Chapter 57

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Chapter 57
Tsuyoi P.O.V.

I stared at Kakomu without thinking and twirled him in my fingers and caught him in my palm. Beside me hung Honoo who was strapped to my waist, taking her out I examined the twin daggers. 

"It has been a while mistress," I heard Kakomu's voice start out. For a second I made no motion that he had spoken...but then nodded my head slightly and gave a small smile.

"Indeed...did you miss me welding you?" I asked Kakomu as I set him down to put away the clothing and cloth back inside of the wooden chest and placed the lid.

"No words could describe how much I've missed you mistress,"

"I didn't miss you!" Honoo's voice came into the conversation. I narrowed my eyes and lifted my eyebrows. From Kakomu I could hear him gave a light chuckle.

"Of course you didn't because I'm stuck with YOU all day," I muttered standing up from my knees and onto my legs. The sash that held Honoo, I readjusted it so that it made an "X" on my body. Kakumo to the left side of me and Honoo to the right side of me.

"Are you ready mistress?" Kakumo asked me as I closed the door to my bedroom and walked down the hallway that would lead me out to my front gate.

"This...was what I was training for," I replied to Kakomu.

"As you wish mistress, my sister and I will try our best to aid you. But forgive me since it has been at least fourteen months since you had weld me."

"I have faith that you shall do the best in your power that you can," I slid open my front door, and turned around to lock it. All that's left is to find the girls...I hope that they will be okay...right now all the captains and lieutenants are gone. My mind drifted to is he faring? Before I could come up with an answer my hands were pinned behind me and a hand was brought down onto my neck, my vision went blurry and then I was swallowed by darkness.

Honoo P.O.V.
"How is that you two are twins? You are not yet alike...for example your hair color," Senbonzakura motioned to my head, "Your's is snow white, while his is jet black," He asked after I told him the story of my mistress' past.

"Twins don't have to be all that alike," I chuckled, from the corner of my eye I saw Kakomi give a small smile and gently gave my hand a small squeeze.

"Kakomu...means to enclose," Senbonzakura murmured loud enough for us to hear,
"And Honoo means it is simple," I looked to my brother who lowered his head to look into my eyes. Turning to Senbonzakura I finished, "I am the flame that he encloses...the flame that he protects,"

"I see...fascinating really," Senbonzakura gave a light smile.

"It is all quite fascinating to see my beloved sister's lover in front of my very own eyes," Kakomu nodded his head towards Senbonzakura. Senbonzakura's eyebrows lifted for a second then he bowed down.

"Forgive me for I would love to deepen myself into this conversation, but my master is expecting me, Farewell for now," He nodded his head. As did I and my brother. With a flash of cherry blossoms he was gone.

"That not as bad as I thought he would be," Kakomu stared at the cherry blossoms that trailed after Senbonzakura's disappearance into his own realm.

"Well," I smiled, "He really has a great personality...a bit hot-headed at times but other than that...he's not that bad," Kakomu's eyebrows were raised. "Stop it Kakomu," I slapped his arm playfully just like old times. He paused looking at me then smiled nodding his head.

"I hereby now announce that I as your brother, shall approve of this marriage," he gave a slight chuckle. I slapped him on the arm even harder with a blush spread across my face.

"We're not even there yet!" I gritted my teeth and gave him a hard punch. He let go of my hand to fall slightly to the side with a laugh. He looked at me smiling with his eyes

"But the time is soon I assume," He put the crook of his forefinger to his lips with a mischievous gleam in his red-colored eyes. I stared back at him with an eyebrow raised and my arms folded across my chest. That's when both of our eyes widened...something has happened to our mistress.

Tsuyoi P.O.V.
Water was splashed onto my face as I coughed out the water that ran down my nose. I blinked the water away from my eyes and saw that the burlap sack was gone from covering my head. My surroundings were the empty corridors of buildings...a place where everything would be noticed. But then I remembered that...mostly everyone was gone and battling Aizen...Gin...for the first time in a while...that he ran through my mind. Hiresuna was standing up with a smirk spread across her face. She stood at least twenty feet away from me. From around me there seemed to be at least ten to fifteen assassins present...surrounding us. I tried to reach for my zanpakutos which were still strung by my side...only that my hands were bound behind me, as well as my legs.

"Awake at last?" Hiresuna gave a sweet smile, "It's about time for you to stop day-dreaming and wake up to reality any other way Tsuyoi Shinzo,"

"The only thing I would ever dream about..." I said coolly, my eyes staring at the ground, "Is to figure out to be your worst nightmare," I glanced up at her. She paused and threw her head back in laughter,

"You...always thinking that your the only one here high-and-mighty," She stared hard into my eyes, "Will you still be high-and-mighty after you see this?" She motioned her hand to the side. From the corner of my eye I saw four figures being escorted by ninjas, the ninjas lifted the bags that covered their heads and tossed them to the ground. Lina! Keitara! Hikana! Miyori!

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