Chapter 20

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Tsuyoi P.O.V.

My eyes were found in Byakuya's as he leaned in closer to my ear, whispering. "Not here," I gave myself give off a little huff, and released Toya's hand that was held captive in mine harshly away from me. I saw him clutch it in pain, and rubbing it with a scowl on his face.
"Stupid slut," he spat at me. I felt my arm stretch out to slam him against the window, but was abruptly stopped by Byakuya once again. I looked to him with a glare, and swung my hand away from his. Toya lurched back, and looked to Byakuya gritting his teeth. "You're with the slut too," This time it was my turn to stop him from going after his neck. I laid my hand on his forearm catching it just in time as it was about to slam Toya.
"Stop, not here," I felt myself give out a mocking face. He focused on me and walked away. Toya quickly ran out of the room with his cowardly friends. I watched as Byakuya stormed away to sit in his seat. I felt myself give out a small smile and re-sat in my seat, tapping away on my phone, telling myself that this lunch break was pretty long.
"Wow!" I felt a smack on my shoulder, I looked up to see who it was. Turned out to be that little girl that was bullied earlier. This time she wasn't crying, her friends were behind her ans she was exclaiming, "You have some amazing strength!" She said happily. I just stared at her aimlessly. Then noticing that she should say something, she looked at me in embarrassment, "Thanks for earlier,"
"No problem," I said focusing back to my phone.
"Well hey!" I saw that it was that one girl that was scolding me earlier because of Lina. She bowed her head down respectfully in a formal manner.
"Sorry, for yelling at you earlier," She turned to the side, "I just assumed that you were making Lina cry, because bullies are always bulling her around.", I gave her a nod, letting her know that it was fine.
"Well, as you can tell I'm Lina," She said giving me a bubbly smile,
"Miyori," The girl who had apologized, said to me.
"I'm Keitara," The girl who joined them had, short straight hair to her shoulders, the last girl from their group came forward in a little shy gesture, bowing her head.
"Hikana, is my name," She gave me a soft shy smile. Then to be polite I introduced my name, since we all went to different classes. I was wondering why they didn't leave, because they still stayed at my seat.
"You got incredible strength!" Keitara, said clapping her hands together. I glimpsed her taking my eyes away from my phone for a bit. Nodding my head, and went back to my phone.
" you wanna have lunch with us tomorrow?" Lina asked me with her pleading eyes, I shut my phone putting it back into my pocket. And turned to her.
"That won't be necessary," I left them at my desk, wanting to talk to the teacher. Soon after school was out, Byakuya and I walked home together. As we left the school gates behind, I heard the sound of running feet.
"Tsuyoi!" Lina waved her bag in the air, motioning us to wait for her. I stopped and so did Byakuya with a annoyed look on his face. Giving her nothing but a blank stare, she said.
"Which way are you going?" She said catching her breath, telling me that she must have been running pretty hard to catch up to us. I pointed straight ahead of us with my bag.
"Cool! I'm goin that way too!" her eyes lit up as she walked to my right, Byakuya on my left. She kept chattering on about how she was in the drama club and how all of the fundraisers are really hard to do, because other people aren't interested in joining.
"Oh! And I am working on a script also!" She said excitedly as she clung onto my arms. I didn't mind because she reminded me of...someone,
"Also I need the costumes sewn up, and fabricated," She said clapping her hands together, sending a dreamy look on her face. Then she stopped and stared at something intently that was in the sky. I followed her gaze and my eyes set that adjuchas from earlier! I looked to Lina wondering how in the world could she could see that. Bystanders near us too stared at him oddly as he landed onto the ground, me already out of my gigai and ready to finish our battle that postponed, He gave a laugh,
"Yes, humans could see me now," He lunged at me connecting his metallic arm with me. I sliced him away from me, as he was thrown back, I took that chance and struck his chest with a hard blow from my zanpakuto. Blood gushed over my face but I didn't care. I just wanted him dead. Before I could release another attack, there were hollows that seemed to be released from all different directions. I sliced away, noticing that they were trying to cover the adjuchas. Not happening.
"Disperse Honoo," I whispered, sliding my hand over my blade. "Honoo Supako," my blade cracked into a whip, whipping away all of the hollows away in one swipe. Not reaching for another breath. My whip cracked, wrapping itself around the adjuchas' neck, trying to drag him close to me. It was my fault for misjudging his injury that I gave him. He gripped the whip that was chained around his neck and pulled with a flick of his arm. I felt my body be pulled roughly to the ground, a piercing scream filled the air. But it didn't come from me. I looked up to see running feet.
"Tsuyoi! Oh my god!" I saw Lina run towards me. Crap...she was going to be pulled in the middle of this. I looked to the direction where I saw the adjuchas. It was coming closer, Honoo in his hand. I felt my hands clench into fists, just thinking about someone else holding Honoo. He came closer, with Honoo out ready grasp me.
"No!" Lina screamed, as she stood above me, her hands out reached as if to protect me. I set my bloodied hand onto the side of her waist.
"Move!" I shoved her out of my way making her slam onto the ground, but I kept in check that it didn't harm her enough. I felt Honoo grasp my waist, as I was pulled forward to the adjuchas. My body limp, as I drew closer. But I can't do anything...yet. I felt myself being released from Honoo and once again being thrown to the ground the same place, but only a bit closer to where Lina was. There were petrified screams and shouts that had filled the air. I saw a mother running with a child, the little boy looking over his shoulder pointing at me...wait...what? I saw a man who was frozen in shock as I landed next to him.
He pointed up to the adjuchas, and fell. I could see his soul come from his body, as he ran away in fear, the chain of fate that connected his soul to his body...was torn. I turned my head to face Lina who was crawling towards me, as if making sure I was okay. Remembering that I had to make this quick, I asked her,
"Can you see me?" She nodded her head, tears flowing through her eyes,
"When was the first time you seen me, when I was fighting that," I twitched my head to the adjuchas's direction. "Hurry!" I said,
"The first time I actually saw you was, when he was holding your whip, and dragged you down," She hurriedly said in a terrified voice.
"Did you see me before that? In these clothing?" I said pointing to myself. She shook her head. I looked to the ground, so...that's how she could see me...I looked at the other living humans, They too...can see's how that adjuchas did it.
"Thank you Lina," I said to her, she cocked her head to the side in confusement, "I'm sorry," I raised my hand,
"For wh-" I didn't let her finish as my hand swiped the back of her head. letting my hand hit the nerves upon her neck, letting it resignate as she fell with a thump. I don't have to worry about her doing something reckless. I felt Honoo being wrapped around me once again. The adjuchas pulled me to him, with quick speed. I gripped Honoo in my hand and yanked her back to me, releasing her away from the adjuchas' hand. Now that I got a good distance between me and him, I can finally get into close combat. I wrapped Honoo around my arm, sending a firing punch at his face, as my fired arm connected with him.
He fell backwards toward the ground, I quickly flash stepped kicking him back up towards the sky, so he won't cause anymore damage down below. Seeing that he finally caught himself, he huffed for breath.
"Your game," I said cracking my whip, so that it unraveled from my arm, "Is dirty," I glared making eye contact with him. "Letting living humans see you, so that their soul may be separated from their bodies...making easy prey for you" I flash backed to when he gripped Honoo for the first time, "Everybody, really couldn't see me at first," I turned Honoo back to her zanpakuto form, "But, when Honoo was touched by you," I lunged at him, "Everybody could see me. So anything you touch," I brought my hands together, resting it harshly upon his mask. "Will be seen," He fell towards the ground as my hands collided with the top of his head. I dragged him back up, swinging him so he fell on the ground that hung over in the sky. I narrowed my eyes at him as he gave me a roaring laugh, as he tried to get up.
"Aren't you a smart one?" He said using his forearm to support his weight as he stood up. I made no move that I heard him, but instead, I ignored what he said, and asked,
"How many of you have this ability... I know for sure you adjuchas don't just obtain this power to be seen by a human," I said, waiting for him to answer,
"None of your business," He raised his arms to strike me done. I moved away easily, thinking...this is not good...if others have this ability...any human who lays eyes on these beings...their soul...may shatter all together. Telling myself to quickly put an end to this, because he wasn't going to talk anymore. I drove Honoo making a deep slash into his chest. Jumped and landed back to back him...I felt myself being covered in his blood.

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