Chapter 59

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Chapter 59
Tsuyoi P.O.V.

I ran towards her, her assassins blocking my path as they came at me. Left to right I dodged and placed a cut near their fatal area making sure that it would end their life. After all...they went all with Hiresuna without even a second thought or the slightest of hesitating. I ducked as an assassin's weapon was about to meet my head, I swiftly drew Kakumo and slid him across the assassin's chest making him fall to the ground. I dodged left and right at the remaining ninjas and hopped over one front flipping over in the air and stabbed him in the back as I landed forward making a perfect flip. I heard him collapse behind me, but didn't care to look because I knew he wouldn't be breathing any longer. 

I ducked backwards as a sword almost connected with my neck and dropped kicked him in the process. Landing on my feet again I was glad that I didn't fall backwards, after all I was always trying my best to perfect that move. As soon as I stood on my feet I felt arms capture my neck and tried to squeeze the air out of me. The arms were strong lifting me off my feet so I was hanging a couple feet from the ground.

"Gahh!" I made out trying to breathe as I tried to loosen the arms around me. I dropped my zanpakutos and tried to pry his hands away from my throat. That only made it worse as he tightened them around me. It was really cutting off my air transportation as I tried clawing at his arms.

"Hoi!" I made a loud karate noise and raised my foot in front of me to reach and kick his face that was right next to mine, kicking him squarely on the forehead as he let me go. I fell to the floor gasping for breath, the man behind me clutching his face because of my kick. I rolled away as I saw another assassin try to kick me, I rolled sitting up and attacked his legs making him land on his knees. When he was at my level I gave him a punch to the face and watched him pass out. I stood on my legs and saw that there were only three ninjas left. I picked up my zanpakutos from where where they lay and ran at them. Two came me as I plunged each of my daggers into both of them. The only one left standing was quivering in fear and staggering back after seeing his comrades on the ground. I ran up to him as he stood as still as a statue as I jumped a couple feet in the air and landed on top of him sending a powerful punch toward his face making sure that he was knocked out. 

"Very nice," I heard Hiresuna clapping as she stood feets away from me. I slowly raised myself up and narrowed my eyes shaking away my bangs that covered my eyes. Wasting no time I ran at her, she lifted her guns and started to shoot. I used my zanpakutos to block them watching as sparks flew as the bullets bounced off of Kakumo and Honoo. I quickly switched my zanpakutos directions so that they could be fast enough to take the rest of Hiresuna's bullets. I quickly saved myself in time as one was reaching for my forehead. Then...the shooting stopped...all I heard was empty clicking. I put down Honoo and Kakumo and ran to where Hiresuna was standing trying to click her guns to seemed to be out.

I jumped in the air with my right leg up to slam it down on Hiresuna's head. I saw as she blocked the kick with both of her hands crossed over her head. With a grin, she grabbed my foot that landed on her arms and swung me away slamming me against the corridors that surrounded us. I fell harshly to the ground after my back connected with the wall behind me. She was even stronger than before. I winced as I helped myself onto my feet. 

"You don't have such a bad life here ya know?" Hiresuna tossed the guns aside and reached into her pockets, "After all you found friends," I eyed the girl's figures that lay on the ground, "And a lover it seems," She chuckled as she pulled out her jade daggers and twirled them in her fingers. I narrowed my eyes as I gripped my zanpakutos tightly.

"Byakuya was his name wasn't it?" She tapped her chin and gave me a smile cocking her head to the side as she looked at me. "Haha yes...after I'm finished with you should I go after him as well?" She gave a giggle.

"You won't ever get the chance," I flash stepped and appeared behind her as our weapons met. She turned around in time to meet my attack, but she didn't seem the least bit fazed. I gritted my teeth and gave her a kick to the stomach as she flew backwards landing on the floor. Before she could fully lay her body on the ground I felt her flash step behind me, my back facing her, I met her weapons in time without turning my body to face her and clashed daggers as I turned my head a bit just to see her evil grin. I pushed her away from me as she floated back away from me unharmed.

"How shall I kill him this time? Like how I did to Kai or-" I didn't let her finish as I used shunpo and rushed to her jumping in front of her giving her a flying back kick. I landed perfectly after making a round as Hiresuna landed on the floor.

"It would be impossible to kill someone like me," I heard a voice say from yards away from me, Byakuya!

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