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Chanyeol's POV

I watch as Sarang pulls Dreea to an ice cream parlor, tugging her hoodie and pointing at a triple-sized ice cream, of course she didn't say no and bought three of them, she payed for them and came back to where I was waiting for them.

She got my favorite flavor and I mumbled a 'thanks' before licking my ice cream.

We continued walking and I was deep in thought the whole time.

I didn't expect Dreea to be like a mother to the child but when Sarang asked me if she was mommy I just couldn't say no to her expectant face, it wouldn't hurt neither of them to act like that and I can't just disappoint her when I've been telling her she'll meet mommy soon.

I've tried my best to prevent having any relationship with Dreea but she is literally everywhere, I try very hard to avoid her and every time I manage to do it for at least two days there's something that makes me talk to her again.

I know I've said I hate her and all the female population but I don't really hate them as in hate them and that applies for her as well, I promised myself I would never get close to a girl and I have succeeded for years but here I am pretending to have an adoptive child with my seatmate.

As I think of it, it is definitely impossible to avoid Huang Dree Ah, maybe I can give it a try? Should I just stop ignoring her? Of course I won't let my guard down but I think that God just won't let me stay away from her as long as I keep trying so hard to avoid her, I won't befriend her but maybe if I just stop ignoring her I will be finally at peace?

What about the other two girls in my class? I think I can just act okay with them as I've been noticing something with some of our new classmates (and I think I'm not the only one that has noticed it)

I ruffle my hair in frustration and I came down to Earth as I felt someone grab my hand.

I looked down as smiled a bit seeing Sarang looking at me with her round big eyes.

"Daddy, are you okay? You look frustrated" she said with a really cute frown.

I carried her in my arms and kissed her cheeks fondly "I am frustrated because I don't know which kind of toy you would like me to buy"

She giggled and hid her face in the crook of my neck, I looked at my right and Dreea was wearing an amused smile as she watch our interaction, she must know I was lying but I can pull off an act pretty well.

"Appa, why don't we just go to the toy store so I can choose? You look ugly when you frown" Sarang said that and I frowned once again as she said that and Dreea laughed to her heart's content.

I mouthed a 'shut up' and pouted, causing my 'daughter' to giggle and continue eating her ice cream.

After a short while she told us she couldn't eat it anymore because she was full already and Dreea volunteered to eat it, I was still half-way finished with mine but her apparently never ending stomach was asking for more.

We entered a really huge store, there were a lot of toys so I had to make sure Sarang wouldn't get lost.

I watched excited as I saw Transformers figurines, Toy story set and many more that reminded me of my childhood, or even figurines that made me feel excited like a One Piece collection, I thought about it and decided to buy them all so I could give them to Umin hyung later when I see him so I grabbed them all in my arms but there were so many that I worked hard to do it.

I managed to grab them all and when I turned around there were Dreea and Sarang laughing at me, I think they were trying to keep silent but failed in the end and laughed out loud.

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