Chapter 36

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Chapter 36 

Tsuyoi P.O.V.

After the clothes were bought (by his money since he was rich) we walked back to camp, Byakuya holding the bags. Everyone was lined up, or rather crowded at the main cabin with the teacher shouting out the plans for today.

"Today!" He hollered through the old microphone, "First up in the activities are the volleyball tournaments!" A loud cheer came from the pile of students as they began picking partners. "Not so fast!" The teacher shouted, "You will be assigned partners!" Groans erupted from the crowd of students. "Your partners will be chosen by this!" He held a clipboard in the air and was shouting out the numbers and people. My number was 34 and teamed up with (Luckily someone I know) Miyori. There were two volleyball courts that were set up, and two teachers per court to keep track of the points. One court was for the boys and the other was for the girls. Miyori and I weren't going to go up yet until eleven. Right now it was only ten-thirty so I got a lot of time.
"Don't think you could cheat by switching your names and numbers!" The teacher shook his clipboard, "I have all of you to check for on here! Now go get dressed and get ready for the tournament!" And with that the teacher left. I looked nervously to Byakuya because I still remembered his injury from Gin wasn't fully healed yet.

"I don't think you should play," I whispered loud enough for him to hear as I looked to the ground. His hand picked up my chin so that I faced him,

"Are you worried that I won't be able to play because of my injury?" he asked looking into my eyes. I averted his gaze by looking down towards the sand.

"Maybe..." I said hesitantly. He put his face closer to mine and closed his eyes as he touched noses with me.

"I'll be fine...don't worry." Then he left to go change in his cabin. I felt...warm...

"I saw that Tsuyoi!" I felt an arm grip my neck playfully as Miyori gave me a noogie. I smiled and told her that it was nothing of the sort that she was thinking about. News spread out fast as the other girls heard. No surprise, their reaction was to squeal and gush in delight. I changed out of the sundress and into the white bikini. I wrapped a light blue towel that I had bought on the way out of the store, covering my lower body. Miyori was wearing a dark red solid bikini. Lina in a polka-dotted pink and white one. The others I don't know because we all were in different cabins. An arm was swung around so that it could be laid on my shoulders.

"Ya ready to win?" Miyori asked excitedly. I paused, then nodded awkwardly to the side.
"No you're not! I'm gonna win this!" Lina piped in and. Miyori gently gave her a karate chop on the forehead with a straight face,

"Sorry tots but we got the upper advantage here!" She gave a sly smile.

"That's not fair!" Lina whined, "You must of rigged it and written your name next to Tsuyoi's!" Lina came to that conclusion.

"Oh then does that mean you know that you are going to lose because Tsuyoi's with me?!" Miyori pretended to give a evil laugh, and hugged onto me tighter, Lina gave a stomp and headed out the door without us. We left too and stood outside just in time to see that the boys started playing. The whole game was to make a point until you reach the score of ten. Which ever group makes it first proceeds to the next round. Byakuya, I saw was standing off to the side of the boy's court probably observing how to play this game. He wore a light blue hoodie with short sleeves but no shirt underneath revealing his chest...the white patch of bandage was hidden beneath the sweater, and he wore blue shorts. The girl's game began at the start of the whistle. I wasn't that interested in watching so I walked to where Byakuya was, leaving Lina and the others to watch the girl's tournament.

"How is your injury?" I asked tugging on his shoulder sleeve, he turned to see who it was. Once he noticed it was me he said,

"Do you know the face that you are making when you look at me that way?" He gave a soft smile. Then noticed what I was wearing. And looked left and right. I looked the same direction that he did. I turned to face him ready to ask what was wrong when he started taking off his sweater. I backed up,

"Whoa!? What are you doing?" I put my hand out in front of me in a stopping gesture. My arms relaxed to my side as he wrapped the sweater around me. Then looked away to stare at the match. 

"Who's next?" I said trying to make small talk.

"Me," My eyebrows flicked up up in curiosity. "Do you want to watch me?" he broke away his gaze from the game. Without hesitation, I nodded hugging the sweater to me. It seemed that this one wasn't store-bought but probably...from his house... He was teamed up with Hiroko, those two seemed to be a pretty good team together, Byakuya with his speed and height, Hiroko with strength and agility. Their opposing team was the first to start off. They served over hand, and made it over the net. Hiroko returned it cleanly, their opponents struck down the ball even faster and a much stronger hit. Byakuya hit it back with a soft thump on his wrist. From my view he made it look easy as it soared over the net. My mind instantly went blank because I was fooled at the thought that his hit was going to softly hit the ground but instead sand flew everywhere blinding me from the match.

The sand cleared revealing a Byakuya who was cheering to himself and Hiroko. I smiled as he served the ball. Then there was a vibration I felt come from the sweater pocket that Byakuya had given me. I reached in the pocket and pulled out the open a blue phone. I flipped it open and saw a red dot that was blinking. It's location was close to where we were, but far enough so that none of the students and staff members would notice a tussle if they really an adjuchas. I looked to Byakuya wh0 had his back to me.

"Byakuya!" I waved to him showing the phone. He nodded his head, whispered something to Hiroko, I ran ahead to my cabin because I left my soul candy in there. The referee announced a time out. I swung open the cabin door, reaching for my futon and the soul pill under my pillow. Slipping it into my mouth, I burst from my gigai, gripping Honoo, reminding my gigai to be careful and I ran to the nearest red dot that was blinking on Byakuya's phone. I met him outside and tossed to him his phone. 

"Disperse Honoo," I replied, flames burst forth from my zanpakuto.

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