Chapter 63

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Chapter 63
Tsuyoi P.O.V.

17 months later

I could hear the servants running through the halls outside of my room as I untangled myself from Byakuya's arms. Rustling through the sheets I placed my feet over the side of the bed and stood up to gaze at Byakuya who was sleeping soundly in the bed. I smiled and kissed his forehead, then left for the bathroom. Brushing my teeth, Byakuya was already awake but never left the bed.

"It's time to get up," I sat next to him on the bed after leaving the bathroom. He opened one eye and nodded his head. He got up from the other side and walked to the restroom, before he entered the restroom he kissed me on the forehead.

"Good morning," I heard him say as he gave a light smile and closed the door to the restroom. I looked down to the ground and too smiled. I made the bed and walked to the mirror that stood leaning next to the wall. In the mirror a woman stood staring straight at me, with long dark hair. I brushed a strand away from my face and walked toward the mirror. I sighed happily to myself and stood a feet away from the mirror, untied my kimono to look at my belly. It has been at least three months since Captain Unohana had announced that I was pregnant. But looking in the mirror my stomach wasn't quite big yet. I blinked remembering after Hiresuna's death, I buried Lina, Miyori, Keitara, and Hikana in the graveyard. Byakuya and I still continued to be together until one spring day when we were taking a stroll in his garden and the blossoms were in bloom.

He then raised his hand to a nearby branch and a small cherry blossom bud fell into his hand. He handed to me the bud and as soon as it touched my hand, the flower began to unravel itself. I gasped in shock because what was in the middle of the flower rested a diamond ring. I looked to Byakuya and he said the words, "Will you marry me?" I was so happy I couldn't stop crying tears of joy. The wedding took place the next weekend, it was an actual japanese wedding but I too wanted a white wedding. So Saturday was the japanese wedding, Sunday was the white wedding. We spent our honeymoon on an island that he had bought as a wedding present. I was surprised that no one objected to the marriage, but it was probably because everyone there had approved, and Byakuya didn't have any elders to stop the marriage from occurring any other way. After the honeymoon my things were moved in the Kuchiki Manor.

"Do you have to wake up every morning to look at yourself in the mirror?" I felt hands start to retie my kimono and brought me into a hug, his hands on my stomach where our baby was. He wore his white captain's haori with gold tassels that hung from the collar and a black kimono underneath.

"I'm a bit afraid that I may not be able to lose weight after I give birth to our child," I laughed as he gave my neck a small nuzzle and stared at our reflections in the mirror.

"My love, you will never cease to amaze me, no matter what size you are," he bent down and gave me a gentle kiss on the lips, I closed my eyes and kissed him back in return. "I'm afraid I can not accompany you to lunch mid-afternoon," He whispered against my lips. I pulled away to look at him.

"Why is that?" I asked,

"Orders from the head-captain that involves the ex-substitute shinigani Kurosaki Ichigo," He breathed in the scent of my hair with his eyes closed. "It seems he has achieved Fullbring,"

"Oh?" My eyebrows went up in interest, as I gave a slight smile, it has been a while since the ex-substitute shinigami had gone powerless from his fight with Aizen.

"Yes, Kisuke Urahara said that he has brought a sword that could collect reiatsu that could possibly restore Kurosaki Ichigo's powers," He opened his eyes to look at us both in the mirror, "The head-captain wants everyone to put a share of their reiastu to help Kurosaki Ichigo regain his powers,"

"May I join in?" I faced away from the mirror to meet his slate-grey eyes. Humor ran through them as he gave a slight smile closing his eyes as he held me closer to him.

"I do not think that the head captain could object to that," He took my hand and walked me to the dining room to where our breakfast was set up. Servants stood aside awaiting us to arrive. Byakuya slid out my seat for me to sit as he too seated himself and began to eat.

"What time will you come pick me up?" I patted my lips with a napkin. 

"Around mid-afternoon," He stood from his seat, as I did as well. I smiled and took one of his hands in my own, he raised an eyebrow as I led him from the dinning hall. 

"Come," I gave him a smile, as I led him to the bedroom where I laid out a chair for him to sit on. He gave me a puzzled look wondering what was going on. Searching through the drawer I found a pair of barber scissors. "I want to give you a hair cut before you leave for work,"

"I do not really seem any harm in that but..." He took a seat and looked back at the mirror, "You won't make any mistakes will you?" I gave him an awkward smile.

"We'll see," was all that I said. Unclipping his hair ornaments I set them on the bed, and I took all of his hair setting it all on his back so I could measure how much I would have left after I start cutting. After a couple of minutes of snipping I went to his bangs and shortened it perfectly. I stood back admiring my master piece. I gave a slight blush because whoever knew my barber skills were this good to make him look very handsome.

"Do you like it? I somewhat decided that you don't need your hair ornaments any longer," I said, Byakuya glanced at himself in the mirror. He smiled with his eyes closed.

"It's not any worst than what I imagined, it could be better though," he replied, in response I made a threatening snipping noise with my scissors and reached for a strand of hair to cut because of his insult. His eyes widened as he lurched forward trying to avoid the scissors.

"I'm just kidding!" I wrapped my arms around his neck as he tried to get up. We both gave a laugh and gazed at each other in the mirror set in front of us. I leaned over his shoulder and gave him a kiss on the cheek, he smiled and raised a hand to hold the side of my face to bring me into a kiss. I giggled after we broke away. He stood up from where sat and pressed his forehead to mine, nuzzling my nose with his. I gave a giggle and pulled him in for one more kiss.

"I need to go," He whispered to me. I nodded my head,

"I will walk you out then," As I took his hand in mine. We walked down the hallway exchanging words and converting. Servants quickly walked by with a bow as they passed us. When we reached the gate I gave him a kiss goodbye as he used shunpo to leave. I smiled and walked back into the manor. Since I was pregnant with a baby, I wasn't called to work. The first couple months were great for me, sleeping all day and such but then...I blinked at the manor...a place this big filled with others...I flickered my eyes to the ground with a sad still felt a bit lonely at times. The servants were always busy and no one was there to be with me. It wasn't great for me to be alone because I think of Lina and my deceased matter what I would always break down just thinking of them.

To past the time, I thought I would go and visit the library to look at the books that contained baby information and what I was expecting. I was so in intact with one of the books that I pulled from the shelves that I didn't notice it was time for Byakuya to arrive and take me to the head captain's office. I argued with him that I was okay with just using shunpo to go to the head captain's office, but he insisted a carriage because I had a baby. After a while he won the argument and helped me into the carriage. Fifteen minutes later, the carriage came to a stop as Byakuya stepped out first and lent me a hand as I descended from the stepping stairs of the carriage. It didn't take us a long time to go to Squad One's office. It seemed we were still early and waiting for the other captains. After a while of waiting Kisuke Urahara was summoned and we released a portion of our reiastu into the blue box that contained a sword. After it was over the head captain dismissed us good bye.

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