Chapter 50

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Chapter 50
Byakuya P.O.V.

Waking up the next morning, I groggily pulled the covers away from my futon and made my way to the restroom. After I was finished, I thought about Tsuyoi...never was I able to see her like that...smiling softly to myself, I remembered that Tsuyoi had invited me to attend to Shinigami Academy in watch for Miyori, Lina, Hikana and Keitara. They all were getting a notice because they now knew the names of their zanpakutos. I watched as servants scurried past me, but bowed respectfully before they had continued on their way. It had made me think of last night's incident. When one of my foolish servants had knocked over tea, and Tsuyoi falling in the process as tried to catch the falling kettle...her hands were drenched raw...I narrowed my eyes in discomfort.

She had stopped me before I could have banished those eyes softened...why does she have to be so kind hearted...One of my head servants bowed before me, and informed me that my breakfast was ready. Walking into the dining table... I saw the ghost of Tsuyoi's past smiling I wanted to see her right now, I thought as I took a seat and started to eat at the food that the chef had prepared for me. When I was finished I informed the head servant that I was not going to be present today. He nodded his head and went on his way to tell the others. Dressing into my black kimono and black haori, I walked to where the Shinigami Academy ceremony was going to be present. Tsuyoi had told me that she would meet me there, and a seat shall be saved for me. Walking through the villages, I looked back a shop that seemed to be selling many interesting things. That was when I felt someone bump into my chest. It was a girl with long raven hair and green eyes. She looked up to me shyly and asked.

"Excuse me but do you know where the Shinigami Academy is?"

" you need to be brought there?" I asked her, she nodded her head, "Well then come with me," I beckoned her to follow me, as she kept in step. "May I ask who you are going to see at the assembly today?" I asked the girl with raven hair.

"Oh! I think you might know her! Her name is Tsuyoi Shinzo." She gave a smile. Only I didn't know what had lain behind that smiled she had given me.

"Hmm, yes I do know her, do you have any business with her at all?"

"Not in the least...just want to say hi to an old...friend," She paused at the word old and friend. Perhaps Tsuyoi had taught this young pupil. I nodded my head in answer. 

"Oh! I just remembered! I forgot something! Will you please come with me for the moment?" She hurriedly tugged onto the sleeve of my arm, and ran back to the direction, hence that we had came from. Rolling my eyes, I followed her as she ran farther and farther away from the academy...I guess the assembly will have to wait...also as well as Tsuyoi.

Tsuyoi P.O.V.

I saw as the entrance doors to the Shinigami Academy begin to close. Turning around in my seat, I was in a quad area filled with many folding chairs. In the chairs, many were filled with eager parents and colleagues of mine from the 13 Gotei trying to take a glimpse of the students that were going to be awarded because they now know the names of their zanpakuto. Remembering when the girls had came home, they came in smiles. They were so loud I swear, my ear drums were going to burst. All of them had led me on to a cliffhanger wondering what their zanpakuto's abilities were. Shutting me out, they all said that I had to wait until the the ceremony, and here I am. Glancing again towards the closed doors...Byakuya still wasn't here...

After the ceremony was over, I had promised to meet them front and center...only then I realized that they all came for me at once. Leaving me in a tumbling heap, we all exchanged laughter. The audience was greeted by the students, as they congratulated them. After the girls had gotten up, the entrance doors were opened letting us out. I could see the corridors that surrounded the assembly room and from a distance I saw the familiar figure of Byakuya making his way to me. Just from behind him, I saw a small figure, but couldn't see the person entirely. Byakuya's approaching figure blocked my view from the figure.

"My apologies, for I was late," He closed his eyes. I gave him a wave of my hand, noting that it was okay, Lina and the others too stopped where I stood.

"What happened?" 

"I was with a person who wanted to meet you as soon as possible but then she ran into some...trouble along the way here, and this is how we came to be."

"Oh really? How flattering," I touched his forearm, "Now who might this person be?" I tried to look behind him. Byakuya saw me trying to look, and stepped aside. My eyes at first were smiling because I wanted to know who wanted to meet so badly, my arm still holding Byakuya while the other laid by my side. As he moved, I saw familiar long dark hair, that tumbled with the wind, a dead color of green in her eyes as she gave me a sweet smile. 

"This is Hiresuna Uragirimono," Byakuya motioned his hand towards her.

"Hello Tsuyoi," She put the crook of her forefinger to lips as she gave me that smile that I knew all to well to whom it would belong to. Adrenaline rushed through my veins as the hand that wasn't holding Byakuya, held her throat. With force I slammed her against one of the corridors. A crack appeared behind her as she was slammed against the wall. Fury burned in my eyes.

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