Chapter 17

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Honoo P.O.V.

             We made it came to Senbonzakura's cherry blossom view. We just arrived back from Kisuke's zanpakuto's realm, talking him into bringing Byakuya and my mistress together attending the same school as seniors because Byakuya looked like a person in his last year of high school. I sat down under a cherry blossom tree and stared at the clear blue sky. Senbonzakura too sat beside me. Just looking at him brought me thinking to when we were discussing about the plan but...he seemed a bit...uncomfortable with setting up his master with my mistress. He at first seemed to not like the idea but something stopped him. I kept pestering him to tell me until he finally did.
He at first paused and continued to tell my the history behind his master's late wife, and how much they shared and how much he sacrificed to be with her. The reason why earlier he refused was because he didn't want to bother his master with petty things like falling in love. Then changing his mind because he noticed a difference in the guarded heart of his master's that only he himself was be able to was my mistress who was slowly finding her way into him. He wanted to see his master smile again without having to force it, or go around with that blank stare that everyone in the Souls Society knew about.
I lifted my hand trying to catch a floating cherry blossom as it softly tumbled to me. I tried my best to catch it but...I missed. I heard myself give a low growl and, swiped the air. I heard him chuckle from his helmet. He stretched his hand as if to touch the branch that stood over him. He turned his palm. I saw the branch shift the same direction, shaking down cherry blossoms. I gave a laugh and tried to catch them as they fell...but none...I folded my arms in annoyance. I heard him laugh even more. He pointed a finger to a falling flower blossom, it floated towards me, I reached out my palm so that it could rest on my hand.
I watched as it gave one last twirl and landed upright on my palm. I smiled and looked to Senbonzakura. He put his arm down and looked to the side examining something that I couldn't see.
"Hey," I said tapping his helmet. "Why do you always wear this? Why don't you take it off for once?" I said still tapping his head, he hand reached up to hold mine, so I would stop tapping.
"Because," He said putting my hand down to my side," I keep it on for my pride, of my ways," I gave a huff telling myself that he and his master so far seem no different. I smirked, and grabbed him on his shoulders.
"Take it off!" I said trying to remove it, "I wanna see your face!" I felt him trying to pry me away from his helmet but it was no use. No matter how much he tried, I still held on. I somewhat knew that he wasn't using all of strength, because he didn't really want to hurt me, while at the process of deciding what to do. Then he was left with only one option. He tickled my under arms and I quickly backed away writhing in the ground in laughter, as he attacked me nonstop.
"Stop!" I said trying my best to say the words out, "I'll stop!" I said, still laughing. He tickled me so much I couldn't help but tears slowly streamed from my eyes. So in order to stop him, I grabbed the opportunity and removed his helmet. His long dark purple hair reached me as I held the helmet. A smooth facial expression mixed with shock, was what I saw as I stared into his eyes. Whoa...he looked strangely similar to his master as well. But I was stuck onto his how his face looked a bit...too beautiful. I saw him sit up and away from me. Turning his face, so that the side of his face was shown to me.
"You happy you see it now?" He said, staring ahead and then to me, he held out his hand,
"Can I have it back?" he said to me. I nodded standing up to dust the dirt from my kimono. I handed it to him. His hand was just about to reach as I pulled it back closer to me.
"Not!" And with that I ran for it. Dodging behind and beside cherry blossom. I looked back to see him stand up and disappear from his sitting place with lightening speed. Shoot! I couldn't even see him!
"Looking for someone?" I heard a voice beside me, I turned around to see him running in pace beside me. I shook my head and smiled, clutching his helmet in my hand, I flash stepped away even further from his reach. He appeared beside me with a sharp whoosh! Once again I could feel myself panic and remembered that he and his speed was the fastest in the Soul Society because he and his master had practiced and mastered it altogether. I stopped and saw him still run forward past me. I turned around running the opposite direction.
"My my Honoo," I heard his voice beside me once again. "Getting a bit slow aren't we?" I saw him go into a smirk. I smiled, and tackled him down. Our bodies tumbled down, and stopped abruptly by his hand. I saw him wince as I landed on top of him.
"Ow," I heard him say as he rubbed the back of his head. I laughed, as I rested my head in exhaustion because of the running. I could feel his heart beat, beating fast because of the running that I made him go through. I looked up at him and he too raised his head closer...closer...and closer to me. So close that I could feel his breath.
"I got to go," I said hoisting myself away from him. He too got up, I gave him back his helmet, and ran swiftly away from his realm, leaving him with a heavy heart.

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