chapter 6• Calm.

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Jalon in mm

April 20th.

Jalon POV

Life's been cool I'm an accountant I own 2 businesses nice lil condo. Me and Tae been engaged for almost 3 years I been pushing the wedding back for the longest now. I'm just honestly not ready especially with the fact that Tae said she wanted to start a family after we got married. That's the ultimate reason why I keep pushing the wedding back. I love practicing baby making but actually making a baby? Nah I'm not for it right now, I love my nieces & nephews and I'm content without having the responsibility of my own child for a while. The secondary reason is i don't know what the fuck i was thinking when I proposed but I dont even wanna get married no more. On to bigger things Right now I got a bone to pick with Tae though she really lost her shit taking my car that's a no no you don't touch my Porsche without my permission. I'm not tripping about her taking my car but the fact that she getting pulled over in my shit for speeding in a school zone really not tripping off that either I got a ticket for that to but this shit here pissed me off. she had a half a blunt sitting in the ash tray, smoking and driving is just like drinking and driving. They searched my car and found my pistol and she was some how able to talk the officer into not arresting her ass. Ion trust that shit at all like come on what officer just go let you go after finding a loaded pistol And weed. And here she is.

Tae: don't look at me like that.

Me: how fucking dumb are you? You get pulled over and don't think to close the fucking ashtray?

Tae: I don't even smoke! I didn't fucking know it was there!

Me: I ain't yell at you so don't yell at me, matter fact that school ain't even in route of our crib so what the fuck was you doing over there anyways?

Tae: minding my fucking business your not my daddy, I can go wherever the fuck I want to Jalon.

Me: the fact that you wonder why I ain't married yo ass yet, this shows exactly why. I can't even trust you!

Tae: there so many niggas always at me but I stay with your ass! Only to be treated like a side bitch! I don't trust yo tramping ass either!

Me: when have I cheated on you?! Let's be real fucking clear I never cheated on you! I could have but I didn't out of respect and love for you! But since I'm "tramping" then leave tell your fucking father the wedding is officially off! I don't need this shit Bruh!

Tae: you gone break up with me after all the shit I've been through with you!? Fuck you Jalon!

Me: cool, im still curious as to how the fuck you ain't get arrested what you do give the officer head?

She was headed to the door but turned around to me before she walked out.

Tae: just so you know I fucked Gerald.

Me: that ain't answer my question but good for you, tell him to buy you a car and marry yo hoe ass.

Tae: you ain't shit!

Me: neither is your pussy.

Tae: I'll be back for my stuff tomorrow.

Me: leave the keys to the car and my house I'll have your shit on the porch waiting for you.

She threw the keys trying to hit me but I caught them.

Me: bitch throw something else at me, my momma already on her way don't piss me off right now Bruh.

I was so calm I was scaring my damn self you'd think I'd be Hella fucking mad that my ex fiancé just revealed she fucked one of my homies and gave an officer head. But Nah I'm calm and collected I actually got a smile on my face. Strange as fuck I'm really trying to figure out what the hell my problem is.

Just as she walked out my momma walked in well got carried in by my dad she had a boot on her left foot.

Me: what happened?

Yn: me and your dad were being big ass kids at trampoline nation and I spranged it.

Me: today your last day here?

Chres: yea had to visit all you guys a last time before we leave in the morning so get freshened up and let's go boy.


Goldie POV

Well what can I say? Golden is now 6 and looks just like his daddy and is just an active child he plays little league baseball and basketball. Even after the divorce from time to time Daniel would be staying the night at the house he honestly still does. It damn sure ain't for me though so don't even think that, it's all for Golden. As long as he ain't trying to get in the cookie jar I don't care where he sleeps. That whole "still sleeping with your ex" shit ain't for me if you not mines then you ain't getting none we haven't slept together since before he got caught up. I'm still a back ground dancer I just don't tour as much because of Golden but I'm not tripping I do videos more then concerts and I got a little modeling going on so I'm good.

Me: Golden!

Daniel: he sleep already.

Me: where you sleeping?

Daniel: with you.

I rolled my eyes of course he is. I walked over to my bedroom and jumped in the bed. I had already did my night hygiene stuff and put on a big T-shirt and some shorts and wrapped my singles. Daniel came out the bathroom brushing his teeth with a towel around his waist he grabbed his cloths of the bed and went back into the bathroom. I decided to take a picture for the gram. After posting it with the caption "GoodNight Insta" I put my phone on the charger and got comfortable and started falling asleep. That was until I felt hands caressing my ass, I swear this happens every time I wanna go to sleep but he wanna be up and talking. 

Me: what Daniel?

Daniel: for real Goldie who you been fucking? Cause it ain't me and I know you ain't held out for 5 years.

Me: he's not around our son so you don't need to know.

Daniel: he must be someone I know.

Me: you probably right.

Daniel: you fucking one of my homies?

Me: no stupid let me rephrase that you know of him.

Daniel: what he do?

Me: don't worry about you.

Daniel: why you playing?

Me: why you being nosey?

Daniel: whatever girl.

Me: so since you wanna be all in my business who you fucking sir?

Daniel: whoever I please except the one I really want to because I fucked up.

Me: who you talking about me or Keyshia? Cause ya fucked up in both marriage's.

Daniel: you, I got love for Keyshia cause she had my first born and we friends I support what she does but I'm no longer in love with her haven't been since I got with you.

Me: well Daniel I'm a be honest I love you just like you love Keyshia. I can't be with someone who cheats why do you think me and Kenon broke up? I loved him to death but I'm not go stand by and watch you cheat on me hell no.

Daniel: so you not in love with me no more?

Me: no I am not, I'm sorry but I no longer feel that way. So just be a father to our son and be my friend and support my decisions like you support Keyshia's.


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