Chapter 61

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Chapter 61
Tsuyoi P.O.V.

Power surged through me as I felt my reiatsu go off the charts. I heard Hiresuna gave a small yell in shock at the outburst that came from me. I could see that she had her arms crossed over her head and closing her eyes shut tightly. I opened my eyes and saw that I was engulfed with multiple colors that emerged from within me. When my reiastu had died down under my control, the clothes that I wore were dark wrappings that were wound around chest, and were accompanied by a skirt that went up to my thighs and white socks that cut off to my thighs showing off a bit off skin. I breathed out at last. Long dark raven hair cascaded down to my waist, fluttering in the wind. From around me there was a faint swirl of the colors that burst forth from me earlier. I blinked...I could feel them...Miyori...her zanpakuto's power was wind...always in a rush and never slowing down, her color was white from her zanpakuto that danced around me. The color green came in next...Hikana...the power of earth...always refreshing, yet new and young to everything. Next was a blue strand...Keitara...always pure and calm. Then a shade of light purple came into view. I breathed out as I felt her power surge through me...Lina's zanpakuto's power was that will always find a light for us to turn to...and life full of reasons to live on.

From my hands I did not hold my daggers...but two swords that glimmered, red, purple, green, white, and blue. I swiped them both down flexing my arms. I see, I thought as I examined my weapons. The color red dwells from me...the color of fire. With all of these reiastu...I have control over all of the elements.

"What a joke, that's what your bankai looks like?" Hiresuna put her arms down that shielded her head and glared at me. I met her eyes with no emotion...she may say that but I know inside that she might be scared to take me on. I looked to where Byakuya stood off to the side as he opened his eyes to look into mine. Glancing away back at Hiresuna I reminded myself that I cannot allow mercy or pity upon Hiresuna because of the amount of people that she had killed.

"This is not a joke," I strode to her, "This isn't even my real bankai...Lina and the others sacrificed themselves to give me this power," I gazed at the ground as I walked to her, "To kill you," I flickered my eyes to her, and with a new speed I appeared in front of her and clashed both my swords on top of her daggers she hastily blocked in the nick of time. I felt her slide back on the ground with the heels of her feet digging into the ground as she tried to stop the pressure that I slammed against her. I broke away and flash stepped behind her and gave her a flying round house kick making her tumble the opposite direction kicking up dust. She rolled away stabbing the ground with one of her daggers to brake her into a stop.

"Where is all this reiatsu coming from!" She yelled flash stepping, "Keji Hageshii!" She brought down both her daggers and a green light burst forth. I stood still and slowly raised Kakumo, when the flash of green light neared me I tossed it away to the side using only my arm that held Kakumo. "W-what the-" She staggered back fear clouding her eyes, "Jibaku Hageshii!" She screamed another attack, this time a black orb-like shape was summoned forth from her zanpakutos. "Try to get out of this one!" She yelled laughing maniacally. I still didn't move a muscle as I saw the orb morph bigger and bigger, then it surrounded me pulling it into it's depths. Once it enclosed me within itself, I felt it draining my reiatsu. I took a deep sigh and lifted both Honoo and Kakumo over my head, and drew an "X" with my zanpakutos bringing them down onto the dark orb that Hiresuna had me encaged in. "Swallow Jimen," Earth heard my call and sent forth it's spirit form that was green as I swiped Honoo down into the blackness, "Echo Ekitai," Water took notice and came forth to me from Kakumo's hilt in the spirit color blue, it obeyed my command as I sliced apart the dark sphere. It shattered into air as if it was made of thin glass.

When the orb disappeared I met eyes with Hiresuna who had fear locked into her eyes, I took a step toward her and felt my reiastu start to roll all over my body even more, making me glow.

"W-what the hell are you!" She yelled with her crazed eyes, "Keji Hageshii!" She screamed out in desperation as a green glow was formed and tossed at me. I kept walking closer to her and when the green flash came, I swiped it off to side using Honoo without a second thought.
"It seems that you can't take the damn hint," I closed my eyes, "That you cannot defeat me, for I have all the powers that this universe holds, you are no match for me," I opened my eyes. I appeared in front of her as she gave a shout of surprise, and edged my swords harder against her daggers. With my elbow I recited, "Evoke Seishin," Spirit obeyed my words and my elbow crashed into her chest as she flew the opposite direction of where I was. She staggered up clutching her chest, gritted her teeth and flew up towards the clouds. I disappeared in a blur,
"Where do you think you're going," I whispered behind her. She turned look at me with a frightened look. Before I could give her time to raise her daggers, with my left left foot I murmured, "Blow Kaze," Wind obeyed my call and along with my kick, it sent her plummeting down back to the ground. "Combine Kahonoo," Kakumo and Honoo obeyed as I swung both their blades towards Hiresuna who was falling. I heard her scream as flames enveloped her entire body as she fell. It soon disappeared as she landed. "Kaze, help me once more," I called forth Wind, Wind obeyed and set me gently to the ground near Hiresuna. She never got up from where she laid. As soon as my feet touched the floor my long hair shortened and my clothing was morphed back to what they originally were. I collapsed to my knees in front of Hiresuna.
"Thank you, Kaze, Seishin, Jimen, Ekitai you may take your leave." I glimpsed down to my zanpakuto's hilts and watched as the colors swirled away and out to where they originally were. My zanpakuto's blades shortened going back to their usual state. Dropping them by my side, I looked at Hiresuna's body. Her eyes were closed and she no longer breathed...I put my head into my right palm. Why do I not feel happy? Tears welled up in my eyes and slowly fell as I grasped Hiresuna's hand. Goodbye Hiresuna. My tears plopped onto the ground. 

"Everything is now over," I heard a voice say behind me. Without looking at Byakuya I nodded, I didn't move after a while because I couldn't believe that it was all over.

"Can we bury her?" I asked Byakuya, there was a long pause as if he was thinking whether or not that was the right decision to make, after all she did kill those close to me.

"Of course," He obliged, "But I will not be able to put her in the Kuchiki graveyard." 

"That is fine...out in the woods would be the best for now," I picked up Hiresuna's body and heaved her onto my shoulder, with Byakuya close behind, he followed me deep into the forest. I stopped at a soft meadow and quickly used my daggers to dig a burial hole. It wasn't the best but it would do for now. I laid her body down and looked at it one last time before burying her.
"Good bye Hiresuna, I wish you peace..." I whispered to her grave. I turned to Byakuya, he looked at me and held out his arms. Tears brimmed my eyes again as I fell into his embrace.

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