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Dreea's POV

"The name is Luhan"

"Ah yeah... Thank you Luhan, my name is Dreea... Uh... How did you beat that guy? He is big" I wondered feeling a bit embarassed of being saved by a kid that was younger than me.

He chuckled "How old do you think I am?"

"Five?" I said innocently.

"Haha, no silly I am almost nine years old" he continued laughing while I stared shocked at him, he was older? He looks like a baby! I can't deny that he is cute and kind of handso- wait! Dreea you are seven years old for God's sake boys are disgusting! Eww~

He was still laughing but...

"Dreea who is this kiddo?" Asked Tao while approaching with only one ice cream in his right hand.

"Where were you?" I asked, it had been like twenty minutes since he left.

"I went to buy ice cream, duh"

"Why did you last so long? And give me my ice cream!" I licked it and noticed that Luhan wasn't laughing anymore and was standing there awkwardly.

"Oh, gege he is Luhan, Luhan he is Tao, my brother"

They just smiled politely and Tao clicked his tongue

"Are you harassing my little sister? Aren't you too young for that?" Tao asked looking at him weirdly.

"Gege, he is almost nine years old you should be more respectful" I scolded him.

"Really?! Woah! I'm sorry please forgive me, uh... It won't happen again, don't worry" He said looking at the ground.

Luhan chuckled "It's okay call me Lu ge"

"Can I call you Lulu?" I asked, I suited him because we was cute, a cute deer.

"Just because you are pretty"

"Yah! No flirting, we are kids! Aish, whatever I will be playing in the slides" He stuck out his tongue and left.

"Are you sure he is older than you?" Lulu asked me.

"Sometimes I wonder if he really is myself"

"Why those kids were bullying you btw?"

"I am rich"

"Oh really? Me too! But you know, you shouldn't het yourself be intimidated by them like that, don't let them bother you, you know your own value, they just don't know your true self... Oh, and maybe our parents know each other, what is your business? I suppose you have one" He asked.

"We own Gucci, Rolex and we have many malls around Asia, what is yours?"

"That's cool I have many Rolex! We own MCM and some malls around the world" he answered, he is really nice and he doesn't look spoiled, he is also cute.

"Are we friends now Lulu?"

"Sure thing, let's make a promise. We are going to be friends forever and whatever happens we will be there for each other, promise?" He stated while lifting his pinky finger.

"Promise" I said locking mine with his and sealed it by putting together our thumbs. We smiled at each other and he gave me a necklace he was wearing with the letter L, casually I had one with the letter D on my neck so I gave it to him.

He narrowed his eyes at me "let's never take this off so we can remember each other always okay? Don't you dare have another best friend! I have to leave, bye Dreea!"

"Bye Lulu"


When Tao and I arrived home he asked me how I met Luhan so I told him the whole story.

"I'm sorry meimei I couldn't protect you, I just met this friend of mine so I talked with him for a while" He looked so sad and worried that I ruffled his hair playfully.

"It's okay gege, now we have a new friend, a true one"

8 years later...

"Yah! Dreea wake up!" Ugh I want to stay in bed the whole day.

"Tao, have you ever heard about sleeping all day long on saturdays?" I groaned while wrapping up myself with the blanket again.

"Lift your lazy ass it's 1:15 pm already, Luhan is coming to fetch us in fifteen minutes!"

At the sound of his name I shot up from bed and ran to take a quick shower, I forgot that Minho, Siwon and TOP geges (my cousins) plus Lulu, Tao and me are going out today to spend some time together, ever since we met Luhan I have been hanging out with him, Tao and our cousins, we introduced Luhan to them and they all became good friends so we hang out frequently , I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed.

You see, I have always been bullied because I am rich and people always insult me, all that protection my brother and Luhan give me doesn't stop bullies from hurting me verbally so I normally don't stand up for myself... I'm afraid because when the guys are not with me I am bullied physically as well... But I want to be brave enough to stand up for myself, maybe some day, maybe.

Tao gege learnt wushu to protect me from them (he got to love it though), Luhan has also been protecting me and taking care of me, maybe that's a reason why I have a crush on him ever since I met him, he is always taking care of me and making me feel happy but we promised that we were going to be friends forever and I am afraid of ruining it with a relationship.

I was going to change clothes again because I was not feeling OK when Alice came in saying that Lulu was here so I had no choice but to go out dressed up like this, I was wearing a knee length blue dress with black flats and I let my long wavy hair be down the way it naturally is.

We went to a restaurant before we went to have fun but Luhan had this face that showed that he was being bothered by something, I think Tao-ge noticed this too because he kept looking at him

"Lu ge is everything alright?"

We all looked at him worriedly and we started asking him questions because he is usually a bubbly guy, Siwon was just there sitting quietly looking at him while crossing his arms as if trying to decipher Lulu's problem.

"Uh? Oh yeah, everything is fine" he smiled and then tried to lighten up the mood but he still seemed bothered, we decided to let it slip this time and continued eating, I'll just ask him later.

Then we went to one of my family's mall and went to the arcade because there's this big panda bear Tao has been wanting but we never get enough tickets for it, at the end we didn't get it and my brother kept sulking so we decided to go to a park, we played there for a while like little kids and we left home when we noticed it was starting to get dark, we were about to enter my house just crossing the gates when Luhan received a call.

"Hello? Oh yes...Already?... I'll be right back wait a little bit" he looked sad and stood there deep in thought, as if he suddenly remembered that we were there he looked up with a small smile in his face.

"I'm sorry guys but I have to leave, my parents are waiting for me at home", then he did something he usually didn't do, he hugged us and then he whispered something in my ear

"Remember the promise we did the day we met eight years ago" then he left.

That was the last time I saw Lu Han...


Bye Lulu~

How are you liking it so far? Don't worry the rest of the EXO members are going to appear later on the story. The next chapter I am going to talk more about the Choi brothers aka your cousins and your life.

Edited: June 13rd, 2015

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