chapter 21: Chill

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Chres POV

I decided to take my older Girls bowling, then out to eat Sky, Mya, Danel & Kadice included and tomorrow I'm a take Micah and Miyanni skating then Shopping. Danel ain't said nothing the whole time we been bowling Price told me she been acting lately so I don't know.

Sky: Chresaaaanto!

me: Na'Skyyyyyyyy!

Sky: aye that's federal! 

me: shit my name is to!

Kaprice: y'all stupid *sits on my lap * dadddddd

me: wassup ?

Kaprice: that bitch Danel weird

Me: you peeped that shit to?

Kadice: we all did

Kaevon: hell is your Problem Danel?  you acting shady towards my brother and now you not talking.

Danel: fuck your hoe ass brother

me: don't call my son no hoe.

Danel: fuck you to.

me: lil girl you don't want no problems over here I got 5 daughters right here ready to whoop yo ass.

Mya: yea bitch so calm yo dumb ass down

Danel: get the fuck out my face.

Sky: Ain't nobody in your face bitch. *stands over her* now I'm in your face bitch what's good?

Kaprice: *stands up* Nah Sky I got this, you disrespected my daddy and my little brother? bitch you asking to get yo ass beat.

Danel: *stands*  get out my face Kaprice.

Kaprice: no bitch you got all that mouth back yo shit up.

??: get the fuck out my sister face!

we all look and see Tywon & Price. Price looked like he was bout to beat Danel ass already.

Price: Fuck you getting buck with my sister for?

Danel: the bitches got buck with me first !

Mya: bitch I'll fuck you up!

Mya pushed Tywon who was holding her back and hopped over the chairs sending straight face shots at Danel. Danel slipped and fell back grabbing Mya hair pulling her down Mya started kicking her face.

Mya: let go of my hair bitch!

Sky grabbed Danels hair banging her head on the ground ounhing her in her face. Tywon picked up Sky taking her out the bowling alley while Price picked up Mya and carried her out.


my little baby's won't get the fuck out my bed! or off me period. I don't feel good and these kids are bout to drive me crazy Miyanni laying in my bed Sleep, Micah just talking bout a bunch of nothing Corahns laying on my chest.

Corahn: mommmmmmm

me: Corahn what?

Corahn: mommy you sick?

me: yes

Corahn: I'm a take care of you mommy

I smile and he kisses my cheek getting out my bed he leaves out the room then comes back grabbing my phone.


I felt kisses all over my cheeks and I opened my eyes to see Corahn.

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