Chapter 60

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Chapter 60
Tsuyoi P.O.V.

I huffed, trying to relax my breathing as he stood pretty far away from me. My eyes widened in shock as I saw his right arm bandaged, also his right leg. From the hem of his kimono there was blood. He softly gazed at me telling me that he was okay...there was nothing to worry about. Hiresuna stood up,

"I see, it seems like someone came to join the fight," She spat blood to the side. Byakuya glanced at Hiresuna and closed his eyes as he spoke to her.

"You have judged incorrectly," 

"What?" Hiresuna narrowed her eyes as her eyes followed to me then to Byakuya as if wondering we were planning something like this from the start.

"If I engaged myself in this fight..." He opened his eyes, "Then Tsuyoi would never forgive me," He looked to me sadly, but from his eyes I saw a hint of good luck. "But do not wrong me, I will not battle unless Tsuyoi is has breathed her last,"

"Ha ha ha," Hiresuna threw back her head in laughter, her hand clutched to her forehead as if she couldn't believe a word that Byakuya was saying. "Well well, a slight turn of events I see," She gave a grin, 

"What he meant," I said as my bangs shaded my eyes, "Is that he will take on my revenge long after if I do not defeat YOU!" I shook my bangs away and charged at her. She gave a smirk as our daggers met, I narrowed my eyes. I jumped away as did she, but ran towards each other once more. The sound of metal clashing against metal was everywhere. I dodged left before her dagger reached for the side of my neck, but was caught off guard by her other arm, my left cheek was left with a small cut. I leaped away to the side heaving for breath as I felt a trickle of blood run down my cheek. I wiped it away with the sleeve of my hand.

"Your moves never changed the last time we fought you know," She flash stepped appearing behind me, her daggers out ready to slit my throat. I thrust Honoo against Hiresuna's dagger just in time, giving her no motion to continue I elbowed her in the chest with immense force and sent her staggering away. She laughed away at the pain, "But not bad either," She gave a smirk. Before I had time to breathe, Hiresuna used shunpo again and jumped above me in the air, her daggers going straight for my chest. Our weapons clashed together once again.

"Ngghh!" I gritted my teeth as I felt her pressuring my daggers with hers down, sending me into the ground and landing onto my back. I could feel the ground scraping my back tearing off a part of my kimono. With a grunt I kicked her stomach sending her north of where I lay. I used my hind legs and jumped landing on my haunches. By now my body was sore from using shunpo and trying to block and attack her at the same time. Something warm left my elbow...blood...I bet every part of my body was scraped by now. I ripped apart the top layer of my kimono exposing the wrappings that were bound around my chest and stomach because the top layer was getting in my way. Plus it was torn beyond repair any other how. 

Again I used shunpo and jumped in front of her path, sparks flew as our weapons connected. I gave her a rough kick in the chest during that process and watched as she slammed in the ground making a large dent onto the concrete. I raised my foot and slammed it against her making sure she'd stay down. She grimaced and grabbed my foot that was on her chest and twisted it. During the twist she boosted herself up as I fell out of balance and to the floor. I turned to glare at her since she still held my right leg and I was on my stomach, I swerved my left leg kicking her across the face as I positioned myself into a sitting position, Hiresuna had already let go of my foot after I sent a kick to her face. Hiresuna tumbled to the floor as I stood up. Blood ran from her mouth as she sat staring at me. Wiping it she regained her balance. I sped to her and ducked down and felt her dagger slice the air that was above my head. I placed myself down in a squatting position and dropped my daggers, balancing myself on my palms I raised my legs and kicked her under her chin and finished off landing a back flip. She fell staggering back clutching her chin with a scowl on her face, she brought forth both of her zanpakutos and said full of spite.

"Bankai, writhe Hageshii," A green light exploded from her body as she was enveloped in the light. I stumbled back, my arms crossed across my face trying to block out the enormous spiritual pressure that came from her. When the light had disappeared she wore a dark green kimono that accented her figure and her daggers gleamed emeralds in the moonlight. I was so busy staring at her transformation that I was too late to block her next attack. I was struck against the wall and disappeared in a puff of smoke. Before the smoke cleared I quickly twitched my head to the side of the wall and felt a dagger stab just a couple of inches where my ear was. I breathed out exhausted, my life barely spared as I moved away.

I stood up gasping for breath because that last blow sent me against the wall knocking the air out of me. In a flash Hiresuna's daggers were everywhere making me dodge at every single angle there was. I tried to meet her daggers but all I saw was flashes of sliver at impossible speed. My left arm that gripped Kakumo started wavering and couldn't bloke a strike Hiresuna swung.
"Nggh!" I felt her dagger rip throw my chest sending a deep gash of blood everywhere. My eyes quivered in pain as the dagger left it's mark on me as I fell forwards landing on my my knees and forearms,

"A little bit weak now aren't you Tsuyoi?" She snickered and before I could fall on my stomach she swung her foot under my stomach and kicked me high into the air, I flew through the clouds slowing to a stop. Only to realize that Hiresuna was right above me, I felt her kick me down with such force I didn't know how to breathe any longer. I slammed face first onto the concrete ground right next to where Lina's body and the other girls lay.

"Get on with your little bankai, I want to fight you head on," I heard her say as my hand twitched as I tried to raise my head. I felt someone grab a hold of my hand. I moved my head to see that the person who had grasped it...was Lina. She gave a faint smile. She was still alive.

"Tsuyoi," She whispered to me. I quickly nodded my head and squeezed her hand hoping that she would hold on just a bit longer. Hoping that she would be able to survive.

"Yes?" I answered with a shaky voice,

"The rest of us...were given a chance to come back to help your father, mother...and Kai," I felt shock run through me as she told me what she had seen with the others.
"What?" My voice started to quiver, she gazed sadly at me and wiped away a tear that I didn't even feel run down my cheek. She smiled that smile that I knew of all too well.

"All of us don't have that long so I'll tell you what's going to happen...together we're going to transport what little reiastu we have of us that will contain our zanpakutos powers...into your daggers," Her hand reached one of my daggers.

"How will you even do that?" I stared at her in disbelief.

"Easy...that glass hilt that was made for your dagger," She touched the glass hilt of my dagger shaped like a small flask that connected to my blade. "That glass part was made to collect reiatsu..." Her voice was barely above a whisper, "We all have no we'll now transport our powers to you...take care Tsuyoi..."

"No wait!" I cried out as I saw something purple that came forth from what was left of her zanpakuto and was sucked into the glass hilt of Honoo, from Miyori's zanpakuto was white, Hikana green, and Keitara blue. They all twitched their head to look at me in response, the rags that tied their mouth from earlier hung loosely from their neck as they gave me a weak smile.
"Please don't leave me!" I cried as the light started to fade from their eyes

"Don't worry about us," Hikana said as she laid her head back to the ground

"We were made for this Tsuyoi," Miyori looked at me weakly,

"We were here to save you..."Keitera uttered

"So now...we'll be waiting for you," Lina said as she laid her head down breathing her last, but I could hear her whisper, "Good bye," her hand went limp in mine. I cried to myself after they left...come on...I told myself...we got something to finish...we'll mourn later...I got up to my feet and faced Hiresuna who was twirling her daggers in her fingers.

"I thought I killed them," She glanced at me and grinned, "But hey," She shrugged her shoulders, "They died any other way," She gave a smirk as my bangs over-shadowed my eyes. I gripped my daggers closer to my palm and saw the mixed colors swirling in the glass hilt. I breathed out slowly...


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