He turned around pointing his cane to the door, "And Byakuya is waiting for you outside as well," Not to keep him waiting, I hurriedly got dressed and rushed outside. Opening the door and closing it behind me, I saw that his back was facing me, his hands in his pockets, his school bag hung from his forearm as he waited for me. I reached his side, he looked at me from the side of his eyes and started to walk forward. I too followed, and had so many questions to say but no courage to ask. Finally plucking up the nerve to ask a question, I actually did.
"Why aren't you at the Soul Society?" He walked in slow strides, barely making any difference from when we first started,
"I have a duty to fulfill here, yet I don't to disgrace the Kuchiki name because I haven't finished a mission that was presented to me." He stopped to look at me. "Do you always have to walk behind me?" I flickered my gaze back to him and shook my head, keeping in pace with him. But then remembered the last time I went to Soul Society and what I last did there...I clutched my head in panic because of my memory thumping through my head.
"Are you not feeling well?" He asked me and I saw a bit his eyes. My heart beat even faster, then I suddenly couldn't breathe...or even remember how to...I looked to the ground blinking back into reality, realizing that I didn't answer him, he involuntarily lifted my chin so he could look me in the eyes. He examined my face and rubbed on the band aid that was placed upon the side of my face. I felt color rushing up to my cheeks and pulled away walking faster, I called from behind me,
"We'll be late..." I speed walked ahead leaving him behind me, making sure that he didn't have time to catch up. I sat in my desk and looked away to the other side as he walked past me. I felt his eyes focus on me, then left to his seat. Throughout the whole lesson I just stared out the window fighting the urge to look back at Byakuya. Break time came and Lina came running. She screamed in fright as she touched my face in shock and fussed all over me. Miyori pressed her fist into her palm and tried to figure out who done it to my face. What was good, was that she seemed to accept how Byakuya and I were. I told them that it was something that happened at the Soul Society, nothing special. They breathed out sighs of relief.
"You goin to the camp today!?" Keitara squealed in happiness, I hesitated for a second...I never really gave it a thought because I was still at the Soul Society and was dealing with things over there.
"I can't go...I have things to take care of over here." I looked at them all.
"I've already discussed it with Kisuke, we are able to go..." Byakuya appeared beside me, I felt my heart give me a little jump, but it was a good thing that Lina and the others were staring at Byakuya to even notice what I did.
"Oh.." I looked up to him, he looked back straight at me. I averted my gaze from his.
"Awesome!" Hikana gave a shout of joy, and just from the corner of my mouth...a smile started to form. The bell rang in the middle of Hikana and Lina holding onto each other out in joy. They bade both Byakuya and I good-bye and that they'll try to be waiting for us when the time comes to board the buses. Byakuya turned around and sat in his seat. The teacher walked in from his break, picked up a chalk and started to scribble on the board our objective for today's lesson. Since I already knew this subject by heart, I didn't have to take notes. So I didn't have any problems being called on. I turned my head out to the window beside me and watched as the soft breeze tousled the leaves that hung on the trees. Breathing out a small sigh, I set my cheek down onto the palm of my hand and got lost in the view from my window. Gin...I blinked my eyes closed...where are you?
I opened my eyes again to look out into the clouds that were in the sky as if trying find if Gin was somewhere amongst luck. I lifted my cheek from my hand and turned to Byakuya's direction. His eyes were closed, his arms crossed over his purple uniform jacket, his book open. I blinked away from him to stare straight ahead at the board. I guess, I crossed my legs over the other under my chair and played with a strand of my short hair, even sometimes nobles could daydream. I blinked up at the loud intercom that had interrupted my thoughts. I could only make out that the buses for the trip were here. I glanced at the window to see three buses parked in the lot. I uncrossed my legs and stood to get up but then remembered...I didn't have a permission slip.
I sat back down and rested my head onto my cheek once again. From the window, I could see a couple of students that were running, and a teacher already at the entrance to the bus that had a clipboard out and checking names off the list. I heard running feet run out from my classroom and out to the parking lot the teacher reminding them about that there is going to be a test the next time they come back.
