Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Tsuyoi P.O.V.


        I leaned onto the railing of the bridge and felt the wind pick up around me. My hair softly fluttered around as I  brushed it aside pulling my hair behind my ear. I sighed. Then I felt arms wrap around me. Out of instinct I drew my zanpakto from her sheath, but was stopped abruptly by the arms. 

        "Hisana." I felt a familiar whisper. I clenched my teeth together pissed at what everyone is calling me. I struck the man's chest with both my elbows. Then turned around to face him with my zanpakto pointed towards him. I saw as he staggered back his hand clutched his chest. He looked at me then, squinted then i heard it come from his mouth.

        "Your not Hisana." I saw him lowering his eyes together. 

        "No." I replied back to him. "Im not Hisana." I saw him shuffle about for a minute. Then knowing that he wasn't going to be doing anything. I sheathed my dagger. Watching, I saw him take a deep breath as he gazed at the water. I wondered why he wasn't yelling at me to get out like the usual the first time that we had met. He looked at me to avoid looking at him I turned away down towards the peaceful water.

       "I bet your wondering who this Hisana is don't you?" I heard his voice beside me. I nodded my head. He gave a sigh then leaned his back against the bridge railing.

        "Hisana... was the love of my life, my wife, my happiness." I gave him a small glance. I saw pain flash through his eyes as he told me. He opened his mouth as if to continue, I raised my hand up to stop him from going any farther.

        "Stop, if it is hard for you to explain to me about her then don't." I raised my hand back down at my side. I saw him look at me with that same look that he had when he first saw me in his garden earlier. "Well, good bye. " I said as I walked away. Leaving the confused man alone. I hopped over the fence and walked to my barrack. I saw that everybody had left because it was now midnight. So I strode to my room and collapsed on my bed, and drifted to a deep sleep full of cherry blossoms swirling around me.                                                                                                          

  The next morning

        I got up out of bed a bit earlier than the usual so I could wake up Rangiku, who somehow happened to end up on my couch, with her mouth hanging out, and smelling of vomit. I wrinkled my nose in disgust as I approached trying to wake her up. All she did was groan and kept on sleeping. I finally hoisted one of her dangling arms over my shoulder to get her to my bathroom. I'm not that strong but strong enough to actually balance a huge woman like Rangiku up onto my shoulder. I dropped her in my bathtub and turned on the shower, so that she could feel the cold water hit her face. After twisting the knob for the shower to come on, she gasped in shock as the cold water connected with her skin. I left her to clean herself before her boss came and discovered her drunk again. I locked the bathroom door behind me giving her some privacy.

       I made it to the office, and found my captain already working on fresh paper that must have been dropped off a while ago. I took a seat at my desk filling out more paperwork when Rangiku entered the room, all clean and alert...but still lazy. I ignored the argument that Rangiku and my captain were getting into. Then fluttering through the open window above my captain's seat, flew in a hell butterfly. My captain lifted his palm, and the butterfly sat on his outstretched hand. I saw my captain cock his head to the side, reading what the hell butterfly had carried to him. Then the butterfly took flight back out the window where it came back from.

      My captain rose up, and Rangiku followed him after, as he passed my desk, he motioned me to come also. I stepped back from my desk and tailed behind them.

     "We are going to take a visit to the World of the Living, there are not enough soul reapers to take care of the hollows. *Tsk*" I heard him make a TSK sound. I walked beside the little white-haired boy. Seems like he isn't quite enjoying it. We reached the place where we would be transported. Soon after entering the portal we found ourselves in front of Kisuke Urahara's house. Rangiku slid open the door, and were greeted by a little girl called Ururu, a boy Ginta and a big man they call Tessai. It was already noontime when we started to get used to our gigais. We didn't go hunting because there was no signal of any hollows yet. I retired to my room that Kisuke Urahara had given me. I knocked out on the bed because the air here was of that I wasn't used to. I was awaken by a hand. It was my captain. He told me that we will soon leave for school. I obeyed and after he left my room, I was changed into the school uniform given to me. When breakfast was over we didn't have time to clean up but left the others to do it. After a ten-to-twenty minute walk, we finally reached the school.

        We entered through the gates making our way to the office to receive our schedule. We were all put into the same class, so there was nothing different. I followed my captain close behind, my first reaction was correct when I walked into the room. It was loud yet noisy. A little girl who I swear looked closely alike to me stood up to greet my captain. My captain noticed that she wasn't exactly introduced to me yet, so he did right then and there.

        "This is Rukia Kuchiki," he pointed to her. Kuchiki...I thought of the man with the long hair and far-away look in his eyes...related perhaps? I shook the thought away. A man with ORANGE hair stood beside her,

        "Hey Rukia! Who's this?" He asked looking at us, she gave him a punch in the stomach was shouting about how it was her business. My eyes flashed up at him...his reiatsu.. is strongly odd...I observed.

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