Chapter 29

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Tsuyoi P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning pretty late. Since I was still in my uniform for school, I hopped out of bed wondering why Byakuya didn't wake me up. The futon that was supposed to be lain sprawn on the floor, wasn't there. So assuming that he was up, I ran into the kitchen and grabbed my bag and bumped into Jinta.
"Where's Byakuya?" I asked trying to tuck in my shirt in my skirt. Jinta looked up at me and replied back.
"You don't know? He had orders to go back to the Soul Society, urgent matters they said." He thought to himself trying to find the next words to say. "Somethin bout his sister and a substitute shinigami," Then he left. I stood there a bit dumbstruck but just went walking to school anyway. The cars rode past me as people got up to go to work, it was pretty quiet...but...I must did feel a bit odd with out Byakuya to me.
"Mistress..." Honoo's voice jolted me awake to reality.
"You too have feelings for Byakuya too don't you?" I felt my eyes widen at the thought of what my zanpakuto was saying,
"No," I growled,
"I could feel that something like this is troubling have been feeling a bit of the happiness when you're with him aren't you?" She kept questioning me. Flashbacks came through me...that time when my flowers were crushed, he gave me his. The time of the hanami as we danced hand in hand. Then there was that time...I felt happy that he wasn't going through the game with Kashina...then that time when I put his face to to heart beated fast all of those times when he was with it possible that I too have fallen so far that I didn't even realize it?
"No...stop it Honoo...I've already made up my mind not to fall for anyone in this lifetime." I gritted my teeth as I told her. I heard her give out a sigh.
"Your mind is made up not to love him...but is your heart telling you the same thing? You say that you wanted him to leave, but why are you missing him master? Your head is saying you won't fall...but look at where you stand right now? You're not listening to your heart...but your mind. Why do you think you feel something hollow inside when he's not here. Your heart is crying out for him, Your heart right now...I bet is telling you to run after him, but it's your MIND that is telling you to stay. Follow what your heart says...not your head...don't regret your decision on what you are going to do next, do it now...before it's too late."
And with that she left without me having to answer back. Now that I think about it...I really have been running away from Byakuya...because I knew that his feelings for me start to grow even more than how they first did. I'm too confused...I don't even know what to say or how to face him now...after all I told him to disappear...and that I hated him so do I fix this? I crossed the crosswalk to the school. I got to class and kept looking back hoping to see that Byakuya would be there sitting in his seat, looking back at me...but no matter how many times I look...he's not there. Honoo's words echoed through my mind, "Do it now before it's too late," I felt my hands clench into fists. And I set my head onto my desk and squeezing my eyes closed. I know what I feel! I shouted to myself mentally, but I don't have the courage to face him anymore!
The bell rang for lunch to start, but I didn't go eat. Besides Lina and the others will know where to find me. Ten minutes passed as I stared out the window...reminiscing the times that I spent with Byakuya. Something had clattered onto my desk. I turned to see lunch there. Keitara had set it down. She pushed it to me.
"Eat, " She said to me. "You've looked like you haven't eaten in a while, she pushed it to me. I gave her a grateful look and started to eat. Her and Lina sat near me and were chatting.
"Where's Byakuya?" Keitara asked suddenly, I tried my best to swallow my food, and answered her,
"Soul Society...urgent mission," I saw them both furrow their eyebrows, and looked to one another. There was a beeping noise that came from my skirt pocket...a hollow? I flicked it to see if there was one. But there wasn't. Instead I've received a message to go back to Soul Society, because Aizen Sousuke was dead. They need more shinigami now than ever. I ran out the door not even bothering to tell the teacher. I ran to Kisuke's so he could open to me the nearest Senkai gate that would lead me to the Soul Society. I ran through the little tunnel and jumped towards the light that would be the way to the Soul Society. I landed on the ground.
Around me I could see that there were soul reapers that were running around in a frenzy, trying to get to their place. I ran on ahead to my squad assuming that my captain and lieutenant were there...but they weren't. Nearby I heard that they were at the council. I ran towards that direction, but ran into Gin on the way. He was a tall man with with white silvery hair. From my perspective he looked a bit shaken up but I had no time to ask why. After a quick greeting I sped past him but stopped as I felt a hand grab me. Gin looked at me desperately.
"There are ryoka (intruders) present in the Soul Society," He informed me. I looked at him and shrugged because my squad didn't take care, or had orders to capture them.
"So what?" I said, he paused,
"Their strong enough, they had beaten Abarai Renji, and Captain Kenpachi Zaraki more than half to death," I stood frozen in place. The ryoka are that strong! They even beat a captain! Not just any captain but the blood thirsty Kenpachi!? No way!
"Where are the ryoka," I asked without hesitation, he paused shaking his head.
"The strongest I know yet so battling Captain Byakuya Kuchiki," 

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