Chapter 54

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Chapter 54
Honoo P.O.V.

"Is there something troubling you?" I heard a voice come from behind me. Turning from my pond, Senbonzakura made his way to me. Giving a light smile, I could feel him do the same under his helmet. 

"Nothing in the slightest," I walked towards land. Senbonzakura lended me a hand to pull me up from the water, I gave him a soft smile yet again and let him pull me closer to him. With both my hands raised, I reached for his helmet. He didn't seem to mind that it was off now. His fingers slowly traced mine as he set his forehead to mine. He closed his eyes and breathed in my scent, I laughed as he touched noses with me. He opened his eyes to look into mine, then closed them again reaching in for a kiss. Our lips touched gently but I mentally yelled at myself because my bottom lip was quivering so much. We softly broke away as we gazed into each other's eyes once more.

"Come," I took a step back, but never averted my gaze from his. He looked a bit stern for he was wondering where I was taking him as I took a couple steps backwards. "There is someone I want you to meet," I let go of his hand and pointed towards the woods that was close to my pond. From where I pointed a figure with long dark hair walked to us.

"Who may that be?" Senbonzakura asked as he stopped in step with me when I stopped walking backwards. I looked away from him and to the silhouette that was becoming clearer and clearer. He had long black hair and piercing red eyes. His hair was rustled by the breeze that blew gently by.

"Come," I beckoned him with my fingers, the long-haired man nodded his head and took my hand. I smiled to him, relieved to feel his touch once more. 

"This," I said to Senbonzakura without turning around, "Is my brother," I finally turned to a confused Senbonzakura as he took a good look at my ni-sama.

Flashback continues
Hiresuna gave a smirk as she twirled her green daggers in her fingers. Without wasting another breath, I ran forward and met butterfly daggers with her. She smirked and took a glance at my daggers.

"Did sensei finally give his precious pupil his daggers," She reached for the left side of my cheek which I dodged to the side with ease. She countered another attack and ran towards my living room. Me in hot pursuit after her. She ran to my couch as I jumped on my other one and gripped my right dagger in my hand as I reached to stab her stomach. I misunderstood her height of jumping. She jumped higher than what I had anticipated so she struck me down with her elbow. I landed my black onto the floor. Finally knowing what was going on, after the jump Hiresuna let off she never landed once. This time she was reaching for me as she landed. 

My senses alert I rolled over to the side avoiding her daggers. She landed on her feet and reached to where I rolled as I stood up on my hind legs in a squatting position. Since I was still bent down on my legs, I switched my daggers so that the blade was facing me but was pressed onto my forearms. Setting my hands into a fist enclosing the daggers hilt's I quickly sliced away vaguely at Hiresuna's legs as she came closer, but I made sure that her legs wouldn't come entirely off. She let out a shriek of pain and before she could fall she set a kick to my face which I blocked with my arms closed over my head. From the force of the kick, I landed on my back again. Lifting my head a bit I saw Hiresuna crawl towards me. She gave a leap, me thinking fast inched away as I spread my legs. Her dagger was stabbed to the ground a couple seconds of where my stomach should have been as I moved away. 

Since her dagger was still stuck to the ground I gave her dagger a kick so that she held nothing in her right hand. The dagger clattered away to the side as she gritted her teeth to glare at me. I stood up and narrowed my eyes to see that Hiresuna come at me. She ran towards me flicking her last dagger left and right of my neck. Trying to reach for a more fatal wound I observed. My eyes widened as she changed her attack and went for my stomach, I took a back flip avoiding her butterfly dagger, my hair whipped up and down because of the back flip. Regaining my balance she was still flicking her dagger at me. I put my arms in front of me and bent down setting my daggers down and gave a front flip. My legs collided with her neck as she tumbled to the floor with me standing over her, her neck captive between my legs. Her hands were still moving trying to stab at me. I sat each of my legs onto her arms to stop her from writhing and my hands balled up into fist punching her one-by-one. Tears flooding my eyes with every punch given...Kai...his smile...his parents...their love for me...their comforting words...

She came forth with a bloody nose as I punched away. Forgetting that I was sitting on her upper body she threw me with the strength she had of her arms and chest so that she was on top of me and started to punch away at my face. I gritted my teeth as I tasted blood in my mouth. She stopped so that I could see her clearly, to the left of me I saw that she had one of my daggers.
"Did you know that your lover and your parents are not even close to real death yet?" She gave a smile and twirled my dagger in her hand. I didn't answer but just glared at her. She threw back her head in laughter, "There is a place called The Soul Society, where all the dead souls go to after they pass," What? I thought through of what she said to me...a soul society? "But..." She placed the blade near my cheek, "Before you die, I'll go after them myself and KILL THEM OVER AND OVER AGAIN!" She cackled her eyes crazed she raised my dagger over my head ready for the last blow, before it could land on me I caught her hands before they were brought down upon me.

So much strength! I pushed harder and yelled loud enough trying to overtake the strength behind the dagger. Just then I felt something explode within me...was I...glowing? Blue surrounded around me, shock ran through Hiresuna's eyes as she stood up from me. I looked to my hands...they looked like blue fire. Not wasting anytime I balled my hands into fists and slammed them into her stomach. She bent forward and gave a cough of blood. It seemed that the blue flame was giving me more power. I reached for her neck and banged her against the nearest wall that we were next to. Hiresuna with her eyes open in defiance seemed to be waiting for the last blow. Before I could give it to her, my door burst open with a tall red-headed man with tattoos that were on his forehead wearing a black kimono with a katana near his side. The first one who entered the scene though was a little boy with white spiky hair.

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