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If you love EXO (obviously, you are reading this xD) and also if you are an ARMY please read the A/N at the end, it will be available until My Bittersweet Story ends. (Applies for both fandoms) there's a contest and a little bit about my next projects.

Dedicated to @heyxoxooo for making the beautiful cover you can see in the media :) maybe someday in the future I can use it ;)

I was going to update sooner but when I was almost finished my dear sister erased by accident the note in which I was writing it and I hadn't backed up u.u it's more than 1:30 am right now on a school day, which means I'll sleep just a fee hours because I wake up at 5:40 but here you have this <3


Dreea's POV

<Three days before>

After the bell rang everyone decided to go back to our classroom, but I decided to spend some time alone, to think.

Some looked hesitant because I was hurt, but they knew I was not going to die because of it and pulled Chanyeol with them.

I went to the garden in which I usually met Kai and took a seat.

I knew something bad happened at home. Something that made him do such a thing, Kai has never hurt an innocent person and I don't think that guy did anything to him.

He was having a hard time, and I am afraid it will just increase due to the incident earlier, the guys are not too happy with him, they are more like disappointed, and the rest of the students now seem a bit scared of him.

I pressed my fingers on my stomach thoughtfully, rubbing the spot where he punched me.

"Dreea" I heard a voice calling me.

I looked at my left and was surprised when I saw Taemin coming towards me, his hands in his pockets.

"Oh, Dorito guy!" I exclaimed and raised my hand to high-five with him but stopped when I saw his expression.

He looked serious, and I didn't even see the ghost of the person I've always known.

"We need to talk"

I furrowed my eyes in confusion.

"What is it about?" I asked him.

He sat down next to me "I think you already know" he stopped talking and looked at me "he hurt you"

"It doesn't hurt" I said faking a laugh, making me wince and clench my stomach.

He rolled his eyes and looked down "something happened"

I looked at him a bit startled, how did he-

"Something's happening in his life, I know him and he would never hurt a person just because he accidentally collided with him" I didn't know about the last thing.

I stayed there in silence. It's true.

He lowered his tone to almost a whisper, his voice sounded almost as if in pain "what's going on with him Dreea?"

I opened my mouth to speak but he interrupted me.

"I know it's supposed to be a secret, but think about it, maybe if you told me we could find a way to solve it"

I was about to tell him 'no' but I stopped to think about it just as he told me. If Kai is giving up and letting all this things happen we could maybe find a way ourselves before his father abandons him completely. Besides, I promised Kai I would help him.

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