Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Byakuya P.O.V

I watched as she closed her eyes and fell asleep. Her body was giving her small spasms that were unnatural. Was it the poison? I sighed, what an embarrassment to the Kuchiki family to know that their heir has no idea on where Kisuke's house was at. I got up to go wash the rag, when I returned she was still sleeping soundly. For a second I thought it was Hisana...but this woman had longer hair, and a different personality. I placed the rag on top of her burning forehead. Sitting beside her for a second thinking. Remembering to check her injury, I examined her wound. It was pretty fatal. She could almost bleed to death. I flash backed to when she collapsed as I caught her. I didn't know where my squad headed but I'm sure that they were helping the others.

But I chose a different lead me to Tsuyoi. She was alone fighting THREE adjuchas, way out of her league. But she handled it perfectly. The way she used the spell to counter an attack when the adjuchas slammed her down. Great reflexes. She did not lose her distraction when I destroyed the adjuchas that attacked her, instead she sent her little zanpakuto hurling at the last of the adjuchas. But that must've taken to much energy for her. I sighed, thinking to myself, this woman... I looked in her direction, is strong. I brushed a strand of her hair away. I saw her smile in her sleep.

That stopped me in my tracks. Because...I never seen I imagined how that smile would be if she were awake. She suddenly stirred. I saw her smiling face writhe into a face of pain and agony. Her eyes opened in shock. She was panting for breath. The color from her face started to fade.

"What's wrong?!" I asked out of shock, unsure of what to do. Because being in a household such as the Kuchiki, everything was handed to me. I never took care of a person before. I saw her grit her teeth. I need to get to Kisuke's! I quickly picked her up in my arms and searched for reiastu. I found a lot but...none familiar. Are we that far? I jumped flash stepping from roof-to-roof searching. She clutched my cloak in pain. The poison was spreading out too much through-out her body!

"*Tsk* Byakuya, struggling much these days?" I heard a familiar voice, I turned around and saw a tall figure of a woman with purple hair that was tied in a ponytail. Black legging, accompanied by an orange sweater.

"Yoruichi." I said looking at my old friend. She gave me a smirk. She landed beside me with flash step that I knew was quicker than mine. She took Tsuyoi from my arms. She nodded her head.

"This way," She jumped, I jumped too catching up to her speed, "I was searching for you guys, you guys went missing for a pretty long time ya know?" She looked at me. I gave her a curt nod. We soon made it to Kisuke's place, Yoruichi hurriedly made it to the living room where a futon was lain, Tessai was sitting there at the ready. Beside him sat a plate with a needle. I lifted my brow, but thought to myself it's best not to question a healing person's intentions.

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