Chapter 25

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Tsuyoi P.O.V.

Pushing away the thought, I suddenly remembered how to make a rose. I folded the paper left and right, inside and out. Finally, it bloomed into a lovely blue rose. I raised it up into the sunlight that peeked through the window beside me. I raised it up, examining it left and right, to see if anything from it looked odd. So far it was ok. But...I wanted to add a little more. So borrowing a ruler from the teacher, I measured the flower petal's height and width. Marking down the measurements, I cut them out from different colored construction paper, and borrowing glue also from the teacher, attached together the different colored paper into the flower.
"Wow! Yours is pretty darn nice!" A male voice reached from beside me. I turned to see a boy with dark blue hair, staring intently into my rose. I handed it to him because his eyes looked a bit hungry. He carefully held it in his hand, touching the different colored petals. He stretched out his hand, to give it back.
"You're really good at this stuff huh?" He asked me in curiousity.
"Somewhat," I said taking the flower back, setting it on the corner of my desk. "Want to learn?" He nodded his head excitedly giving a cute warm smile. For five minutes I taught him the folding, creasing and the steps. After a couple messed up roses he finally got it right.
"What's your name?" I asked,
"Hiroko," He looked up to me since I standing. After telling him my name I left him to his seat so I could work on mine. A white rose was soon finished, then a black one. I looked behind me to see if Byakuya was doing well. So far...all I see is crumpled paper. Everybody in the classroom was up visiting and making roses with friends, and Byakuya seemed to be having a hard time struggling. Picking up a pink flower that I finished, I brought it to Byakuya who was now crowded many girls. I sat back down not wanting to bother him. When the girls left, I made my way towards him.
"Need help?" I handed him my flower. He glared at it, but never took it. I set it on his desk, and step by step taught him the correct way to fold a paper into a rose. What I noticed about him, is that every time he messed up on a fold, he would crumple up the paper no matter how small the mistake was. I sighed, taking a seat beside him.
"*Tsk* I'm not going to do this," He tossed the paper that he was folding on to his desk and folded his arms. I tried to contain my laughter but it burst out. He raised his eyebrows at me strangely, then remembered that we had to get a lot of roses done, he went back to work. Fumbling with the paper...this guy wasn't that perfect even though he came from the noble house of Kuchiki, I thought to myself watching him fold the purple paper. It turned into a pretty rose.
"Aha! I gotta you now you cursed paper!" He spoke to the flower. At first I thought it was a bit odd, watching a scene that had to do with the next head of the Kuchiki house yelling at a papered flower. Imagine how his subordinates would act. I hid my laughter away from him, and stared at the window. I stood up, from the chair I sat in, because the owner of the seat had come back. I left Byakuya to himself because he didn't seem to need my help.
"Hey Tsuyoi can ya help press this down, so I could glue this on it?" Hiroko asked moving his paper towards me. I stood up, pressing the part that he spoke about. A couple seconds passed, as I removed my fingers. He brought it close to his eye, examining his flower. I sat back down, remaking a flower that I clumsily folded. The smell of sweet perfume passed me by. I looked staring at that one girl that was bullying Lina the other day. She sent me a smirk and swiped the flowers that I made onto the floor. She stomped on them and backed away in shock.
"My, my, Tsuyoi," She gave me a 'Sorry' look, "How clumsy of you?" She pressed her dainty fingers to her lips in an embarrassing gesture, "Looks like you'll have to remake it again," She gave me a teasing look.
"Hey, Kashina! Why'd you do that!? She worked hard on those! They're better than anyone else's in the room!" Hiroko stood up so that he towered over her. "It wasn't MY fault, the new girl is too clumsy," She walked past me flourishing her hair followed by laughter with her friends as she joined them. I stared at the flowers that were now flattened onto the floor. Hiroko's hand picked up what was left of the ruined flowers.
"Here, you could have mine!" He shoved his flowers to me, hoping that I would accept them. I looked at the ruined flowers that were placed on his desk and shook my head.
"It's fine, I could make my own," I turned away from him hiding my hurt...because I worked hard on those flowers...I really like the blue that I made...I eyed the flower on his desk and turned away, resting my chin onto my hand staring out at the window. I saw a class was out doing physical education. Pigtails ran around trying to catch a basketball that was out. Wait...pig tails? Lina? I stood from my seat to see that she was teamed up with Hikana, Miyori, and Keitara...also some other girls I didn't know. I flipped open my phone checking for any hollows of the sort. So far there was no beeping that came from it. I watched the ball being tossed around and Lina caught it, as she dribbled it and shot it, as the basketball swirled in the basket then came through the hoop.
A cheer came from her team mates as she was hive-fived. A new game started at the sound of the whistle, and they were off again. I watched as they paired up, passing each other the ball. Keitara took the ball and shot a 2 pointer. I could feel myself yelling congratulations. The coach once again blew the whistle, after passing the ball and dribbling through, Lina had the ball once again, now that she was dribbling it towards the hoop, she jumped trying to make a shot, only to be smacked down to the ground by a girl...that seemed a bit familiar. I saw that everybody was crowding over Lina blocking my view from her. I quickly got up and to the window, hoping she she's ok. The girl that slammed her down, had walked away smiling hive-fiving her friends.
Lina's friends were pushed out of the circle that surrounded Lina. Miyori taking notice of what was happening, ran after the girls that had slammed Lina to the ground. Hikana and Keitara was trying their best to pin her down so that she wasn't going to do anything crazy. But the look from Miyori's face, she didn't care whether or not she was going to get in trouble. I watched as she broke free from Keitara's and Hikana's grasp. She ran to where the girl was and sent a flying punch down onto the girls face, soon they were on the ground with Miyori on top punching away at the poor girl. The coach pulled Miyori away from the girl, with Miyori struggling in the teacher's arms.
Anger flared through her eyes, as she cursed and tried to break free from the arms that held her. Then she stopped when Lina walked towards her holding her nose, telling her that it was ok. Small blood drops were dotted onto her gray t-shirt. The sight of blood made Miyori even angrier, so angry that she broke from the teacher only to lunge at the girl again. This time, Keitara and Hikana held her back, trying to calm her boiling anger. After reaching through her, she finally relaxed and took Lina to the nurse's office. They passed the bullies, and one of the girls spat at Keitara. This time instead of Miyori at her throat. It was small sweet Hikana! Since the bullies were so much bigger than her. I watched as she jumped up sending a punch onto her face. She fell landing on top of the girl, and being drowned in the dust. But after dust cleared, I could see that Keitara, Hikana, Lina and Miyori running away from the scene. I don't think that anyone noticed them escape.
Beep! Beep! Beep! I felt a vibration in my skirt pocket. Now everybody was behind me trying to get a good glimpse at fight. I flipped the phone open. A hollow! I didn't have to look to see where it was located. It was coming towards the grounds below! Even worse! Near the bushes that were on the far side of the school where Lina and her gang disappeared!

Sprouting Flower (Byakuya Kuchiki Love Story!)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant