Chapter 70

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Chapter 70

Tsuyoi P.O.V.

"Shhh, I think she is starting to awake," I heard a voice speak. I winced as I tried to open my heavy eyelids. While I was trying to get up I tried to remember the last thing that happened...Captain Unohana, she somehow made me go to sleep against my own will. My eyelids finally found the strength to open as I looked into the eyes of Captain Unohana's lieutenant Kotetsu. She smiled warmly at me and helped me sit up as I clutched my stomach.

"Please take it easy," She had that worried look again. I nodded my head as I looked around. So far there was no sign of Captain Unohana anywhere.

"Where is your captain?" I asked her trying to keep myself as calm as possible. She looked away but then glanced back towards me then replied in a quiet voice.

"She is meeting the zero division," T-the zero division? I heard my zanpakuto Honoo say in shock. Wait Honoo! I called toward her before she could disappear.

"Yes mistress?"

"Can you be in contact with...Senbonzakura at all?" I asked her hopefully in my mind. She didn't answer, it took me a while until I heard her sobbing.

"No...I'm afraid we have lost all contact with Senbonzakura," I heard Kakumo speak for his sister. Tears streamed forth from my eyes...because when the master of their zanpakuto dies...their zanapakuto disappears with them. 

"O-oh my is there something I did wrong?" The gray haired lieutenant asked me afraid that she might have done something wrong as she saw my tears. I couldn't tell her because I was conversing with my zanpakutos...I could hear Honoo crying along with me. 

"Well...I can tell you some of the news...the zero division had come to collect those that were severely wounded so that they could heal them in the at the Soul King's palace." She tried, hopefully that this small news could cheer me up. I cried even harder because Byakuya was probably not one of them. I laid forward on my stomach crying into the ground as I slammed my fist into the floor making a small crack onto the wooden floor. He was gone...just like the savior...gone...for...good...
"AAAAAAAUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!" I cried out as I clutched my stomach. "BYAKUYA!" I let out a scream refusing to believe that he no longer lived as I hugged myself...this child in my stomach...will live without a father...

"AAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!" I screamed as I once again slammed my hands onto the ground. Reiastu formed from my fist as I slammed again the floor shattering under me.

"Tsuyoi please! Calm down! Stress is not good for the baby," Lieutenant Kotetsu tried to reach for my hands that were starting to bleed. I thrashed her away from me, anger and sadness clouding my eyes as I looked back to the ground my tears soaking the floor.

"Why Byakuya!?" I whispered to the ground as a image of Byakuya smiled at me in my mind...but soon disappeared leaving only me to myself...alone....

"Byakuya?" Lieutenant Kotetsu asked me. But I didn't answer her...I didn't have the strength nor the heart to even all anymore...

"Byakuya lives Tsuyoi," At the sound of these words my tears stopped flowing as I stared at the lieutenant in shock...he lives? How is that possible...

"Where is he?" I desperately clung onto her shoulders. 

"He was one of the people who was sent to the zero division to heal," She answered me as she held both of my hands trying to calm me down more now.

"Where are they meeting at?" I asked her hurriedly.

"At the Seireitei," Once I heard she say the place I quickly looked around for my zanpakutos and grabbed them running out of the room with Lieutenant Kotetsu yelling for me to stop. I burst through the front door running to the Seireitei, tears brimming my eyes as I saw the whole Soul Society in chaos. Fires had not died down, buildings were torn, dead bodies were strewn on the streets as I avoided from looking at them as they lay unmoving on the ground. Byakuya! I cried out inside. Please wait for me! I'm almost there! I hopped over the roofs of houses as finally made it to the Seireitei. The captains there seemed to be leaving and in the middle of the Seireitei there was a big pillar. I only heard about it from the elders that the zero division's arrival was only based on a pillar called the Tenchuren (Heavenly-pillar palanquin). Their only way to go back to the Soul King's dimension was going through cannon to launch them back.
The zero division were the royal guards that protected and served the Soul King only. They didn't interfere with the Soul Society unless it was serious. They couldn't help unless the Soul King ordered them to. It seemed they had descended down here because their Soul King sent out that things were getting out of hand down here. I ran towards Captain Unohana who clasped onto my hands.

"Where is Byakuya?" I choked on the words as Captain Unohana stared at me sadly. She took a deep breath and let it out. It seemed that all the captains were leaving.

"He already left,"

"WHAT! No! He couldn't have!" I collapsed to the ground, Captain Unohana pulled me into a hug as I cried into her kimono. Weeping over and over.

"Child...isn't this enough?" Captain Unohana's voice soothed me, "He will live,"

"No..." I whispered to her, "I want to see him with my own eyes...what if he can't be healed...what if they were too late Captain Unohana...we couldn't save them," I sobbed.
"Child...the power of the zero division is stronger than the all of the Gotei Captains put together," She tried to comfort me. For a second I felt happy...but I wanted to be sure...because anything could go wrong.

"I will wait here until the zero division lets me pass through their realm..." I stood up from her arms and walked towards the pillar. Hoping they would come back.

"Do not place a foolish act Tsuyoi..." I heard her say behind me. I approached the pillar and touched it...a fool...I closed my eyes...yes I am a fool...

"I don't care...I want to see Byakuya...even if it's for a a for a second..." I slid down to my knees as I still touched the pillar with my hand. "I'll stay here day and night...without food...water...without moving...until they come for me," I promised. Captain Unohana I could feel stand there for a second then turned to leave knowing that she couldn't stop me.

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