Chapter 49

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Chapter 49
Tsuyoi P.O.V.

Byakuya walked in, and from behind him three servant ladies. Two seem to be in their twenties, while the other was elderly. Byakuya took a seat and waved his hand for them to come closer. From the servants they rolled in a cart, filled with silver platters. They each took turns setting the table with food. The silverware and plating was already out. All three servants took a glimpse at me but then quickly looked away. One of the young girls accidentally knocked over what seemed to be a kettle. My eyes widened as I quickly toppled over my seat and caught the kettle...only I didn't notice it was hot. The hot liquid spilled over my hands, as I landed on the floor. I heard a gasp come from the servants as they rushed forward to help me up.

"I'm okay!" I said quickly wiping my steamy hands covered with what smelled like tea onto the sleeve of my kimono. "Don't worry!" I tried to give a reassuring laugh.

"Ms.! Your kimono! Oh my goodness!" One of the younger servants rushed forward covering my hands with a towel that she had brought along with her.

"Oh that?" I looked to my kimono, thinking about how the girls back at the barracks would react to my newly bought kimono that was already ruined. All three looked to Byakuya who had stood up with a scowl on his face. The ladies cowered in fear at his presence. 

"Byakuya," I quickly stood up and took his hand leading him away from the ladies, "It's fine!" I tried to give him a smile. He looked to me and held my hand. They were a bit red...but the burn wasn't that deep. I saw from his eyes relax. He grasped my hand in both of his. 

"Okay are you alright!?" I pulled away from him to the ladies in waiting. They quickly nodded their heads as they peered over my shoulder at Byakuya. "It's fine! He won't do anything," I took their hands and led them out the door. "Now that the tea is spilled it is best to make another right?" Being brought back to reality they quickly nodded their head and hurried away. Breathing out a sigh, I turned around to find myself in Byakuya's arms. "Oh!" came from my lips as I collided with him. He held my hands again to examine them. He looked sadly to them, as if they were the last time he was going to see them.

"Would you stop looking like that?" I reached toward his face, "You always have that far away look in your eyes..." I paused, "Even though I'm right here in front of you..." Without warning he brought me into a tight embrace. Hugging me close. 

"What is wrong with that? I don't want to lose a single limb from all," He pulled me away to look into my eyes. My eyes gave a light smile into his met with mine. Again without warning, he pulled me to him again...only this time into a first I was shocked at the outcome. I pried my hands away from his, as I hugged his neck. The kiss deepened as I felt my back against the papered sliding doors. His hands traveled down to my lower back. Then he broke away, as I too did the same.

"Let us begin with our dinner," He held my hand leading me towards the table, and sat me down. He took from the small rolling cart a silver platter that was covered over with a silver lid. Setting it in front of me, he opened the eyes widened in shock of the delicate features of the food.

"It looks delicious!" I marveled in awe. He sat in his seat with his platter out as well, and used his utensils very formally. I picked at the food and started to eat. My eyes widened at the taste of the food. "It's good!" I gave him a smile. He too returned it.

"I made dinner for the night," he replied coolly. Smiling at him still, I held his hand that was on the table and squeezed it. In response he too squeezed it. Cutting another piece of broccoli, I stuck it in my mouth, and coughed it out. It was so spicy! He quickly grabbed a cup of water (where did that come from?) and gave it to me to drink. After gulping it down, I gave a coughing laugh.

"It's so spicy!?" I tried to smile, only to end up coughing again. His worried face turned into a frown as he sat back down, and picked at his food. I gave a laugh "Do you like things that are hot?"

" really put me in my kitchen for the first I said before...I never learned how to cook," He looked to the ground disappointingly. 

"'s not that bad?" I flash backed to when we were at Kisuke's place and he tried to help me cook. Now that I noticed at the food, it was the same that we cooked that night. I stood from my seat.

"Come on," I pulled him from his seat, his eyes widened as I beckoned him to follow me, cleaning the platters from the tables and rolled them onto the rolling cart. "Where's your kitchen?" I asked him, he motioned his head to the left. I opened the screen door to find the three servants listening to our conversation. I waved a hi to them and they returned it awkwardly. Reaching the kitchen now, Byakuya had on his face a confused expression. The kitchen was really clean as I reached the sink.

"Now!' I put my hands on my hips and said to him, "Let me teach you a couple things that everybody should know," I pointed to the dishes, "We clean those out and start washing!" He stared at me stunned but then obeyed. I set one side of the sink full of bubbles, and the other clear water. He came with the empty dishes. Pointing to the sink full of bubbles, he dropped them in. "Now, here is a sponge and try to wipe away the food that is stuck on the plates," I saw him give another puzzled look, but then again obeyed. I saw from the corner of my eyes, the servant ladies watching. Byakuya was concentrating on a stain that wouldn't come off. Since he was in the middle of that, I picked up a stack of bubbles and flicked it towards him. It landed on his cheek, he looked up from the dish as I burst out in laughter. Only now my laughter was replaced with a look of fear.

"Now now Byakuya," I backed away from him, as he gave a look I never seen him make...ever. An evil look as he too, grabbed a puff of bubbles and tossed them at me. 

"Ahh! Hey!" I reached the sink again to grab bubbles with BOTH of my hands and rubbed them onto his hair. Before he could react I quickly made a run for it...until I heard him say,

"Scatter Senbonzakura," A wave of pick formed around me bringing me back to Byakuya,
"Hey! That's not fair!" I said as I felt the wave of pink lightly engulf me into it's depth, but then the pink morphed into the arms of Byakuya as he gave me a bear hug and wrapped his arms around my waist bringing me in close to him as we both laughed away, our voices echoing into the air. He turned me around and brought me into a passionate kiss. My arms wrapped around his neck once again. Pulling myself away from the kiss, I playfully touched noses with him. I smiled at him and his hair full bubbles. Giving a laugh, I replied to him,

"You smell like bubbles!" I touched his hair trying to make the bubbles soak in more. Once he knew what I was doing, he bent down and rubbed his face into my neck. I squealed in shock as he tickled me, "Ahhh! OK! OK! Stop tickling me!"

"Do you surrender yet?" He looked into my eyes.

"No!" I laughed and tried to make him let go of me, only when I said no that's when he again started to tickle me. "Ahh! Fine! I give up!" I giggled even louder as he gave me one last, deep tickle. Picking up his face in my hands I gave him a kiss. I hugged him closer to me thinking how it would be like if I never met a man like this today. Looking into his eyes...I knew that he was falling for me too...

Sprouting Flower (Byakuya Kuchiki Love Story!)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz