Chapter 58

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Chapter 58
Tsuyoi P.O.V.

"Mhh!" I heard Keitara's voice cry for help that was muffled by the cloth that was tied around her mouth. Sweat poured down her face as she tried to unbind the ropes that tied her hands to her back. Looking at the rest of the girls they were in the same situation. I'm surprised that Lina wasn't crying...I guess she had matured that much already. I took my eyes away from the view to glare at Hiresuna.

"Let them go!" I gritted my teeth, "They have nothing to do with this!" I yelled flinging my head up at Hiresuna my hair whipped up in the process as I screamed to her.

"Actually," Hiresuna gave a giggle. My eyes widened in shock, from the side of her kimono with both hands she took out...guns. "They actually do have everything to do with this," She cocked the gun in her hand as she walked to the nearest captive person...Lina. 

"No! Don't!" I yelled getting up to my knees only to have the assassins nearest to me hold me down. "Stop! Hiresuna!" I shrieked trying to get up from the assassins. Hiresuna gave a smile and fired a shot at Lina. "NOOOO!" I yelled screaming to the ground as I saw Lina at first give a jolt as the bullet ran through her body, then she collapsed onto the floor. Hiresuna now had an evil gleam in her eye as she reached for Miyori.

"Stop!" I screamed only to hear the bullet being fired yet again. Tears pooled my eyes as I witnessed the death of Miyori and Lina. Wasting no time Hiresuna too shot Hikana. "Please! I'm begging! Please! Don't!" I screamed. Keitara gave a muffled scream as Hiresuna was reaching towards her. Her scream was cut short mid-way once I heard the bullet shoot through her body.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I screamed, as blood pooled around Keitara. I too collapsed to the floor in a state of shock...they fast as that...they were gone. I heard Hiresuna cackle in laughter.

"Do you know how pathetic you look now that you're laying on the ground?" She wiped a tear from her eye to keep from laughing any longer. My eyes were blank...still staring at the ground...where all their blood seeped through their bodies reaching to where I had parents...their blood...their eyes...and...I closed my own eyes...Kai...I'm so sorry...that I couldn't protect you...I'm so sorry...I thought as I felt a tear run down the side of my face. I couldn't protect any of you guys...I'm so sorry...

"Why are you laying on the ground for?" I heard a familiar voice...since my eyes were closed...I heard Kai's my head...I could hear mind was blank and black...but he...was a light that was making it's way to me...and so were my parents..."Come on," He walked towards me and helped me to my feet. By now...I could only feel that I was dreaming. He wiped away a tear that ran down my cheek.

"Don't cry're stronger than that," He put my cheeks into his hands looking me in the eye. "Don't blame yourself for something that you didn't do," He looked at me sadly in the eye. 


"No buts," He interrupted me before I could continue with what I was going to say, "We're all here for you," He motioned his hand to where my parents stood smiling at me. "We'll always be here Tsuyoi," He turned to look at me. Just hearing his voice brought even more tears to my eyes. Not tears of sadness...but relief. I thought that they would never forgive me.

"About you you love him with all of your of your heart's content?" he asked me. My eyes widened in shock, then returned to their normal state

"Yes, I love him all within my whole being," I said without hesitation...but what would Kai think of me since I told him my answer? Would he be angry?

"I knew it," He smiled and hugged me, "After all, I was the one that guided him to you in the first place. Did you not think I knew the face that you always made after our death? Cold...quiet and your eyes," He touched the corner of them, "Always in the same state...never changing...but I see the change in you now," He kissed me forehead, " have fallen in love, and I am happy for you," he moved away from me as he still held my hands. I grasped them tightly because...I didn't want him to go.

"Don't leave me!" I broke out as his hands finally left mine, so all my hands had was the air, "Kai don't!" I felt the tears coming even more as he slowly started to fade away.

"I told you that I'm always going to be here for you..." His voice started to slowly fade, as the remains of his figure gave a small wave. And my parents too were starting to be hard to see as well.

"Remember who to be strong for Tsuyoi," And that was the last of what I had heard of him before he finally disappeared from my view, and my eyes were finally starting to open. The Soul Society's corridors, I glanced around, on the floor lay the girl's bodies. My hair was like a curtain that hung over my eyes as I tried to support my body to sit up with my hands bound. 

"Took you a while?" I heard Hiresuna's voice call out to me. My hair still shaded my eyes so that she couldn't see my expression. From the ropes that bound me I stretched them until they broke. I latched my hands onto Honoo and Kakumo and unsheathed them from their sheaths. With ease I quickly sliced away at the assassins that were surrounding me, they effortlessly fell to the ground as I stood up from my sitting position.

"Are you ready to go at it again Tsuyoi?" Hiresuna laughed as she blew the smoke from her guns and reloaded them with a click. I moved my hair away from my eyes and twirled my zanpakutos between my fingers. They cut the air making small cutting-like sounds. I caught my zanpakutos to keep them spinning any longer and came into a similar stance that I had made the last time I was facing Hiresuna head on. I said all but two words, 

"Bring it,"

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