Chapter 35

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Chapter 35
Tsuyoi P.O.V.

"Oh you want scary then?" Kitsune my other cabin leader said as she took Futari's place in the middle of the circle and held the flashlight the same way that Futari did. "Ok!" She cleared her throat. 

"Once upon a time!" She made a dramatic voice and a face that sorta scared me because of the lighting that came from the flashlight. Lina grabbed my arm because I guess she had the feeling that this was going to be a REAL scary story. She wasn't the only one who felt that way. I wanted to stay strong and show Lina that I could be brave but...I think my arm was shaking. 

"Okay, so one night my grandmother had told me the story of a woman," She spoke in a spooky voice that had scared me straight. "It was at night when the moon was full!" She pointed outside to the window that had showed a full moon right outside our cabin. "It was late, after three A.M." She spoke in a low tone, "She heard a noise come from the outside, so she went outside to investigate the noise. As she slid the screen door opening up to her backyard, her eyes set down on the well that was nailed shut from the previous people who had once lived her." She continued. "Only that night..." She paused and looked around. I noticed that the whole cabin was leaning in wanting to know what was going to happen next. "The well was opened," There was a gasp that came from Lina's lips. "A woman sat there in a white was drenched and wet." I felt fear grasp my very bones as I pictured a woman with long hair, wearing a kimono drowned in water.

"My grandma asked her what was wrong. The woman in the white kimono answered "I'm supposed to meet my wedded husband," She tugged at her heavy kimono, "But I cannot for my kimono is heavy..."." Kitsune spoke in such a low voice that I found myself constantly having to lean in to hear what she was saying.

"Then my grandma woke up the next morning, and had the well dug up," Kitsune spoke slowly and in a scarier tone than how she first started, "The well was dug up and in it..." She gave an evil smile, "They found a SKELETON OF A WOMAN!" She yelled, as she did a white sheet floated behind her and jumped out at us and screamed,

"AAAAAUGGGGGHHHH!" I was the first to scream in fright and before I noticed anything...I was crying. Most of the girls were too, but the rest were sitting dumbstruck, their eyes filled with fear. From the white sheet, laughter came forth and revealed one of the male cabin leaders with brown messy hair and a pink headband attached to his head. From his shoulders hung a small towel, and he was laughing his head off. I saw him give Kitsune and Futari a high-five. Oh my gawd! That scared my heart! Lina was beside me crying her eyes out too. Miyori was one of the girls that were tackling the cabin leader. My hand started pulsing uncontrollably and my heart too.

"What is he doing here!" Miyori smacked the male cabin leader on the head, "He'll be sent home if they found out he snuck in here!" She smacked him again.

"But he won't go home if they don't know that he's here," Kitsune kissed him on the cheek, the whole cabin was Oohing and Awing forgetting about the fright that was given to us. 

"My name is Kyouta Nobu," He gave out a peace sign, "I am from the cabin Spring, and I snuck in here in the middle of the story that Kitsune and I had decided on to give you guys a scare," He laughed, standing up and gave Kitsune a bear hug, "Not only that!" He said. My whole body was trembling in fear because of the fright that still lingered inside me. I raised my hand to my face, and no surprise, it was still shaking. A hand reached for mine grasping it in comfort. I looked up with scared eyes and saw Byakuya gently looking at me. 

"I invited the cabin over with you guys!" I heard the cabin leader called Kyouta say. My eyes softened as Byakuya squeezed my hand gently telling me that everything will be all right. My hand stopped trembling...I it because he is here? He took a seat next to me and the whole cabin was mixed in with boys and girls. 

"Were you that scared?" he asked me as he let go of my hand to sit down.

"No..." I answered back. He gave a small smirk that soon disappeared as fast as it reappeared.
"Don't lie," He looked forward at the cabins conversing with each other. "I was watching you the whole time Kitsune was telling that ghost story...I'm surprised that even the most trivial things could scare you," He smiled.

"I wasn't scared," I said coolly.

"Then why are you trembling," He touched my shaky shoulder. I, for a second couldn't answer because of of his touch that had paralyzed me. Instantly I put my hand up to push his away from my shoulder but...I, too gently squeezed his hand then quickly let go as the light in the cabin soon turned on. 

"It seems that you are well clean," he looked away taking his hand from my shoulder and tried to make small talk. I nodded my head in answer, 

"Seems now the cabin is as lively as ever," I observed looking at the chatter that was made between the two combined cabins. "Why did you come?" I asked. He paused,

"No reason," he spoke as he stood up from his sitting position, "Meet tomorrow after breakfast in front of the main cabin." I saw as he walked away leaving with his cabin and bid me good night. I still sat there a bit dumbstruck but would recognize the feeling inside me from anywhere...happiness.

Author's Note: Aw heck, came back on here and felt terrible that I didn't continue it. Welps, here you go! I'm just gonna finish this so it doesn't feel like I left you guys hanging XD!

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