Chapter 34• Manic love

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August 10th.

Talia POV

Lately it's just been me, myself, and the girls when it's not Justin's days. I've been staying to myself or hanging out with Jess to keep my emotions at bay. I miss being with justin but i know what i was doing to him was wrong. I treated Justin bad and all he wanted to do is love me and help me through my troubles. I fucked it up though and I'm trying hard to accept that we probably won't ever be together again. Still trying to get over him fucking that bitch but it's truly a Process the more i found out about it. I have been trying to build our friendship back up at least so then we don't have any hostility towards each other and we can still raise the girls together, even if we don't end up together. Going to my dads previous therapist has helped me so much. Dr. Tru makes me a priority no matter what time of the day or night it is, if i call she's running to my rescue to help. She truly adores me and I'm thankful Nanni brought her into my life. I know she still blames herself for my fathers death but it wasn't her fault, i know she tried her hardest but my father was stubborn, didn't want help. She takes me and the girls out with her and her two granddaughters Lacy and Tina who are 3 and 5 almost every weekend. She even offered to take us to Disney world with them, including Justin, Jess, and Cam. I still hadn't ran it by him though but i was today when him and the girls got back. They'd been gone to New York for a week visiting Justin's grandfather and i truly missed them. I was happy for the break to enjoy myself but I'm so ready for them to come home and love and be up under me again. Justin had texted me before they boarded the plane and asked me to pick them up from the airport instead of Jess, which was the original plan but she'd got called into work. I was so excited for them to be home and to give them the news. I know they're going to be so exited.

I stood outside my truck waiting for them to come out the doors Junari and TaSani followed in front of Justin. They dragged their little suitcases we usually put toys and snacks in for them. They seen me and ran towards me dragging the suitcases as best they can. I squatted down opening my arms for them. I hugged them both tight kissing both of them on the cheeks. Junari lifted her wrist which had a gold bracelet on it with a J hanging from it.

Junari: look ma!

Me: i see baby it's pretty, you got one too Sani?

TaSani pouted and shook her head no. I looked up at Justin and he shook his head.

Justin: she said she didn't like it, so i got her a necklace but she don't wanna wear the necklace either.

Me: Stop it TaSani.

She pouted more lifting her arms and i rolled my eyes pushing her arms down. She was so spoiled and could never just go with the flow if it wasn't her flow and i know she got it from me and i hated it. Ju picked her up putting her into her seat since he had already got Junari situated. He shut the door and turned to me he looked me up and down for a second before chuckling and smiling at me. I tilted my head slightly giving him a questioning look. He reached out for my hand and i could feel the cold of the jewelry in the palm of my hand. He pulled me closer to him.

Me: what Justin?

Justin: i love you, and it's just crazy how much i really love you even tho you do a nigga bad.

Me: you still wanna be with me?

Justin: you know I do, we just got some stuff to talk out and work on.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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