Chapter 26

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Tsuyoi P.O.V.
I hurriedly pushed myself away from the crowd that was forming from behind me, and took out my soul candy that was deep in my skirt pocket and slipped it into my mouth. I came forth from my gigai and jumped out an open window that was nearby and landed onto the ground. Not stopping for a breath, I ran forward glancing at my phone and to where the girls had disappeared off to. Tracing the hollow, I found it hovering over Miyori who had a branch in her hand ready to swing at the hollow. The hollow raised its hand and slapped Miyori away from him as he reached for the others who were on the ground cowering in fright, I unsheathed my zanpakuto and slid my hand across the blade. Flames trailed after my fingers on where I touched Honoo.
"Get away from them!" I yelled jumping up and sent down a clean slash upon the hollow's body. It split into two as it gave one last screech, then dispersed into dust. I landed on the ground next to Miyori and the others. I shook Miyori awake who woke up in fright trying to find where the hollow went.
"Where is that thing!?" Miyori staggered up, still trying to look for it. She turned to Lina and the others, "Didn't you guys see that?" She questioned. All three of them shook their heads yes, My eyebrow cocked up in curiosity. Then felt a small amount of spiritual pressure come from Miyori and the others.
"You can see them?" I asked, Miyori nodded to me, then gave me a look up and down to stare at what I was wearing. I felt Byakuya's presence land beside me as she too took notice of Byakuya.
"What are you guys wearing?" She asked. I sighed, then wondered What the heck? Lina knew about shouldn't be a problem if they they have spiritual pressure too... I told the rest of the girls everything that happened, and too stated to them that they all had spiritual pressures that they somewhat couldn't control how to hide. Miyori's reaction was saying that all of this was just too crazy to be happening. While the others were silent and taking it all in.
"Well..." Keitara brushed off the dirt from her pants, "That explains your un-human strength," She smiled at me. I lightly returned it to her as I waited for Hikana to speak.
"I don't think that Tsuyoi and Byakuya would be the type to lie to us," She agreed. Miyori's shoulders drooped a bit then she shrugged off to the side,
"Whatever," She walked toward the school campus, "Do what you want," She flicked her hand good bye at us as she left us still hidden in the bushes. After the small show that was played before their eyes, I somewhat knew that Miyori might be the one person not to believe it or take it seriously. Byakuya and I walked them back to class, then returned into our gigais. Ever since we came back, our classroom didn't really seemed to have changed. I sat in my seat remembering the broken flowers that were made earlier from Kashina. I breathed out an exasperated sigh, plucking another colored paper that had been piled onto my desk and started folding. I flinched to the side as I saw a figure stand beside my desk. Glancing up, I looked into the eyes of Byakuya. In his arms were the paper flowers that he had made earlier.
"You can have them," He put them on my desk and turned around, but didn't walk away, "Yours are trodded on correct?" He turned his head, but only so the side of his face was to my direction. And with that he left without an answer. I turned to the flowers that he had made, and picked off a pink one that was decorated with sparkles. Just from the corner of my lips. A smile started to slowly form.
After school I waited for Byakuya near the locker room for shoes, he soon arrived later ready to walk home. Descending down the stairs, I heard someone holler from behind me.
"You better come to our event!" Lina said running after me with a band-aid stuck on top her nose. I reached my hand out to touch it, I sighed, as she looked at me.
"What?" She asked me, "It wasn't your fault," She said turning away. "Better come tonight!" She ran away. Byakuya and I stared after her, we both once again started walking. On the way home it was silent until he spoke,
"Are you going?" He asked not making eye contact with me. I paused for a second thinking it through...I nodded, I repeated the question back to him.
"Yes, I do not want to disgrace the Kuchiki name," he turned to me. I gave a smirk. Him and his family line! He's so protective of it.
"What is wrong?" He narrowed his eyes, probably wondering why I was smirking at him,
"Oh nothing, nothing," I said smiling away off to the side, he rolled his eyes, knowing that I wasn't going to say anything else about that subject.
"Thanks for the flowers," I remembered, but forgot to thank him for it because he walked away before I could say it,
"It was nothing," He replied back facing forward,
"But I didn't need them," I retorted,
"From the look of your face, you seemed to like the flowers that you folded, very much" Returning his gaze to me.
"Well, just because I looked like it, it shouldn't mean I should be pitied on," He flickered his eyes away from mine, and ignored the comment that I said. Arriving home finally, I changed into something more suitable. I wore a plain white t-shirt because the teacher instructed the whole class to be identified by white t-shirts. Pulling on a pair of pants and sneakers, Byakuya was outside waiting for me. Telling Kisuke where we'll be we soon left. It was already dark when arriving at the school, the only light that was on were the school lights that came from the windows. There were people outside the main gates that were welcoming bystanders into their homeroom event.
