Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Tsuyoi P.O.V.

I heard a sound move beside me but I made no motion to find out. Because I didn't know where my surroundings were at. But I heard the crackling of a fire and warmth. Cautiously I opened my eyes. I found myself staring at the night sky and the stars that shown with it. I tried to sit up, but a voice stopped me in my tracks.

"I would advise that you shouldn't get up yet." I saw that Byakuya was sitting beside me. To the other side of me I saw a fire that was crackling. I stared at him knowing better than to start an argument. Staring down and I saw that the wound on my neck was covered in a scarf that I seen Byakuya wear many times. My stomach was wrapped in his Haori where the tail of the scorpion pierced me. The blood seeped through but not enough to make me lose a big amount.

I unwrapped myself from the scarf because I remembered that a scarf like this, only the Kuchiki name weld it. No one else was worthy of wearing it nor touching it. Byakuya must've seen me unwrapping it for he re-wrapped the scarf around my neck securely. I furrowed my brow at him, he looked at me back, then he stood up, walked away then replied to me,

"Keep it on, the wound on your neck did not cease yet," He looked down at me, "And you were murmuring in your sleep that you were cold." He turned and walked away.

"Where are you going?" My voice croaked after sleeping for a pretty long time, I tried my best not to clutch my head in pain because it was throbbing soo much. I saw him stop and the side of his face, faced me,

"Cool water, because the poison has sunk into you too deep, and," he paused "I think you have a fever" He walked away not far, because I heard the splashing of water close by. He soon came back, with a rag? I saw that his sleeve was torn into the what that wet rag was in place of. I was still sitting up when he was kneeling beside me.

"Lay down," he ordered me. I shook my head,

"I could do it myself." I said reaching, and trying to steady my hand so that he won't see it shaking. His eyes met mine, and without removing his gaze he handed me the towel. My hand flinched when I grabbed the towel. The poison was probably too much keeping my body unstable. I stared at the unsteadiness that my hand gave. The rag dropped from my hand, but was quickly caught by Byakuya.

"What did I tell you?" he said flickering his eyes from the towel to mine. I sighed, thinking that this was useless to even say something I know wasn't true back to him. I winced as my body spasm-ed refusing to let me lay down. I gritted my teeth telling my body mentally to lay down. Then I felt a hand gently press and helped me onto the mat? Mat? Where in the world did he find a mat? I felt my speech was getting weak, so I decided not to say anything. The cool rag was being placed on top of forehead. It was cool and calming. I finally closed my eyes, falling into the depths of sleep.

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