Chapter 21

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Chapter 21
Byakuya P.O.V.
I watched as she effortless cut the adjuchas in the chest, landing behind him. I saw her face, expressionless as she cut him. She disappeared and reappeared to the little girl that was walking home with us. She rested two fingers to the little girl's neck, checking for a pulse, then saw her breathe out in relief. I walked towards her, as she stood from where she kneeled checking the little girl's pulse. Then returned into her gigai.
"Shall I erase her memory," I asked her, my hand out reached ready to touch the little girl's head.
Not yet...I have a few things to discuss with her...carry her back to Kisuke's place," And with that she left in her gigai, disappearing from sight. I sighed and picked the little girl up in my arms and flash stepped away.

Tsuyoi P.O.V.

I landed in front of Kisuke's house, Byakuya surprisingly caught up with me. I ignored that he was there, and left Tessai to heal Lina as she passed out. To pass the time of her waking up, I decided to go and take a shower. After scrubbing all of the blood off, I found Kisuke in his room. I closed the door behind me. Kisuke lifted his hat a bit to see who had entered.
"Ah! Tsuyoi! I had a feeling that you were going to come." He scooted from his seat, and grabbed a stool for him to sit on, offering me the seat he sat on.
"I don't need to sit," I said, "I came to discuss some matters with you," I saw Kisuke perk up from his hat.
"I see," He pushed his hat onto his head even further, "Does it have to do with the ability the adjuchas had earlier," He eyes me from his hat. I nodded my head.
"Well," He put his hands behind his head and leaned backwards staring up at the ceiling, "Things like that should be impossible to begin with," He straightened himself up focusing on me, "I don't know who it is, giving the adjuchas the ability to be seen by living humans but it is certain, it may be someone who may be trying to plot something, Every soul reaper knows that any ordinary human whoever lays eyes on a adjuchas, much less a hollow, their soul would be detached straight away." I stared at him blankly hoping that he would know more and give me more information, I saw him notice the silent treatment that I was giving, then sighed.
"I know you're very serious about this job so I'll tell you what," He said put his palms down onto the table that was in front of him. "If you do see another adjuchas with the same abilities, then do show him in," Kisuke stood up and walked past me, "But," He paused giving me a glance, "If he doesn't possess the same abilities with the previous adjuchas that you have clashed with," he opened the door, "Don't bother wasting my time on it," Then I was alone in the room. I felt myself sigh,
"Tsuyoi-sama," My zanpakuto called out to me, I touched my zanpakuto that was held inside of my skirt pocket, I felt her resignate, glowing as she was trying to communicate with me.
"I'm...sorry about earlier..." I felt my eyes go up in surprise as Honoo apologized. I smiled and stroked her sheath,
"You did nothing wrong," I said smiling at my zanpakuto, "It was my fault for letting my guard down the minute I thought I was going to win is all, so don't worry about it Honoo," I reached opening the door out.
"...Thank you...Tsuyoi-sama," I heard her say.
"It's nothing," I replied, then I felt her presence gone. I spotted Tessai walking down the hallway doing some weird exercise. I asked him if anybody was watching Lina at the moment. No one was. Before leaving him alone, I remembered I needed to take care of my meager injuries. Tessai left to gather the things for my injuries, while I turned the corner into the living room to see Lina still fast asleep. I sat down next to her, watching any sign of moment that she might wake up. Tessai handed me the little white kit and left me alone to myself and Lina. I opened the little kit, trying to find the small tongs that were used to clutch cotton balls so I could dab away the blood on the wound that I could feel reopening.
I saw a movement in the corner of my eye, and saw Byakuya who was walking towards me. I made no sign that I noticed that he was there, and neither did he. He disappeared into the kitchen as far as I could see. I finally found the tongs and clutched the cotton in it, handling a mirror that would help me see where the wound on my head was at. I could have done it the easy way by going to the bathroom but who was going to watch Lina? What if in that moment she woke up not knowing her surroundings and ran away telling others what had happened to her. I looked to her sleeping figure...I don't know this girl...or even what she is capable of doing once she wakes up.
Finally hoping that Byakuya would come so he could watch her as I tend to my injuries, I called out to him. He appeared holding a water bottle, me, assuming he went to the kitchen for that. He stared at me blankly, wondering why I was calling out to him.
"Can you watch Lina for a bit? I need to go to the restroom and clean up my injuries," I spoke to him without meeting his eyes. I reached for the box, closing it. But then a hand took the box away from me. I looked to see Byakuya was reopening it,
"Stay here," he sat down next to me, "I'll do it for you, I don't have time to watch her," He said as he took out the cotton balls to wipe the blood away on my head.
"You have time to help my injuries but not Lina huh?" I felt my mouth open up to a smile. For a second he seemed like he didn't hear me, then a small smile opened up from him, but quickly disappeared as soon as it appeared. After he was done, he asked if I had it anywhere else.
"My waist," I hesitantly, I saw his eyes flash a bit bigger than how they were usually seen. He nodded his head. I lifted my shirt, revealing my back, but my shirt was still on me. I felt searing pain as the medicine for burns were applied. I gritted my teeth in pain. Then there was a pause.
"Is there something wrong?" I asked in question, wondering if the burns were really fatal. Then I felt the cotton and medicine reapplied again.
"Nothing is wrong...I just wanna make sure it doesn't hurt all,"
"How could it not hurt-gah!" I clenched my hands into fists. Trying to bear with the pain.
"What are you doing?" Lina sat up look at us.

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