Chapter 38

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Chapter 38
Tsuyoi P.O.V.

I blocked a blow with Senbonzakura, Tsuyoi met my eyes, grinned and jumped back, as she landed she flexed her arm out. She swiped her zanpaktou towards the ground and examined her zanpakto, it glinted in the sun from the bottom to tip. I narrowed my eyes trying to figure out how Tsuyoi ever got possessed. Digging through a little bit I remembered that she gripped his mask and drove her zanapaktou into him...I see, I blinked then came to the conclusion of how he let her stab did probably injure him but...he must have made her think that she had gotten him...only at that time he burst before she fully actually given him a fatal injury. But how did he actually get INSIDE of her? That was the one question that had gone through my mind...Tsuyoi should have known better...especially since that this was a parasite hollow.
"This body," Tsuyoi had said as she practiced swinging her zanpakuto back in forth. "Is a lot more powerful than I thought it would be," she pointed her zanpaktou to me. "Unlike him," She nodded her head to where the man I had lain down against the rock wall. "He would be considered weak," She gave a laugh, her eyes glowering red. "Now shinigami...can you attack me?" she pointed to herself, "Because you don't seem like fighting me in this body anytime soon." She lunged at me swinging her zanpakuto. Her movements seemed so much faster and alert due to the point because the hollow was possessing her body. I dodged left and and right to avoid touching her. Because I don't know what this hollow is capable of...if it is able to possess in a touch or something even less than that. 

"I could see what is going through your mind?" She swiped faster cutting my black kimono of where my chest was located. "You are trying to think of what method I used to possess a shinigami like her," She swung forward her blade, I reached and caught it just as it was about to come for me. Trying to break it, it was as if the hollow knew what I was going to do, with her free hand she palmed me hard in the chest making my blood flow the opposite way it should be flowing, I made a small groaning noise as she jumped back laughing yet again, 

"Just for a little fun would you like to know a little bit about her?" She rested her zanpakuto onto her shoulder, and her free hand held onto the side of her hip. Thinking about her question she asked earlier...I have come to the point that this hollow could look into their victim's mind and memory as well. 

"She seems to have an interesting..." She cocked her head to the side and looking away as if she was actually going to read me what she really could, "Past," She finished setting her head straight up, and focused her eyes on me again. Her...past? I thought to myself. "And!?" her eyebrows went up, "A LOT of things that have to do with you as well," She flash stepped and met zanpakutos with me upfront. I swung away brushing aside the temptation of wanting to know. Focusing instead how he was able to possess her. I wasn't here when he was possessing that man's body...

"Trying to find out how I got into this pretty little face?" She placed her zanpakuto to her cheek, and line of scarlet streamed down. I ran and stopped the zanpakuto from going any further from her cheek. She gave a knowing smile and slashed away. "That man right there," She pointed her head to the man, and gripped my collar sending down a punch in my gut. "His mouth was open since they scream at the sight of me, it was too easy possessing him...after all...Master had made it so that all hollows and much more are seen by human eyes," I grimaced feeling a bit of the burn in my gut, Master? I thought, as I shoved her away from me. "The shinigami girl knew my method from the start since she was here first." She jumped into the air using her zanpauktou, as our zanpakuto's met, I could feel her sending pressure down onto Senbonzakura as I brought him to block me. "One thing she didn't know though," She jumped away landing a close distance and charged to me. "I could possess anything as long as they have a opening in their body," She slid her hand across her zanpakutou, "Disperse Honoo," She swung her zanpakuto full of flames, "Honoo Supako," a whip was formed from the flaming zanpakuto and it struck my arm, capturing it. 

"That her mouth didn't need to be open, but her FINGERTIPS were," She smiled and yanked the whip sending me forward towards her. I stood my ground and tried to pull the whip to me. With a powerful yank of my arm, I watched as she was pulled towards me, but her feet still stood her ground. I yanked even harder only this time she let me. I at first assumed that she was going to struggle but she went straight ahead and and flew towards me. I dropped the whip in surprise at her change of strength, I used Senbonzakura to block the punch she was going to set on my head. Once I blocked she grinned and kicked me in the chest right after the punch, giving me no time to take a breath, or thought of what she was going to do. She laughed as she saw me drop my guard for a second.

"This shinigami's skill is not too shabby either!" Her red eyes glinted in the sun as our weapons met in sparks as they touched, "To land a slash of a zanpakuto AND a combating punch right after, stunning the opponent! The perfect combination!" She laughed away enjoying the battle between me and her. As I blocked I tried to think of the best way to bring out the hollow without me having to go through desperate measures. The only method possible was to...beat other way easier than that. I let her wrap her burning whip around my hand. A small gleam of victory ran through her eyes. How foolish. I brought her closer to me as I gave her a blow the stomach.

"Ugh," She groaned, trying to unravel her whip from my hand. She tried to pull away but I held her still sending down another punch to her stomach. I heard her gasp, and looking at the whip in her hand she reluctantly let go only to clutch her stomach. I dropped the whip ignoring the deep burn that was in my palm. I watched as she staggered away eyeing the whip, but knew she at this moment couldn't retrieve it. She put her palm out in front of her and chanted, 

"Blue fire crash down!" A small beam of blue light appeared from her hand, wavered, then disappeared. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusement and anger. "This body isn't capable of spells either! How useless!" She turned around and ran. Ignorant fool. I appeared in front of her, her eyes flooded with fright as I appeared quickly to block her way. She turned around to run the other direction, I grabbed her wrist to turn her towards me, her eyes pleaded as she spoke,
"Please Byakuya," She looked at me beggingly. This I tell you would never work on me, despite the red glow in her eyes. How arrogant to use her body to plead for mercy. Without hesitation, I clenched my hand into a fist and plunged it deep into her. Blood burst forth from her mouth. Her eyes turned into a blank color as she stared into nothingness. From her mouth a spider-like bug climbed out from her mouth. Tsuyoi coughed it out and collapsed to the floor. Pointing my zanpakuto to the bug that now changed to it's original state, it sat on the sand facing me as it tried to crawl backwards away. 

"Mercy," He replied out into a hoarse voice, he clapped his hands together. 

"Have you no pride at all? Scatter Senbonzakura," My petals scattered forth from Senbonzakura and engulfed the parasite. The last thing that came from the flood of pink was a shout of pain. As the petals departed and disappeared, so did the hollow.

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