Chapter 37

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Chapter 37
Tsuyoi P.O.V.

A scream was let out, I ran even faster afraid that the hollow might have eaten it's prey already. There was a rock wall that had blocked my view from where the scream was. I hopped over it and landed without stopping to rest my feet. I saw now that there was a man that was in red shorts, no shirt. Collapsed on the ground behind him was a girl in a purple shirt and white shorts. In front of the man, was really skinny figure and upon it's face a mask. The man seemed to be lifted off of his feet by the hollow...and was sucking the vile thing in? I stared hollow was going to be new owner of the body. I sliced air where the hollow had disappeared. The man who was now possessed by hollow raised his hand to strike me. Using Honoo I stopped his punch in time. I struggled a bit to regain strength, and shoved him back. I used shunpo and kept the distance between.

What was going on through my head was, "What the heck am I supposed to do?! He's already possessed! I don't want to hurt the body! But if I don't then the hollow won't ever be able to get out!" 

"Debating on whether to hit me or not?" The man's eyes glowered red with the creature inside of him.

"No," I lied returning Honoo back into her sheath. I saw the man's eyebrow raise up in surprise and in interest. He crossed his arms, amusement running through his eyes.

"Giving up?" He smirked

"No," I shunpo-ed and with my right hand I reached the man's neck, pulling him to me and punched his stomach with my left over and over. Since I can't use Honoo in this fight, I thought punching away. One option. Beat it out of him. I know that it will start to hurt the body's better to save him and let him have a couple bruises than him dying. The man gripped my arm and tried to swing me away to the side. I pushed my arm firmer in his and hopped on his shoulders. By now the man had let go of my arm and gripped my legs that were wrapped around his neck firmly and swung around in spins. I tried to keep focus on his nerve point on his head but was disrupted as I felt myself slam into something hard on my back. 

My back ached and my head was ringing making my vision shake. I looked behind me and saw that I was so far from where the women's fallen figure was. Remembering that the hollow's really body was skinny, but the strength that radiated from him when he is in this man's a bit unnatural. Creating a hypothesis that the hollow's strength and speed probably comes from the body that he possesses, not his original body. I clasped both of my hands together and found a nerve point and smashed down onto his skull. The hit didn't damage anything about the body, but the creature should feel it resonating through-out the body. What I mean is that the hit was like a bell that was rung. It echoes on and on. 

So using this method it should ring through-out his whole body, giving the hollow the fact that the body was rejecting him. I jumped off and landed in front of him. My head still ringing because of when he slammed me against the wall made of rock. The man let out a cry, from his mouth it looked as if something was pulling itself out. The holloe came forth and out, I unsheathed my zanpakuto and swung her down to wear the mask was. Now that the hollow was out the man collapsed. Before he fell Byakuya came in time and set the man against the wall of rock, the man still passed out.

Byakuya P.O.V

I raced after Tsuyoi as she hopped over the wall of rock. I was still a bit behind but I knew that she could take care of herself. When I came to her and They both seemed to be fighting but Tsuyoi had the upper hand because she was punching away at him in his stomach. He gripped her arm that she was punching him with and tried to swing her away from her. But Tsuyoi using that as a opportunity, jumped onto his shoulders locking her legs onto his neck. The man was now spinning here, and from this view I could tell that Tsuyoi was a bit unaware of her surroundings because she was backed up and slammed into the rock wall. Her eyes wavered in pain and I saw her grit her teeth. She brought both of her hands onto his head making his arms fall to his side.

She hopped off landing in front of him. From the man I could see that his mouth was opened wide and out came...a hollow? Tsuyoi swiftly brought her zanpakuto out and sliced the mask in half. The hollow burst into sand as I caught the man who was being possessed from the hollow. I set him down against the wall of rock when I heard a voice.

"Foolish shinigami," Tsuyoi's eyes grew in confusement as she sliced the air behind her from where the voice came from. Looking a bit closer at air she looked like sand. The sand was soon formed what showed to be a skinny hollow. Tsuyoi ran forward swinging down the hollow's mask. Once again he burst into dust. Only I observed closely, before Tsuyoi could land a hit on him, he had already dispersed into dust, so she won't be able to hit him as she swung down. Behind her he regained his body and clashed as Tsuyoi turned around quickly making a block. She forced him back away from me.

"Get that girl to safety," She said as she let go of the tension between her zanpakuto's and the hollow. She clashed again meeting zanapakutos once again driving him farther from me. I looked to the woman that had collapsed on the floor. I picked her up and set her beside the man. From behind me I could hear her zanapkutos sliding off and on of each other as Tsuyoi battled. I turned around to see Tsuyoi grab the arrancar's mask and drove her zanpakuto into him. He burst and Tsuyoi's hand was in mid air as he disappeared from where she once held him. She left her hand fall to her side. She turned around walking towards me. Now knowing that she is ok, I started to erase the memories of the victims. My senses kicking in, I unsheathed Senbonzakura and was met with Tsuyoi's zanpaktou. Her eyes were blazed red, instead of her natural eye color. She was expressionless as she jumped away, her zanpakuto at the ready.

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