Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Honoo P.O.V.

        I returned back into my realm after having been scolded by my beloved master. I sighed and ruffled my long grey hair from its ponytail, it cascaded down lower than my waist, I walked towards the little pond that belonged to me, and wadded in the water for sometime, the water reached above my knees, the fireflies were out and buzzing with their yellow lights out. I felt that it was time to go and apologize, so I finally got out running, my short green kimono stuck to my body. I crossed my border and onto the most recent place that I visited, Senbonzakura's realm. i hopped over the line that separated realms from each other and strode towards the meadow full of blossom trees that swayed in the breeze. He was standing in his samurai clothing his back facing me. 

        "Senny!" I yelled at the top of my lungs the nickname I made for him, and hurled myself at him, I jumped onto his back, him out of shock didn't do anything, afraid I might fall off if he turned around, but was surprised probably because I came back so soon. 

        "What are you doing here?" He asked me in disbelief, "I thought I sent you back home to Tsuyoi already!" 

        "Haha you did!" I hopped down and faced him, "But she wanted me to apologize for coming into your realm," I pouted and looked down to the ground. I felt a hand ruffle my  hair,

        "It's ok with me but I just wanted your master to oblige ,Honoo," He said to me, I looked at him and nodded, without thinking I blurted out to him.

        "What's your master like?" I saw him flinch, then he said to me,

        "He's very serious on his family name," He said thinking for a bit, "He's mature unlike SOMEONE!" He looked down towards me,

        "Hey!" I said bonking him on his helmet. "Ow!"  I said clutching my hand that was now red and throbbing. I heard him give a laugh and say,

        "That's what you get when you insult me!"

         "Whatever!" I said jumping up and down at his ENORMOUS size.  He just just looked at me and sighed, Me, wondering what was wrong asked him.

        "It's just..." He crossed his arms in front of him, "My master has been thinking a lot more than often about your master," He said quietly, I raised an eyebrow,

         "Oh really?" I felt my smile turning into a smirk, he looked at me with his helmet on. He nodded his head.

         "Do you think this means..." I said out loud making eye contact with him and his helmet, "...they have feelings for one another?" He finished my sentence for me. I could feel him smiling under his helmet. 

         "Come on!" I grabbed his hand and ran, I could feel his body pulse with confusion as we ran through the cherry blossom trees, he stumbled after me asking,

          "Wait! Where are we going" I looked at him with a big grin on my face, "I got an idea!" We ran even faster through the cherry blossoms...crossing into the other's realms.

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