Chapter 27

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Tsuyoi P.O.V.

"Shhh," I recognized the voice as Byakuya's, I felt him lead me forward faster...but to where? There was a curtain up front, and he lifted it, revealing a cheering audience. He let go of my mouth dropping it in front of my waist, to hold me into a bear hug, to put on a show for the audience. When they saw him hold me, the cheering was even louder. I was so shocked I spaced out for a bit, then realizing that the audience was waiting for me to do something, I held his arms that was wrapped around my waist, and gave a laugh. The audience by now was on their feet, cheering. I looked around...we were the first ones here, then the curtain was raised and the rest of the contestants came out. I saw Kashina slapping away at Hiroko, she probably thought it was Byakuya.
"Why did you come with me?" He looked at me then replied back.
"Kashina is very nerve-wrecking, and she grip was too hard," he whispered to me, I laughed because he was so close to my ear, that his whisper tickled me.
"Next round!" The speaker said applauding himself, "Huh?" Byakuya and I said in unison, "Next round, one of the lovers is going to have to pick up the other and who ever drops their partner loses! The first five couples who made it through the haunted house will be participating!" He said proudly.
"Wait! But-whoa!" I was interrupted when Byakuya scooped me up in his arms. The audience roared, and whistled. Whoa...I'm really high off the ground. I looked up to see Byakuya looking back at me.
"Wait!" I said releasing my hands from his neck, I then realized (-,-) I shouldn't have done that. I felt myself lose balance as I let go. It was regained when he hugged me even closer to him. He glowered down at me.
"Stay still! Do you really want me to drop you?"
", but...this stance? Why couldn't I have climbed on your back?" I asked,
"Do you have the slightest clue what you're wearing?" He looked down at my clothes, "Do you really want your underclothing showing? Now be quiet so I don't drop you." I felt my cheeks flush in embarrassment, as I turned away.
"Oh! Group two you're out!" The speaker pointed to the group that was beside us, I saw frustration run through the girl's eyes as she left without her partner. I couldn't help but smile. Byakuya turned to look down at me again. I, for a second stopped and smiled again to him. Only this time, he smiled back, with that same smile that he had on the day we had the hanami. I felt something lurch inside of me.
"Group four you're out!" I saw a couple fall to the ground, and get up and away in embarrassment. Soon right after Kashina and Hiroko collapsed on the floor. Kashina went down the stairs hitting Hiroko because he wasn't able to carry her. I thought to myself as I watching the other I getting heavy for Byakuya?
"Am I..." I asked looking down..."Too heavy?" I peered into his eyes, he looked at me and shook his head, and raised it up high, with power he quoted,
"No. I will not fail the family name, by losing to a game like this," He stuck his head proudly. I, sighed shamefully at the man's who's arms I was in. But...I never been close to a man like this for...a while. At that moment the last group to fell. A loud cheer came from the crowd. Byakuya finally put me down. The speaker came over and gave us a handshake telling us to get our prize in the back of the room. We did as we were told, but the people backstage separated me and Byakuya and sent me into a dark room.
"Kay, we're going to change you into a kimono, since it's the hanami season ok?" A voice told me, I was too shocked that I won to even notice what I was going to be dressed in anyway. After they were finished, I was surprised how quickly it was because, everything in the room was dark. They led me by the hand on my way out. They lifted up the curtains for me, and the first thing I saw was Byakuya...he wasn't dressed in a kimono...but a white tux...he stuck out his hand for me to take it. On instinct I did. I was thinking how odd it was seeing him a tux, when they dressed me up in...wait, I looked down at what I was wearing...a wedding dress?!
"Here is your couple of the year!" The speaker yelled onto the mic, the audience was on their feet, first I couldn't make out what they said until the speaker clarified it.
"Do you hear what the audience is saying?!" The speaker asked me, I looked at him in curiosity, before he could tell me what the audience wanted, I felt Byakuya kiss me on the cheek.

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