Chapter 42

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Chapter 42
Tsuyoi P.O.V.

"No! You don't get any dinner if you don't clean up this mess," I said glumly as I stared at my script that I rolled in half so that I could focus on my part. Kashina was in front of me on the floor and "cleaning" the stage floor. A while back, I was chosen as the mean step sister, and Kashina...volunteered to be Cinderella since everyone voted Byakuya to be the prince, he actually wanted it because he didn't want to play a part as a "Lowly peasant". I silently laughed to myself at the part that was assigned to him. Lina was the evil step mother, Keitara the other stepsister, and Miyori was the godmother, Hikana was a backstage person doing the costumes with many of the other students. Now...we were already rehearsing, but we skipped the part that Byakuya as the "Prince" was practicing his sword skills because that had taken too much time. 

"No!" Futari's voice pulled me back into reality, "Be more ROUGH!" She said as she put put her hands in the air as if to grab something. I sighed and smacked myself with the script.

"Hey!" Kashina sat up on her knees, "She's doing it rough already!" She glared at me as I looked down towards her. Kitsune was shaking her head side-to-side.

"Nope! I need more!" She sat back down on her chair with her boyfriend massaging her SORE back. "Again! Take two!" She waved her hand for me to start again. 

"No!" I said forcefully as I pointed to Kashina who was still on the floor, "You don't get any dinner if you don't clean up, THIS mess!" I said pointing all around me as if the stage was messy.
"Good! Continue!" She waved her script in the that she was waving it...I could tell that she was probably planning this thing from even before we arrived here, I mean come on! She gave us COPIES! COPIES! This girl is...crazy. We continued until it was time to go to sleep because it was dark any other way. I was so tired even though I didn't play such a huge part in the story, but I had to help the backstage people with the clothes. The fabric was very exquisite...but how did they get it in a place like this? Because this was a pretty small town. I spoke to the person who owned the camp and said that they had enough money to buy the fabric because they were popular for their hot springs bath. Plus, they were going to make more money because we were going to put on a play that was not only for us, but for the whole TOWN to watch as well! This sent shivers down my spine because even though I was a shinigami, I certainly wasn't good at entertaining people at all! One of the flaws that I wished I was good at.

I returned to my seat, and the room was chattering in excitement because they were going to perform live. I would think that they would be nervous but...I guess my thoughts of them had backfired. I was at the sewing machine that they had provided (yes, I'm surprised that they could afford it but hey, can't question them because the springs was really beautiful and soothing) After a while we were called to retire to our rooms for the night. I collapsed on my futon with Lina as she softly snored beside me. Thinking about my wound I got up and checked it as I un-sashed my yukata. The light still flickering above me because the girls were still trying to get ready and into bed. The wound stopped and seemed to close up a bit.

But I'm feeling a little bit tired because of everything that had happened. With the parasite arrancar, and Mizu...geez what a day, I thought as I fell back onto my pillow with my yukata securely tied again. As soon as my head hit my pillow, I fell fast asleep already. Not even once did I wake up from my sleep. Miyori shook me awake for breakfast, I woke up with my sleepy eyes trying to blink away my heavy eyelids. I sat up in my futon, my eyes lazily drifting off into sleep once again. 

"Come on," I felt Lina and Miyori's arms try to lift me off the futon. As they did, I finally stood my ground, the floor was swirling underneath me. I gave a stretch to the side because I knew what was going to come next today. Just more of the eating, then the play but that was mostly all we were going to have to do the next couple of days. No change what-so-ever. There didn't seem to be any hollows for whatever the reason...odd. After we were done eating, the main cabin was cleared of the tables and chairs for us to practice our play. Hours passed as I fully memorized my lines. I kind of felt a little bad for Byakuya because he had more parts than me. Kashina seemed to be enjoying it for all that I knew. I sighed as I sat myself down onto the seat that was next to Hikana who was help sewing the clothes. 

I picked up a needle and started playing with the string that was bound to the eye of the needle. So far the clothing department didn't need help because they were finished with the costumes. But I gotta admit, I tugged at the string pulling it from the needle. I eyed the dresses that were hung on a rack that stood next to me. The dresses that were designed were really nice. I focused back onto slipping the string into the eye of the needle again. My kimono for the ball... looking up straight ahead, I saw Kitsune trying to teach Byakuya the dance that we were going to perform at the "Ball". I smiled gently to the side as I saw him go the wrong direction that Kitsune had started earlier. I looked around the cabin. I guess all the others took it as a break. Hikana stood from beside me.

"I need to go use the restroom, so I'll be back alright?" She said as she scooted her chair in. I nodded my head and watched as she walked down backstage to the bathroom that was outside.
"You know what! I think we need a break!" I heard Kitsune say, as I looked back to where they were standing. She was waving her hands in the air in frustration as she walked down the steps of the stage and out onto the beach. Byakuya stared after her until the door was shut behind her. Turning my head, there was no one in the cabin...except Byakuya and I. But I don't think that he seemed to notice that I was still there. I saw him try to step forward, then back, then forward again, I smiled lightly to the side because, the head of the Kuchiki house is having trouble dancing. Even though he excels in many other things. I flash backed to when we were dancing and wondering how he knew to dance BACK THERE at the hanami instead of here. Then I soon knew why he was having trouble. It was because THIS dance you moved forward and back. Unlike at the hanami where we were just in a circle. Having enough entertainment of watching him, I rose up from my seat and asked him.

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