"Are you not leaving?" I heard a voice say behind me, turning around to see that it was Byakuya. I paused keeping his gaze, then turned the other way shaking my head.
"I don't have a permission slip," I watched as the students outside, stuff their luggage into the bottom of the bus and hurried to find a seat next to each other on the bus. There was the sound of rustling papers beside me, and I turned around to see that two permission slips were already signed by Kisuke on the bottom for the parent or guardian signature. I stood from my seat to grasp the papers, hoping that my eyes weren't playing tricks on me. I looked from the papers to Byakuya.
"Come on," he said as he reached for my bag, and with his other hand he gripped my hand that wasn't holding the papers. "Let's go," And he took off with me trying to catch up to him and his long legs. After changing our shoes he was still holding my hand as we were running to the bus stop. His long hair bouncing off of him as he ran head first out with me close behind him. He shouldn't be running like this. I thought as I looked at his back. His wound might get worse...I thought back to when Gin struck him instead of Rukia. I narrowed my eyes painfully trying not to imagine again that hurtful scene. I was pulled to a stop behind some students whom were also in line. From what I could see, we made it to the second bus. And...I looked down at our hands that were still held together...he didn't let me go.
"You made it!" He let go of my hand as soon as he heard Lina's voice. She bobbed up to us from the front and grasped my hand, "Come up and sit with me!" She said excitedly. I was about to reply when Keitara dragged her towards the front.
"Sorry Tsuyoi! But she promised to sit with me!" She dragged Lina away who was trying to reach my with her out-stretched hands. I shook my hand toward them in a motion that said she could go.
"You are also coming Tsuyoi?" I saw Hiroko's familiar figure turn to me since he was in line before Byakuya. I nodded my head and was about to reply when I felt a shove slam into me. I moved at least two steps on the other side of Byakuya, and turned around to see who it was.
"He's sitting with me," Kashina clung onto Byakuya's arm. Byakuya glancing at Kashina then at me. But then looked away. I ignored her and kept talking to Hiroko about the trip since he was bringing it up. He refocused again on the teacher who was in charge checking the students off. Kashina was talking to Byakuya probably about her new bikini that she was going to where soon. When it was their turn the teacher looked at Byakuya suspiciously.
"Where is your luggage?" He asked,
"I'll be the one buying my own clothes when we arrive at the camp," Byakuya replied. I looked down towards my school uniform...I didn't bring any clothes either, "And for her as well," I saw Byakuya nod his head to where I stood behind him. The teacher nodded and motioned his hand for him to move along. I handed him my permission slip and he nodded his head sending me forward. Byakuya looked back at me from his shoulder and withdrew his hand that Kashina held onto and stood next to me, our arms touching. On Kashina's face was a scowl when she saw Byakuya wasn't going to sit with her. Instead it was Hiroko. She was about to grab Byakuya when the bus driver was telling her to sit by Hiroko because she was trying to seat the students.
The bus driver seated Byakuya and I together, I took the window seat because I'd like to see where we were going. After the last of the students were on the bus, the teacher was announcing the rules and evacuations of the bus. Soon enough we were on the road. I felt myself go to sleep as I leaned on the window as a pillow for my head. Before I knew it, The bus was at it's destination. From what I saw it was a bit dark already, the sun was about to set behind the ocean that had the shore on the front. There were wooden cabins that were surrounding the beach area, and houses that were built behind the street that separated the houses from the cabins. From both sides of the cabins that were spread apart, were forests that surrounded the cabins, leaving a gap opening for the bus to park.
It was not such a big town, but neither a small one either. Though the place didn't have a lot of the electronics, because all of the houses looked pretty old, and none new yet so far. I stepped out from the bus trying to get a feel of the weather. It was warm. It must have been pretty cold back to where the school was. I remembered something about the teacher mentioning that the time was at least three hours to get here. By now it was probably six or five.   

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