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First of all I want to apologize for not updating in almost a month, but I had exams and then projects (I don't even know how I managed to write this chapters) as well as doing my college entrance exam last Saturday... I hope you forgive me, I brought you this chapter, I promise for the love I have for EXO that I'll update this weekend as a sorry gift, I missed you guys </3

On the other hand... PRACTICALLY 400 FOLLOWERS AND 220K READS?! I can't even express how grateful I am, I searched 'EXO' here in Wattpad and i literally saw MBS in the third place, like whut?!


Dreea's POV

My phone started ringing.

"Oh, it's Henry" I said and smiled, I gave an apologetic smile to Chanyeol and stood up to leave the room for a while.

I connected my earphones just in case.


"Sup Henryux" I said.

"Hi Dreea..." He said in a kinda serious tone.

I frowned "what happened?"

He smiled sadly "I want to be sincere with you Dreea... There's something you have to know, I don't think I can keep it a secret from you any longer, I'm tired of pretending"

I blinked "what is it Henry?"

"First tell me, do you like Chanyeol?"

I laughed nervously "me? Like him? Why would I?"

He didn't even crack a smile "do you?"

I bit my lip and nodded slowly "I do"

He closed his eyes "sorry Dreea"


"Because... I may also have a little crush oh him" he said in a little voice.

My eyes widened at his revelation, how is that even possible? I honestly didn't know what to say. Why didn't he tell me from the very beginning? Why would he even keep teasing me about it if he actually liked him?

I don't blame him though... I just hope this doesn't affect our friendship, I value it too much, I don't even know what I should do... It's not like Chanyeol is gay too and will have feelings for him... Or yes?


His face contorted.

"OMG DREEA YOU ARE SO GULLIBLE!!! HAHAHAHAHA!" He exclaimed as he started laughing his ass off.

I felt myself blush in embarrassment.

I hate him.

"Meanie..." I said and pouted.

Just then Chanyeol's face appeared next to mine and spoke/whispered with his usual deep and husky voice sending shivers through my entire body "what is this? Why is he laughing...? Why is he mean?"

I was in a bit of a daze so I didn't answer him, I know it sounds stupid because it's just him speaking as he usually does but kinda different at the same time, it didn't help that he was so near to me, ever since I discovered I had developed a heavy liking for him I get flustered waaay easily.

He seemed to notice because he smirked, suddenly showing a side I had never seen of him, a flirty one.

"What? Am I..." he said still speaking the same way while he played with my hair softly and coming a little bit closer "flustering you?"

My Bittersweet Story (EXO fanfic) [hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now