Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

Tsuyoi P.O.V.

"I'm fine Byakuya," I tried to stand by myself, only that my clothes were so heavy on me since they were drenched head-to-toe. He looked at me and then pushed my gigai a little farther away from me. But...why would he do tha-"Whoa!" I said in shock as he carried me in his arms. His eyes were closed as carried me. I opened my mouth to tell him to put me down but then he interrupted me before I could say anything back to him.

"Don't even try to reason with me that you could still walk," I felt his strong arms underneath me, "After all," he opened his eyes to look into mine, "You had enough of the fighting today, so do me a favor and REST will you?" his eyes softened as he stared into mine. Captivated in his grey eyes, I reluctantly nodded nodded my head. "Good." he said as he looked ahead, I could see my gigai walking beside us. By now I was cold and my body wouldn't listen to what I was telling it to not do...shiver.

"Are you that cold?" he said to me, I shook my head, water droplets dripped from the ends of my short hair, "Stop keeping the truth in, I could feel you shuddering under my arms," he said. I looked away trying to avert my gaze, "Don't worry, we'll be bathing in the hot spring that they have prepared for us tonight," My spirits seemed to be lifted a little because I'd now could get warm! As we approached closer and closer to my cabin, he finally put me down and he left saying that there will be activities in the main cabin, that he'll be waiting there for me after I'm done soaking. I nodded my head and walked into the cabin that was full of girls in light pink yukatas who seem to me ready to be going to the hot spring. I walked to my futon only to be tackled by Miyori,

"Where were ya?!" She looked up and down at my drenched figure, "Looks like you got a soak before the rest of us did," She smacked me on the arm. I grimaced in pain, as Lina hurriedly put a towel on me,

"Come on," She said leading me toward the door that the girls were lining up for, "I got your yukata, so you don't have to worry about putting it on right now," She said as she grabbed a nearby yukata that was probably meant for me. We went around the main cabin where there was a door that led to the back of the main cabin. Whoever knew that there was a bath main cabin had stunned me earlier because it was so HUGE. The door was opened and steam had been smoked out as the door closed behind us. This place must have been very rich because the bath was unbelievably huge! There was a pool area steaming with warm water and a small waterfall as well! Beautiful! I heard a lot of the girls started to chatter with excitement at the view of the bath.

The girls and I separated from the other groups and found a small place to bathe in. I walked in soaking myself with my wet clothes still on. Lina was trying to take off my clothes so that I could be able to bathe properly. I heard her gasp as she took a step back, and stumbled into the water. She rose up trying to cough out the water that seeped into her nose. I stood up automatically checking if there were any hollows of the sort. But found nothing. I looked to Lina who stood up.
"What's wrong?" I asked as she re-wrapped herself in her towel. She stared at me then to the side of me. She bent down and picked up my pants that was drifting off.

"Your arm," She said as she hung the pants on the rocks that surrounded us, and pointed to my arm. I looked to where she was pointing to and sure enough there was the mark of where that hollow Mizu had bit earlier. The blood was already seeping through my gigai. I touched the blood on my shoulder and sank back into the water trying to wash it off. Miyori stood beside me staring at the wound. 

"Oh my god! What happened Tsuyoi!?" I heard Hikana's voice come from behind me. I turned around to see her and Keitara wrapped in white towels and trodded over to where I was rinsing my wound.

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