They welcomed us with a small brochure of the classrooms and what each class was doing. Afterwards we were outside selling out paper flowers that were a hit all over the school. There were only a couple of bouquets, plus the students seemed to do fine on their own, so we both took the time to go visit Lina's room. I reached to open the door but it was opened before me. A girl in a maid uniform welcomed me in, and a waiter showed me to my table. I sat down across the table from Byakuya, looking for the little girl in pig tails. She was running forward panting for breath. When she reached our table, she grabbed a hold of and Byakuya I, dragging us into the backroom, shoving me and him into separate compartments. Lina soon opened the curtain that covered my stall and tossed to me clothes, and trying to help me into them.
"What are you doing?" I said smacking the clothes away,
"Hush," She pointed her finger to her lips and unbuttoned a maid outfit, "Hikana and Miyori are suspended, and the only people that I could think of is you and Byakuya!"
"I'm not doing it," I said to her, she stopped unbuttoning and tears streamed from her eyes, OH MY GAWD! This girl! Is so immature!
"Fine," I said taking the dress from her, and changing into it. It was was cut short to my thighs. This is a bit...short...I thought looking myself in the mirror.
"'re pretty tall aren't you?" She examined me trying to pull the hem down, I felt the part that covered up my chest slide down revealing too much cleavage. I quickly pushed her hand away and pulled up the dress so that it would cover my chest. On my head Lina attached a little lacy bow. She handed me shoes, that had a heel but it wasn't so tall. I looked at myself in the mirror...
"That's it, I'm not wearing this," I said pulling the dress off, only to have it pulled back on by the little girl. Knowing that there was no point in fighting because, she would win anyway, I walked out with the ridiculous outfit. Byakuya on the other hand...wore a nice tux, that was black, he was trying to adjust his chest pocket when I saw him. I guess he was talked into it as well. He looked up from fixing his jacket. His eyes went huge as he saw how I was dressed, then he glanced away pretending not to notice. I did the same as well. Lina instructed us about how to take the order and to greet them as they came in.
It started getting really busy when Byakuya came, because most of the customers were girls. I sighed, as the girl told me she didn't want me to take her order because she was waiting for Byakuya. I walked to him and whispered to him that someone wanted him. I saw his shoulders give a small droop, but was raised again, as he took her order, his facial expression never changing. After taking an order from a girl, I gave the chef the of the 'Cafe' the order, so she could make it. I was busy taking an order from a group of boys, when Lina tapped me on the shoulder.
"You and Byakuya can go take a break," She said taking away the notepad from my hands, "I just already came back from mine," I gave a nod, I walked towards Byakuya and told him about the break. He handed his notepad to a nearby waiter and we both left outside for some fresh air. We walked around the school looking at the displays that the other classrooms had going on. There was cosplay, face painting, cooking, and we passed by the big stage that was set up for something big, because there was a crowd there. There speaker spoke something about a game that people are welcome to play. Then from behind me I was shoved to the ground, falling onto my knees. I looked behind me to see that it was Kashina.
"Why is it every time I see you, you're always being clumsy?" She smirked taking Byakuya's arm. I looked down to the ground finding that the white part of my dress was ruined, and dirtied since we were outside. Feeling the anger boil from me I had it with this girl! Before I could react, Byakuya had released himself from Kashina's hand, and helped me to my feet. His hands gripped me firmly helping me to my feet. Trying to dust off the dirt the best he can from my apron. Seeing that it wouldn't come off he sighed.
"Tsuyoi!? What happened to you?" I saw Hiroko make his way through the crowd, as he saw my dirtied apron, I shook my head indicating that it was nothing.
"Are you playing that game?" Hiroko pointed to the stage, where a lot of people were piled up on. I shook my head, trying to readjust my skirt so that none of my under clothing won't show.
"Well," Kashina grabbed on to Byakuya's arm, "We're going to be the best couple there is up there," She gave one last smirk leaned onto Byakuya. I felt a prickle of annoyance come from inside me, as I was about to comment back. But finding a even better excuse, I looped onto Hiroko,
"Well, WE'RE competing too," And I marched ahead, to the stage dragging Hiroko behind me. We took our place near a couple, Byakuya and Kashina next to us. I tried to find in Byakuya's eyes if he wanted to be my partner, but he refused to look at me. So I really didn't get anything from him. The speaker addressed us in our names, and class.
"First up,"He said raising his hand, the curtains opened right away, revealing a big creaky hand-made house. "A haunted house! Through this you'll be able to prove to yourself, to be together no matter what! Now are you ready!" He called out, pointing his mic for us to scream into. I didn't say anything and neither did my partner. Soon we were aligned two-by-two, and walked into the haunted house, with Byakuya and Kashina behind us. Inside everything was silent, I could feel myself tense up at the quietness. I heard Kashina give out a "Yelp" of terror. GAWD! This girl is getting on my, "Oh my god!" I gripped onto Hiroko's arm as a doll popped up in front of me.
At the sound of my voice, mostly all of the female participates started screaming, It's ok...they're just man-made...your ok...this isn't real "AHHH!" I held on to Hiroko's arm tighter, closing my eyes, because a girl with long hair jumped in front of me. I slowly opened them, now everything was pitch black...oh shit...I felt something grab my leg, I let go of Hiroko trying to release the hand that almost tripped me. As the hand was released, I felt someone grab my waist, and cover my mouth to muffle out my scream. 

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