Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
Tsuyoi P.O.V.

        I once again stretched, then rose up as my captain called my name. "Yes, Captain Hitsugaya?" I replied to him as he looked to me. He motioned me to come to him, so I quickly obeyed. 
        "I need you to go to the Squad 1 barracks and give these paperwork to the Head Captain." He handed me a stack of paper. I nodded and took the papers. After dropping them off, I passed the house that had that beautiful garden. I paused thinking to myself that it wouldn't hurt to visit it once again.  I hopped over the fence and made my way to bridge and stood over the water thinking to myself, then my gaze traveled to a nearby tree, and I saw a scarf that hung there. My feet led me to where the scarf was and I pulled it gently down making sure that it wouldn't tear. The fabric seemed cozy and soft but what was it doing here? I thought to myself.
        "Who gave you permission to enter this garden?" I heard a voice coming from behind me.  I turned to see a man who was taller than me, he had hair a couple inches longer than his shoulders, his bangs hung in these hair decorations, that I have never seen before. He had a serious look on his face as if he could care less who I was, let alone want to know what I was doing here. His zanpakto hung to his side swinging back in forth telling me that he was walking over pretty quick to see what I was doing. But when I turned around I saw his eyes narrow in disbelief.
          "Hisana?" He asked me.

Byakuya P.O.V.

         I looked at the person in front of me, my eyes couldn't believe it. Hisana? My mind cried in is dead...this can't be her. ignoring the feeling that was forming inside me.
        "Why does everyone call me that? Who is this Hisana?" I saw her speak but saw that she never changed her facial expression. I narrowed my eyes and drew my zanpakuto to her throat. My zanpakuto was stopped by her small "Zanpakuto" that I  could have assumed was a dagger. She stopped my zanpakuto from landing to her throat with such speed and strength, I was surprised that she had contained. But not enough to stop someone like me. 
        "How rude," she spoke with a straight face. She drove my zanpakuto back, "Taking the blade to your opponent's throat." She slashed away at my zanpakuto. And held her dagger.
        "Who are you?" I asked my zanpakuto still drawn. She looked at me with a face of scorn. For a second I thought that she wasn't going to tell me her name.
        "Tsuyoi Shinzo," She sheathed her zanpakuto as if noting to herself that fighting with me was just a waste of her time. She looked down at my scarf that she still clutched to her hand then glanced at me. 
        "Is this yours?" she handed out to me my scarf, I took it my gaze never leaving her face that looked strangely like my wife, only that this "Tsuyoi" had longer hair, and was a bit taller than my deceased wife. 
        Then she turned around as if to leave. She said, her back to me, "This place seems to be important to you, so important that you would kill whoever takes a step in here," She looked around motioning the garden with her head. Then she flash stepped away leaving me thinking if it was possible for a person to reincarnate.

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