Chapter 33

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  Tsuyoi P.O.V.

I was put in a cabin called Snow. Byakuya, Spring. The teacher pointed me to line up with my group and I did. Surprisingly Lina and Miyori were somehow grouped with me. On the other hand Keitara and Hikana were separated into a cabin called Blossom. Kashina to my disappointment, was put in the same group as me. My group was introduced to our cabin leader, Futari and Kitsune. Our cabin was empty at first but then to the side on a high pile were stacked futons for us to sleep in. Everybody grabbed a clean futon, chose a spot and unpacked their luggage close by. I, on the other hand didn't have any luggage so I watched Lina and Miyori unpack. Kitsune informed us to change into our regular clothes because we must really loathe wearing our school uniform all day. I sat on my futon unchanging my uniform because I didn't have any spare clothes. Kashina passed by and snickered with a couple of her friends as she was dressed in REALLY short yellow shorts and a revealing pink blouse.
"Aw what's this? No clothes for you? Too bad, so sad!" with a flick of her hair she strode around the cabin in her clothes so the other girls could gawk at them.
"Oh HELL no! Who does that hag think she is!?" Miyori stood up from her futon she sat on,
"No! You just got suspended! Don't stir up anymore trouble than there is for your school record already! You been in a few fights this year Miyori!" Lina desperately held onto to her hand, trying to make her sit down again. After a while of pleading, Miyori sat down with a grumble, and searched through her bag. She handed to me a cute blue tank top blouse and some shorts. I gratefully took it and pulled them on.
"Come on Tsuyoi." Miyori gave a sigh, "We all know that she's picking on you because your always with Byakuya, so stand up for yourself!?" She smacked her futon. I gave a small smile as I pulled the blouse on,
"But what's the point," I pulled my head through the collar of the shirt, "I'm just wasting my time if I do that. " I hopped up pulling the shorts to button and zip,
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," She waved her hand in the air to stop me from talking, her eyes gleamed in mischief. She scooted closer to me, so she sat on my futon.
"Soo..." She clasped her hands together and set it on her lap. "What's up with you and Byakuya? Huh?" At the sound of Byakuya's name Lina quickly flopped down on my futon and gave me a sly smile,
"Yea~" She said in a singy voice, I stopped folding my skirt, then folded it again.
"Nothing..." I replied back.
"Aw come on!" Miyori said to me, "Be honest!"
"I am!" I answered creasing a fold on my shirt uniform and laid it down next to my futon. "Now put on your shirt," I tossed to her, her shirt, it was reaching for her face but she caught it before it hit her and obeyed.
"Come on! We've seen the way you look at him!" Lina said cheerfully,
"In hate?" I furrowed my eyebrows at her in confusion. Her expression dropped and she left my futon to her's who's was right beside mine.
"Never mind," She flopped onto her futon with her belly first.
"Come on," Miyori got up, "We gotta go eat," She lined up behind the line that was formed. We tailed her and were lined in the middle of the line. The dinner was going to be hosted in the big wooden cabin that sat in the middle of the sleeping cabins. As usual everybody stared at Kashina when she walked in for dinner. She walked in first since she was the first in line. All the boys turned heads to look at her. She walked around strutting happily to where Byakuya's table was. The seat next to him was empty so she took a seat. Byakuya never noticed about her clothing however, from my view she was trying too much to get him to look at her cleavage. Now everybody in the room's eyes were on us as we came though. I followed behind Miyori sort of regretting that I should've asked for something a bit normal than what I was wearing. The attention that Kashina had caused for the boys to be hyponotized by her clothing, soon dropped on to me.
"Look," Miyori pointed her head to where sat Kashina who was writhing in anger because of her failure to dress better than me, but come on! When will she grow up? And play this game of her's like a woman? Instead of a little girl? Miyori gave me a high five, because her little scheme worked, but I didn't really care on the other hand. I could really care less about this. Byakuya looked away as I accidentally met eyes with him. The head leader of the camp announced to us about how excited he was to have our school participate in a camping site like this. The workers from the camping site went around passing plates of food around the tables. I piled my plate with food, gave thanks and dug in since I didn't eat breakfast this morning. I gulped down slowly, my lemonade that I figured was getting drained bit by bit.
"Oh I'm running out of my drink." Lina shook her empty cup full of ice.
"I got it," I rose up from the bench that I sat on and reached for her empty cup with mine. I lifted my left leg out so that I would have room to take my right leg out as well from the bench I sat on. As I did, I forgot to look, since I was looking down at the cups as I turned, cold water splashed onto my chest soaking the blouse Miyori let me borrow. I dropped the cups that were held in my hand and tried to wipe away at the water. But it wasn't water, instead lemonade. Geez it's gonna leave a stain. I crossed eyes with Kashina who was holding a pitcher of lemonade that was filled only half way. She put her free dainty fingers to her lips in a embarrassing way.
"Oops! You're so clumsy that you bumped into me!" She said out loud making sure that the people that were in the dining hall heard her. "Well can't blame ya," She said looking at the cups that I dropped onto the floor, "You wanted the lemonade too! So have some more!" I felt more lemonade and ice hit my face as I braced myself for it. From behind me I heard Miyori stand up from where she sat. Turning around quickly, I put my hand on her to sit her down. Remembering that she had gotten in a lot fights, at least that what I heard from Lina.
"It's ok," I said to her, "I'll be fine," She sat down with shock forming on her face. I walked from the table. "I'll be back," I opened the door that led me out of the dining hall trying to not stir up anymore trouble than what was caused in there. The door closed, and from within I heard even more laughter. I ignored it and walked down toward the beach. I didn't really have anywhere else to go, because my cabin was locked. I stared at the blouse that Miyori had let me borrow earlier. I lifted it up so that I could try to rub away the stain. No luck.
"Ugh..." I put the shirt down, hating the way that it stuck to my skin,
"Are you alright?" I turned around to see that Byakuya had followed me out from back there.
"Well...I'm sorta sticky," I said facing towards him, he blinked away from the ground to look at me. His grey eyes steady in mine. I looked away up into the sky noticing that the stars were appearing one by one.
"Beautiful isn't it?" I heard Byakuya say as he too looked up to the sky. I turned so that my side was facing him instead of me fully looking at him. My gaze traveled down to the forest that surrounded that camp. For a moment we stood in silence. Cautiously I snuck a glance at him. He was still staring up when his eyes met mine. I focused my gaze down to the ground in front of him, hoping he didn't notice. His eyes, I could feel rest onto me. I breathed out a sigh and finally faced him. Since he was pretty tall the only thing that was in front of me was his chest...his wound...I thought to myself. I walked closer to him and raised my hand to carefully touch the part where Gin injured him.
"Does it hurt?" I looked up at him, I saw that his eyes had softened as if it were in relief. His right hand rose to grasp my palm closer to his chest as he said to me.
"Now, it does not any longer," His hand brought mine closer to his cheek leaving his chest. He let it sit there as he looked at me, then he closed his eyes as he breathed in the scent of my hand, then he kissed it softly opening his eyes. I blinked barely noticing that I was holding my breath. His hand trailed down from my fingers and trailed down toward my elbow bringing me closer to him. I looked down and with my free hand I put it up to his chest defensively to stop him, didn't seem to matter. Finding myself trapped in his arms, my gaze met his as I rose my head up from looking at the ground. His face gave me a shock because of how close he was to me. I could feel his warm breath upon my cheek, and the look I knew so well that showed in his eyes. A soft gentle look. His lips were beginning to come closer, and closer to mine but...I didn't move away...or more I was too paralyzed to even move from the position that I was in. I closed my eyes and felt his lips just begin to touch mine.
"Tsuyoi?!" I heard Lina's voice call out for me, I opened my eyes and pulled away from the embrace that I too was captivated in and saw Byakuya do the same as he stepped back a little bit farther from me. I saw Lina and the others close the door to the main cabin behind them. I breathed out deeply as I noticed that Lina and the others didn't see anything. Geez...Now I can't even look at Byakuya in the eye...and just from the aura around us both...he couldn't do the same either...
"Uh...Yes?" I called, answering Lina, my eyes now on her and the rest of the girls. She walked toward me and gripped the hem of the blouse that was splotched with lemonade. I looked apologetically to Miyori, whom had let me wear it. But she seemed to be happy. From them I heard that Kashina was the one who had gotten in trouble. Lina breathed out a sad sigh, and held my hand leading me away from Byakuya and the beach.
"Come on," She pulled me towards the cabins, "We got to get you cleaned up, and you too Byakuya!" She called to him, he gave a nod and walked toward us. I was mentally yelling at myself to move when he whispered to me,
"Meet me in front of the main cabin tomorrow morning," I averted my gaze so his eyes wouldn't meet mine, "We need to get you new is not formal to wear borrowed clothing," and with that he left. I turned to the girls who had a shocked face at first...then turned into a sly grin. I saw Miyori grin the biggest as she followed after Byakuya. I released my hand from Lina's and reached her in time.
"Hey Byaku-hmmph!" I covered her mouth just in time before her words were out in the open and dragged her away. I took a glimpse at Byakuya's back making sure that he didn't turn around When he didn't I dragged Miyori away.
"Come on," I said releasing her, "I need a bath,"  

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