Chapter 65

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Chapter 65
Tsuyoi P.O.V.

" the thread is supposed to go THROUGH the eye of the needle." I said as I brought the needle closer to my eye. I was using a small one because I was hoping that I'd start out with small clothing, for example socks.

"Ah Madam Kuchiki you did not know that?" Hinata asked me. I shook my head in answer and returned to reading the sewing book further with Oka-san and the head butler beside me.
"Well...I'm not really sure about this," I laid the book down, "It says a lot about regular stitching and cross-stitching but..." I stared at the needle that was in my hand, "The regular I think would be easier but..." I glanced at the picture that showed cross-stitching, "The cross-stitching looks a lot better..." I sighed.

"Perhaps I can help you Lady Kuchiki," The butler took the needle from my hand and started to read the book. All three of us stared at him as he picked up the cloth and started to prick the needle into the fabric, drawing out the thread.

"Ah you did wrong!" Oka-san hurriedly took the fabric from the butler and started to take out the stitching that he had done wrong. I sighed in exasperation and started to read the book again, while the other three started arguing.

"No! I did it right! Did you not see here?" The butler took the book that was in my hand and flipped it to an entirely no page, but lost mine in the process.

"No no no! You forgot to tie a KNOT!" Oka-san said taking the book from the head-butler and flipped over to the next page showing him what she had read.

"Wait wait wait!" Hinata said as she tried to stop the tension that Oka-san and the butler were building, flames embedded their eyes. I felt relieved and happy that at least SOMEONE was trying to stop them...until my hopes went down after I heard Hinata say, "You BOTH are wrong THIS is the way to do it," She flipped the pages as I palmed my head.

"You guys," I said in a low voice, even though I was right in front of them they seemed to pay me no attention, "HEY!" I said a bot louder as they all came to a stop with the arguing.

" guys really aren't helping," I grabbed the book from Hinata's hand and opened to the first page reading it thoroughly. "Here's the way to do it." I gave all three of them needles that could be threaded so that we all can try it together.

"Ah...I see what I did the wrong," The butler rubbed his chin and stuck the needle through the fabric. Hinata and Oka-san agreeing as well. I breathed out a sigh because that was over. The door slid open revealing a small servant girl who was dusting the lamp in the room that we were in.

"Ah you," I pointed to her and motioned for her to come closer. She hesitated but then came closer wondering what was it that I wanted, she sat kneeled in front of me.

"Yes mistress?"

"Do you perhaps know anything about sewing?" I asked as I raised the needle with the thread up. She glanced at the needle and quickly shook her head, "Hmmm I guess growing up you didn't have time same as THESE others." I pointed to Oka-san, the butler and Hinata who were arguing again. She gave a giggle. I smiled back at her.

"Would you like me to teach you?" I cocked my head to the side with a light smile. She thought about it for a moment, but then noticed it wouldn't hurt so she nodded her head. Handing her the needle and thread I showed her the first step. In the beginning she was a bit confused but soon had it. I smiled and returned to my sewing only misjudging where the needle would poke out, I pricked my thumb.

"Ow!" I dropped the needle and cloth as I looked to my thumb. Oka-san, Hinata and the butler raced towards me grabbing my hand that was pricked.

"Quickly! A first aid-kit!" The butler waved away to the servant girl who too had her attention to me. She hurriedly nodded her head and raced out of the room.

"First-aid? It was just a small prick," I laughed waving them away.

"The young master is surely going to be angry once he hears that his beloved angel has pricked that finger of perfection!" Hinata pulled at her hair running around in the room, Oka-san seemed to have fainted and the butler was starting to sweat.

"It's fine! And...angel?" I gave a sly smile,

"Yes, that was the young master's name for you," Hinata said as she once again starting pulling at her raven black hair in a frenzy. I laughed to myself...angel huh? 

"I have it!" The servant came in with not only the kit, but a nurse and a doctor as well.

"'s not like I fainted or anything of the sort," I waved my hands in surrender because she had brought a lot more people that I expected...heck I wasn't expecting anyone one to come! After telling the nurse and doctor that everything was fine and was just a small prick...
-_-...he thought that it was still serious and started to lecture me.

"Okay okay...I'll be more careful," I promised the doctor, the doctor gave a glance at the sewing book and took the needle and the cloth that was on the floor, and surprisingly started to teach me. After a while the room was filled with the servants trying to learn how to sew, and even the guards.

"What is going on?" The door slid open as Byakuya walked in. Everybody stood up and bowed to him respectfully, but looked away embarrassed because they abandoned their work to come

"Well I'm trying to learn how to sew," I raised the needle and cloth for him to see. He raised in eyebrow as he walked closer and closer to me and sat down.

"Sewing is an easy task," He took the needle and cloth away from me and started to stitch...until he got one of the threads stuck. He narrowed his eyes and pulled harder at the thread but only made it worse.

"It really is an easy task isn't it?" I teased him as he failed to sew. He passed for a second and pulled harder trying to release the thread and ripped it from the cloth. His eyes widened in shock. Unable to hold in any longer I gave a laugh.

"You really know how to do these things don't you?" I teased him as I kissed him on the cheek. He blinked in shock as he turned to me, turning a light shade of pink. The rest that were in the room burst out in laughter too...until Byakuya ordered them to get out.

"Aw," I whined as the last of the servants were out of the room and closed the door shut. Turning around Byakuya was still focused on the needle and cloth. I hugged his back, bringing my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. He paused and looked up to me setting the things done. He laid a hand around my waist and swung me down onto his lap.

"Whoa!" I exclaimed in shock, "That was uncalled for-" Before I could finish his lips cut off my words bringing me into a passionate kiss. I smirked in the kiss and pulled away.

"So...I heard from others that I was your angel,"

"......They talk too much," He looked off to the side. I gave a chuckle and raised my hand and turned his cheek to me smiling to him.

"Thank you," I gave him a kiss on the cheek. He looked at me with soft eyes and replied.

"You missed," He gave a sly smile.

"Huh?" A question mark formed onto my face. He brought his lips closer to mine and whispered.

"You missed," I blinked then smirked,

"My mistake," I apologized and kissed him. I pulled away from the kiss and his lap cleaning up the mess that I had made of the needles and such. Byakuya replied to me.

"I'm afraid I can't make it to dinner either...the head-captain wants me to accompany others in the world of the living to give Kurosaki Ichigo the powers he had lost." I stopped and thought for a second, then returned to cleaning.

"Go on ahead," I turned around giving him a smile, "He deserves a lot...from what I have heard from Rukia," I gave a slight giggle remembering how worried she was. "I wouldn't mind if Ichigo was my dear brother-in-law you know," I sat down next to him. Byakuya gave a grunt and glowered to the side.

"Ah no need to get come it must be time for you to leave," I stood up, him too as well as we walked away from the room hand in hand.

Sprouting Flower (Byakuya Kuchiki Love Story!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora