chapter 28■ split

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June 27th.

Keyon POV

Me and Marlie finally came out with the decision we made after graduation which was on the 14th. My dad was still barely talking to me shit really hurts man. I made one mistake I do something to fix it and I'm still penalized for it, I cant win. Of course Marlie can't go back home even though she's no longer with child but no one's tripping about it. She's still depressed and I'm just neutral I don't too much feel anything about it like she does but I do think about the what if's I wanted my Bestfriend back though he was go see how hurt I am today. It's not even the fact that I'm sad anymore I'm pissed off now cause what the fuck?

Me: so you just go keep fucking ignoring me.

Khalid: you not grown bitch watch your tone.

Me: I'm not trying to hear that right now, what I wanna hear is why your treating me like this. Mazia had me at 16 you took over I'm 18 dad what's the problem?

Khalid: the problem is your still a fucking teen! 18 don't make you grown nigga, you still live at fucking home. Marlie got kicked out her home cause of your dumb ass cause you decided to think with your dick and not yo fucking brain. You think taking care of a child is a simple task? It's not had you been a man about your shit and let her go through with her pregnancy you would have seen that.

Me: I know its not simple that's why we made the choice we did.

Khalid: was it really a "we" decision or was it a Keyon decision.

Me: I wouldnt make her do shit she don't want too.

Khalid: so why she walking around here all depressed and shit? You think we don't hear her crying and shit, we do every fucking time.

Me: why am I to blame!? I left the decision up to her! This wasn't my choice no more!

Khalid: she did that shit for you tho Keyon! She did it to make you fucking happy not her self YOU. You told her you'd be happy either way but you fucking lied and I know you did. You walking around here perfectly fucking fine while yo girlfriend depressed as fuck. You think I was ready to take on the responsibility of you? I wasn't to be honest I ain't want a fucking thing to do with Mazia but I chalked that shit up. 

Me: that's fucking great just tell me how you didn't fucking want me and you don't want me now.

Khalid: you so caught up in your own emotions your not seeing the point. Just like I didn't want you, you ain't want that damn Baby with Marlie cause you weren't ready just like I wasn't. I had so much fucking growing to still do, it took me getting with your mom and taking her serious for me completely grow up and get my shit together. I'm tough on you cause I want you to grow the fuck up and mature. I don't want you to be damn near 25 like I was still tryna put the pieces together. Understand I love you, and i want nothing but the best for you in life. You should have known she wanted that baby Keyon.

Me: she ain't say nothing how was I supposed to know.

Khalid: pay attention and you'd know. That girl was happy once she got here as soon as the topic of her not having that baby came up she started acting different. Now look, she really love yo ass to just let go of what she wanted.

Me: I just... I don't know dad I don't fucking know what to do anymore. I'm trying to comfort her with this I wanna tell her how I really feel about it but I don't wanna hurt her. I love her I still wanna be with her but the whole baby thing just bothers me.

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