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Did you know that if you try to fake a big laugh you end up laughing for real?

I bet you tried it xD no? Okay... *le hides in a corner* anyways, I finished finals and now I have winter break!! *squeals* more updates! :D yehet! Please look forward to it :)


Dreea's POV

We decided to just skip class and stayed in the garden, we didn't speak at all when we calmed down but the calmness and the freshness of the place was relieving, not as much as Han River but good enough.

After Kai and me ate, I went home and when I entered the house Tao was waiting for me in the main living room.

*I don't know if I should be happy or scared*

"Where were you?" He asked her coldly.

For some reason I got a bit angry and I snorted "Now you care?"

"Answer me"

"I went somewhere with Kai before he brought me here, he just left" I said avoiding his gaze before walking past him.

"I'm leaving now with the guys, tell mom" he said coldly before leaving "and stay away from Kai, you are ruining him"

"Last time I checked it wasn't bad if I talked to someone, and at least he believes and understands me" I mumbled the last part and he just ignored me and left.

I just threw myself to the bed and started reading Divergent, Luhan gave it to me days ago saying it was a really good book so I'll give it a try.


I couldn't concentrate thinking about Jessica's condition so I decided to get up and pay her a visit, she won't last too much to wake up so I better check on her condition.

I asked Alice to get my driver, it was still early as I skipped the majority of my classes today with Kai and came home just an hour ago, normally I would be worried about it but I have more important things to worry about at the moment.

When I arrived to the hospital I approached the nurse, she's the same we have seen lately, aren't there more nurses or what?

"Where's the handsome guy that came with you yesterday?" She asked me looking at the sides.

I ignored her question and asked her the number of Jessica's room.

"It's room 365, are you her relative? We haven't seen any other of her relatives yet"

"I'm her friend, and thank you" I thanked her and headed to the room.

I entered the room and there was Jessica lying on her bed.

I wonder where are her parents.

I sat on the chair beside her bed and stared at her, she looked delicate and her features were smooth, it was nice when she was not acting like a brat, that made her beauty go away... *What did I ever do to you Jessica?*

I stayed there for about three hours.

Maybe she won't wake up today.

I was about to leave and I heard Jessica mumble in her sleep in an almost inaudible voice and in a desperate tone. "No... No... Please don't, don't do it! Appa... Appa help me!"

What should I do?

I panicked, the monitor that was connected to her started showing an increase in her heartbeat.

My Bittersweet Story (EXO fanfic) [hiatus]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz