Chapter 11

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Tsuyoi P.O.V

The adjuachas body was very thin, but then again very sharp. Not in the mind but physically. It slashed again as me as I brought Honoo in front to block it. I kicked it as it in the stomach when the adjuchas stopped at the block that I had given it. It staggered back, but raced straight at me again as soon as it caught it's breath. Only this time he connected his claws with Honoo and drove me back towards where Byakuya was. I steered my feet into a stop, so I didn't happen to collide with Byakuya. I jerked away from the adjuchas' claws as I was back-to-back with Byakuya, but then felt he was no longer at my side as he shunpo-ed toward the other two adjuchas. Not bothering to waste anymore time I hurled at the adjuchas my zanpakuto. It burst into dust as it struck the adjuchas. From behind me I heard Byakuya's voice.

"Duck!" I turned around to see what that about, and moved away quickly as possible as I saw a adjuchas whip its tail close to my head. I misjudged the tail. It was as sharp as a knife. But since it missed the vital parts, the wound on my neck re-opened. I touched it and saw fresh blood on my palm. And a large chunk of my hair too had fallen. It must have been cut off as I tried to dodge because my hair felt VERY uneven. Before I knew I was watching the adjuchas burst into dust as a flood of pink engulfed them. At that was left after the petals disappeared was ash. I saw him turn around to face me. Blood trickling down the side of his face, dripping down to the world below. He walked towards me, I saw his zanpakuto turn back into it's silver blade that it once was. I walked to him meeting him half-way and saw that there was a drop of blood that was going to drop from his face. I lifted my hand to brush it away, so it won't fall. As I did, I saw him flinch at first, his eyes alert. Then it softened giving me an expression that I never thought a man like this could ever be able to have...he looked so...comfortable. Me realizing what an awkward situation that I was doing, just brushing off blood and looking at his eyes. I put my hand down and started down towards the world of the living.

I felt Byakuya's presence behind me as he too followed me. We both flash stepped back to Kisuke's place. The door slid open revealing my gigai who stared at me. I saw her jump up and at me shrieking,

"Oh my god! Your neck wound reopened!" I touched my neck and put my hand in front of me to examine it. It was true, fresh blood dribbled down the side of my neck. I sighed, explaining to her that it was nothing, until she saw Byakuya, she totally ignored me and started kissing up to him. I saw her run pass me and into Tessai's room. I stood for a second hoping that she wasn't going to cause trouble, but ignored her as I walked into the kitchen. I stepped back into the living room again and was greeted by my bouncy gigai. She stopped in front of me holding out a white box that had a red cross spread on it.

"Here!" She smiled with glee at me, shaking the box in front of me. I stared at her in silence as she still waved the box at me. When she saw that I wasn't going to take it, she shoved it into my hand and ran off to who knows where. I sighed because I had to go and walk back into the kitchen. I found a bowl that was big enough to fill water in and filled it with warm water. I grabbed a towel and headed off towards the living room because someone was in the bathroom. I sat down and doused the towel in the warm water and dabbed my wound on my neck. As I did, I felt a sting. I quickly removed the towel from my flesh and let it sit in my hand, waiting for the wound on my neck to cool off before I started again.

As I waited for a couple seconds, I saw the front door slide open revealing Byakuya. I glanced away from him, looking off to the side refusing to meet eyes with him. I saw him from the corners of my eyes, walk towards me. I pretended to make no notice as he sat down next to me. I felt the towel being pulled from my hand. I looked to see if it was falling...but Byakuya had it. He rinsed the blood into the bowl full of water, stood up and tried to clean my neck. I flinched away at his touch. For a second, I thought he was going to give up, but to my surprise he gently pulled my chin so I was facing him. I flickered my eyes away from him.

I waited until he was done cleaning off the blood so I could turn away. He once again rinsed the blood off of the towel into the bowl that was bloodied from my wound. He searched in the little white kit for... a alcoholic tissue...I hate those things. He once again lifted my chin so he could apply it onto me. This time I looked away...only to glance back at him...staring into his eyes. He pretended to take no notice what-so-ever. My eyes explored his facial features.

My eyes traced his perfectly curved lips, then to his nose, his grey eyes that stared into nothingness as he applied the alcohol to my neck. The hair decorations that he wore to hold the noble family name. Now...I could understand why the girls in Soul Society like him so much. They even made a fanclub for him...I gave a smirk. That made him stop. I quickly looked away.

"That's enough," I said,

"Wait," he said turning around once again digging into the little kit. He pulled out a bandage and stuck it onto my neck. After he was done, he took the bowl and towel. I grabbed it from him,

"I'll do it," I said, walking away not even glancing back to see if he obeyed or not. I tossed the towel into the laundry, grabbed a clean one, rinsed out the water that was mixed with my blood, and replacing it with warm water. I walked back to the living room. Byakuya was sitting on the couch looking at me as I walked to him. I keep noticing that...whenever he looks at me...I always look away, avoiding his eyes. I set the bowl and the towel beside him. He reached for it but I stopped his hand.

"I'll do it..." I saw him glance away as our eyes met, then he moved away letting me tend to him. "You did the same for me..."I squeezed the water from the towel "I'll do the same for you," I said gently pressing the wet towel onto the wound that was on his head, since that was the one I was most worried about...wait...worried?...Why would I worry?...nothing wrong worrying about a comrade right? Ignoring my thoughts, I was a bit frustrated that I couldn't clean the blood off easily.

To make it easier and quicker for me I held on to the side of his face, I noticed his eyes widened in shock, then relaxed going back into their normal state. I rubbed the towel, cleaning the last of the blood on his head. I put the towel back into the bowl, letting the blood soak out I reached for a alcoholic tissue. I tore up the packet that held inside the tissue, and applied it on. As it touched his flesh, I saw him wince. I couldn't help but give a smile and a laugh. He looked at me with his eyes, then I too saw him smile, but only for a small amount of time...then it was gone. I quickly went back to the tissue and applied the rest of it.

He didn't need a bandage though, so I left it. I let my arm fall to my side. Then I noticed...his kimono was torn...across his chest. I touched the torn piece and opened the rest of the kimono that was covering it. I saw a jagged line slide across his chest. It wasn't big, but pretty small, not enough to leave a scar. But in any case it was still bleeding. I reached for the towel and kneeled down in front of him about to touch his chest then remembered I didn't ask for permission yet. I looked up at him, then he turned his head as if saying he didn't care. I saw my hands hesitate as they opened the rest of the kimono that was covering his chest.

I felt my heart rate rush even faster, hoping that he didn't notice because...I've never been this close to a man like this a long time...hurrying myself to get it over with, I applied everything and left him alone in the living room.

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