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I want to cry!!!! I really really really shipped BaekYeon!!! T.T he is perfect and she's perfect! Literally! Well, I'll support both of them no matter what they choose if that makes them happy, I wish the best for the both of them!

Ps. VIVA MÉXICO!! ❤️❤️


Dreea's POV

We all filled the waiting room while the surgery was performed, none of them was in a good mood, even Baekhyun, Sehun, Kang Joon and Chen were in silence while we waited.

The nurse that always harasses Kai approached him.

"Oppa... Why don't you guys go home? This kind of surgeries usually last a lot, if you come in the morning they'll still be performing it"

He just looked at her with a cold expression "it's not me you should be telling this to" he said before leaning back and crossing his arms.

She blushed and went to the adults and said the same.

They agreed to leave and come back in the morning but none of the young ones wanted to go home.

Chanyeol's mom and mine approached the both of us.

"Take care dear, Sarang is strong" my mom said as she hugged me.

She did the same to Chanyeol and his mom hugged me "be strong Dreea"

I hugged her back "I will, I have my hopes put on that 10%"

She smiled at me "don't worry, we'll come back in the morning, okay?"

I nodded, they all left and I sat down again.

Luhan sat on my left side and grabbed my hand in a comforting way "we are here for you"

I smiled at him "thank you Lulu"

He released my hand but stayed next to me while Chanyeol sat on my other side, there was not that much space left so Kai sat in front of me with his back resting on my legs.

Some looked at him weirdly but he just ignored them, I am surprised that he is even here but I guess that's his way of showing a silent support.

I was thankful for it, even though our relationship is not like the other ones I have I considered Kai one of my closest friends, his ways were kinda rude and everything but when something bothered me he listened to me well, his 'advices' were most of the time good but I knew he wouldn't judge me and that made me feel good as I spilled the beans.


Henry's POV.

I slipped as I entered the hospital but I managed to balance myself before running to the counter.

"Where is the operation of a girl named Sarang being held?" I asked the woman in the counter.

She gaped at me as if admiring my face.

I know I'm handsome but girl, you are not part of my preferences, sorry. 

I clicked my fingers and that seemed to bring her back to reality.

She told me the directions and I ran there.

When I arrived I slipped once again, getting everyone's attention.

"Oh, Henry!" Dreea exclaimed.

I stood up blushing in embarrassment and then I saw my best friend.

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