Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Tsuyoi P.O.V.

        My eyes quivered awake slowly. My vision blurred in and out for a second, then turned back to normal. I felt the reiatsu that was in the house...Kisuke..Tessai  and the others. I relaxed and thought, I'm back. I moved my arm to see if it was still working, it was, but it was still stiff. My body wasn't burning up like how it did earlier. I remember Tessai struggling to pin me down so that the antidote would be able to heal me, but the poison in my body made me spasm too much as if knowing it was going to be treated. My head turned to the right where I saw my zanpakuto resting. 

        "Are you all right master?" I heard my zanpakuto ask me. I gave a small smile, held her in my hand so that she was even closer to my face, I replied back to her,

        "Yes," I touched the hilt, "I'm always going to be okay Honoo," I felt my zanpakuto begin to lighten up, inside my head I heard Honoo giggle, my smile disappeared, my brows furrowed in curiosity at why she was laughing. "What?" I asked her,

        "Haha I don't think that you've noticed but that man called Byakuya has been passing through your mind a lot more than once Tsuyoi," I felt my eyes widen and froze, then it softened,

        "This is something I don't want to talk to you about Honoo," I gave a desperate sigh. Now that I think about it...I've really been thinking about him more than any other male that I have met.

        "Don't be like that Tsuyoi," My zanpakuto pestered me, "He in my opinion *giggle* is pretty good looking for a man his age." I stared at my zanpakuto and shoved her under my pillow, I tried and successfully managed to sit up. I must inform my captain later about the report that I encountered while fighting those menos, I thought to myself. I steadied myself on my legs, and practiced walking around the house. At first it seemed I could do it but then everything went unsteady under me, I sat again down on my futon with a frown upon my face.

        "Don't frown Tsuyoi," I heard my zanpakto giggle, "If you do that, then you'll grow wrinkles and Byakuya-sama won't like it," I narrowed my eyes where I last put my zanpakuto. I pulled her out from my pillow.

        "Who gave you permission to call him "Sama"?" I asked her , she giggled even more then told me,

        "I visited his zanpakuto, he was very nice!" I could feel her glow on my hand, My eyes widened and clutched onto Honoo even harder then before.

        "You what?" I gritted my teeth, making a low growl come from my throat. 

        "Ow! Tsuyoi you're hurting me!" I felt my zanpakuto tremble underneath my hand, 

        "Do you not know manners!" I hissed at my zanpakuto, "You just don't go around into other shinigami's zanpakuto's worlds and mess with them!" I glowered my eyes at her,

        "But! But...he was nice!" Honoo countered,

        "I don't care! You go back into that realm and apologize right this instant," I whispered to her angrily.

         "O-ok I'm sorry Tsuyoi-sama," She apologized to me. I looked at her, I could feel my eyes begin to soften, "It's fine," I turned away from her setting her down. "Just go apologize and you'll be forgiven." I felt her glow leave my zanpakuto telling me that she was in another realm. I rubbed my temples. Such a childish zanpakuto. I felt my lips begin to lift into a smile, but that's what I love about her. I hugged my zanpakuto to my chest. She's just like a little sister I never had. I immediately put my hand to my head. It was still throbbing...but not as much as it used still hurt...I sighed.

        "Are you all better?" A voice came from the hallway. 

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