Chapter 31

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Tsuyoi P.O.V.

I tried to shake him awake, but he wouldn't move. I heard a someone flash step beside me, I felt my heart race even faster as I stared into the eyes of Squad 4's captain. Captain Unohana lifted my hand that I forgot was clutching the wound on his chest. I stayed a couple feet away because I didn't want to be in the way of the healing process. I was silently franticing, wanting to know if he'll live. I saw the Captain Unohana twitch, at the slightest movement of that, I swear I felt something heavy drop inside of me...what if it was already too late to save him? After she was finished examining the wound, from her hand came forth a bundle. She unwrapped it, and I recognized them as bandages. She must have remembered that I was there for, she said to me.
"Do not worry about Captain Kuchiki, his life has been spared," And she went back to bandaging him. I collapsed onto the floor, crying in tears of joy and relief that he wasn't dead. The healing captain turned to me.
"Call Kuchiki Rukia for me...her brother wants to speak with her," I nodded my head and called toward Rukia because of my injury, I couldn't walk pretty far. Her head bobbed up as she heard her name. She ran towards Byakuya and held his hand.
"Nee-sama?" She looked close enough to tears, I tried my best to sit next to her, but found it difficult because of the injuries that I had received. Captain Unohana bandaged me as I sat. From what I could hear, Byakuya was telling her about his deceased wife. That Rukia was his wife's sister! Shock ran through her eyes. He gripped her hand telling her the reason why she didn't know, and why her sister had abandoned her when she was a baby.
"Something I think you should know..." He whispered barely able to stay awake, he glanced at me,"She looks exactly like your sister right this moment," And with that he went unconscious. Now knowing that he would be okay, I didn't have to worry anymore...Rukia hiccuped, it took me a while to figure out what she was doing, she was crying. I held her hand and squeezed it, she squeezed it back. She cried even more! Wondering what the heck to do, I did as my instincts told me. I brought her close to me and hugged her. She held on to me crying her little eyes out. All I could do was hold her. After she stopped crying she finally stood up.
"Thank you." She said rubbing her eyes. I, too got up and rubbed her head,
"It's all should go to Captain Unohana to check your injuries...who knows what Aizen did to you," She nodded her head and walked slowly towards the captain who was tending another captain's wounds. I saw the orange haired ryoka sitting down, all bandaged. I walked towards him and asked.
"Where you the one fighting with Byakuya?" He raised his head as I stared into his brown eyes, he gave a nod, I looked down towards the ground,
"Thank you...for sparing his life..." I said quietly. He was taken back at my words then too sighed,
"It was be honest...I'm supposed to be the one thanking him...because he let me off even though I didn't die by his blade." He stood up dusting his black kimono. I nodded and let him leave. Now that I seemed a bit better I didn't have to stay here anymore. Byakuya, I glanced towards his way, will be fine. As of now I should go and finish my mission. I don't want to be slacking off even if I'm injured. After meeting with the general he bade me permission to go since I was not needed at the moment. I ran through the Sekai gates, jumped through the little door leading to Urahara's shop. The shop was in a uproar after hearing the news about what had happened in the Soul Society. I ignored the remarks and went to my room. Since I was still a student, I had to study and do my homework, but it was all easy because I already been through this before. I knocked out thirty minutes later on my bed.
Byakuya P.O.V.
I stirred in my sleep and was greeted by the sun shining outside of my window, my eyes opened to stare at the ceiling.
"Nee-sama!?" I heard Rukia's voice next to me, I flicked my eyes to her direction, she seemed happy...but a bit of the sad as well. My lieutenant Abarai Renji was next to her, too hovering over me. I placed my arms onto the futon to sit up on the bed. Although Rukia and my lieutenant tried their best to persuade me to go back to sleep. I ignored them and informed them I had to go back into the real world because my mission that was meant for me wasn't yet over. After this they figured they could no longer convince me, they got out of my way to the Sekai gate. My lieutenant went to tell the general of my mission, while Rukia walked, helping me to the Sekai gate. My wounds weren't as worse as they first were. After making it to the gate, Rukia seemed a bit sad...maybe because she wasn't strong enough to handle herself. I gave her a hug good bye and whispered to her.
"Become strong if you do not want the same thing to happen to you once again," Then with that I left to the real world. I didn't run as fast, but I was fast enough. I landed on the ground, finally reaching the door that would leave me out of the Separate World. I landed cleanly and was greeted by Kisuke. It seemed that the time here in the world was a bit different than in the Soul Society. After a greeting I made way to my room. It seemed the running with my injuries affected it a bit. I opened the door, my eyes fell on a sleeping Tsuyoi. I felt my eyes go soft as I saw her. Brushing her bangs away, so I could see her face more clearly she was sleeping soundly...I flash backed remembering she was crying as if she thought I was going to die right then and there...silly girl, my fingers traced her face. I remember feeling her lips...soft as they were gently placed on my mine.
I rubbed her cheek that had a small cut on it...poor thing...I thought, she was that worried about me...I guess she lets on more that what she can't say. I kissed her gently on the cheek. Thank you...I told her mentally although she couldn't hear me. I spread the futon so it that sat on the onto the floor. My wounds...I thought to myself...they'll be healed soon...a flash of orange hair crossed my mind...Kurosaki Ichigo...I closed my eyes. Thank you too...for opening up my eyes to protect those who are important. An image of me saving Rukia from Gin's sword...if I was there a second later...Rukia wouldn't be here today...thank you Kurosaki Ichigo...for leading me along the path of righteousness. I fell fast asleep because of the difference of the air here, that differed from the Soul Society.

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